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About jh664322

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  1. Hey all. I haven't posted on here in several years, which is when I did my conversion for my 7.62x39. When I did my conversion I got kind of lazy with the front of the gun: the factory fsb was canted and I kept the stock handguard. What I would like to do now is remedy that with a press-on handguard retainer, polymer lower and upper HG w/ gas tube, and a new front gas block and front site base. Problem is, I have been out of this converting game for so long I don't know if the parts I am finding will work. I had my cart full on K-Var and then I realized I didn't know if what I was getting
  2. Yes, I would like to buy someone's OEM 7.62 handguard. Please let me know the condition it is in as well. I use paypal, looking to pay around $10.
  3. Ya know, this is where I got my first one years ago for 275, back when DPH had them for 250. Thanks for the posts everyone.
  4. So should I wait for prices to come down or is that not going to happen, I should buy now?
  5. All I have been able to find are a few around the net for no less than 350 and sometimes around 500 or more! I need another one, already have the parts, so if anyone knows where to get a 7.62 for cheaper than centerfire has them, please let me know. I have searched extensively.
  6. Thats a good question. I love the stock HG but the heat is a problem. Since heat rises, I don't see the use in ventilating the guard from the bottom. The sides couldn't hurt but I think you need something more. There is hardly any room between the guard and the barrel and I think thats the problem. Maybe some kind of RPK style heatsink, like you find on your CPU. I think the problem with the insulation option would be that the heat wouldn't be transferring anywhere; so I guess if you did what you are suggesting you would just be heating up the barrel more, and in theory if it kept the gua
  7. I destroyed my stock handguard for my 7.62 model and....I can't find a replacement anywhere. I haven't found anything in our classifieds, on gunbroker, or anywhere I could find via google. Does anyone know where to get one, or have one to buy?
  8. I need a stock (OEM) saiga x39 handguard, the synthetic grey piece, mine got destroyed. I'm looking for something in the 10ish shipped range, or trades. I have an amd65 lower handguard and a base romy upper and lower hg set (blonde wood). I have assorted other parts, so let me know. I can't find one anywhere, if anyone had one it would be a big help.
  9. Ah Naliolith, didn't realize this one was new in the search results! How hard is it to get the new fsb on a 7.62, will it affect my current 14x1 thread pattern on the first 1 inch of the barrel, how good is the ak74 break and can it be fired with a 7.62 round without modding? Last, is there another easy way to put on a lug?
  10. I have searched and read all the threads on this topic. I bought a (I think) Romanian spike. I have a faux ak-74 brake. When I put the bayonet on, the rear attachment device of the bayonet ends up just behind the stock FSB. I can't weld it here, as it is open barrel, and I don't want the non-authentic look of a bolt on m16 bayonet lug that I convert to fit the Romy spike. I suppose then that I am left with a new FSB. However, since the saiga has 1inch of barrel in front of the FSB already, and mine is threaded, how could I keep my brake and get a new FSB without having to move it rearward
  11. I screwed up my handguard beyond repair, is there any way to buy a new one at a decent price?
  12. yeah, the only foreign parts I am using is what came on the gun, handguard (which counts as 1 part as I have read), and romy mags. I think globaltrades is out of business, can't find my bulgy wood grips anywhere else now.... PS, they will fit right? romy would be ok too
  13. Alright, nearing completion of the hardware, paint and such will come later. These are my american parts: pistol grip stock piston tapco fcg muzzle brake Foreign parts: receiver foreign 30 round mags romanian or bulgarian vented gas tube romanian or bulgarian upper and lower handguard Is my parts count acceptable? Has anyone ordered from http://www.globaltrades.com/ak_parts_general.html ? They have some cheap parts. Also is romanian or bulgarian wood preferred to fit on saiga's or does it not matter? EDIT: looks like globaltrades is out of business, kvar also
  14. akparts.com is coming out the cheapest, but they dont seem to have pistol grip nuts from what I saw (quickly). Either way, this would be dang cheap. Probably less than 400 when all is done. One thing, I don't have any experience with the tapco stocks. out of 10, how are they?
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