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Interview with a former Russian Wolfhound (Police Specialist in and de

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Some of us were not born with enough money or privilege to be "white".

I'm white trash! and society better learn to recognize the difference!


Young skinhead they call you hooligan

Just because you don't make any sense to them

You're a hardworking man whose paid his dues

But they still call you racist on the evening news

But the blood that runs right down your wrist

Don't come from a knife, but the cuts on your fist


Your torn up knuckles and faded blue jeans

Are the colors you wear and the life that you've seen

You tell the truth look people in the eye

Don't live your life in no baggy disguise.


Don't need no gang to watch my ass

Just loyal friendship and a pint of Bass

In the midst of the chaos and insanity

I'm a member of the working class society

We'll sweat in the ring and bleed in the streets

But our will and spirit can never be beat


You can shoot and you can kick but together we'll stick

Through thick and thin not stick or stone

Can break the bond that has here grown

Arm and Arm We Fight As One. ~DKM


Agree with you 100%:-) Though I would preffere a gang to watch my back, I would be more then happy to give my Bass beer to them. I do not drink. have not touched alchohol or drugs for almost 10 years. Hope to continue to avoid that crap. THAT stuff WILL mess ya up good.

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I grew up homeless, Fought, worked and bled on the streets of Detroit.

I have no love for gangs. Saw the singer for the feisty cadavers shot in the face outside a nightclub.

I believe evil is in the individuals soul. not that of organizations.

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Juggie you fuckin rock man!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!!


Tigerclaw you have some serious issues bro. I hope you get some help somehwere. No two cops are exactly alike just like no two gangsta shitholes are...get a grip!

If you don't believe in CCW then that's fine. Open carry is an option, it may make you a target but whatever. All people don't live in the hood.


Juggernaut, you quote the movie in a sence that it was complitely misunderstood. The movie is MAKING FUN OF THAT ENTIRE ATTITUDE!!! The same attitude that you support.


Now, Cobra.

I have no problems with CCW, I am just pointing out to you that you need to have a VERY STABLE psychie to carry it. A person can be perfectly fine, not suffering from any mental problems, however, guess what. He has a hard day at work, and then he gets fired. Some jerk cuts him off in traffic. Birds crap on his car, and when he gets home, his wife starts nagging him and his kids rase a racket and go out of countrol and taunt him "Daddy is a bum" (seen that happen by the way). Some would just walk away. Some would get drunk (also not a good thing when you are packing some heat), and some people would just snap. If you snap and you are packing... guess what...

See what happened when a certain Mr Cho got picked on and some guys in Columbine got picked on. Bunch of bodies. This aspect needs to be addressed. I know myself for example, I have a very hot temper. I rather play it safe. A gun in my car? Yes. A gun in my house? Hell yeah. A gun on me? I dunno. I am a rather confrontational person. Not only would I rather not have a gun on me, I would rather a person whom I am arguing with also not have a gun on him. People are nuts. Comes from living so close to each other and yet not having true friends to talk to (thats why some people go to a social worker, just to have someone to listen to them). I am not sure that the next client who is asking me, that the outlook at our main server should give him access to his emails (while he is not allowed an access to the server himself), won't go nuts and pull a gun on me, next time I explain him the basics of network security and access levels.


Now, as far as cops go. Sure, they are not the same. In fact, I have nothing but respect for Criminal Investigators (Detectives). The problem is this: 1) I am of a mixed heritage (Ukrainian and Georgian), therefore, I don't look too white. I have been mistaken for Jordanian, for Puerto Rican. I have been harrased by cops numerous times, when I was driving home to my folks house when I was back in college:"What are you doing in this area?" "You sure you live here?" "Do you mind if we search your car?". Last time I checked driving an old Nissan Centra was not a crime. Looking Latino/Arabic wasn't a crime too.

I loved it when those cops from the safe white burbs would have 3 squad cars come and stand behind be before even one of them would approach me. What a bunch of cowards. A college student is on his way home from work, or from party, or from whatever. And they pull 3 squad cars just to ask him if he belongs in this neighbourhood (Deerfield Illinois, BTW).

Keith was not a gang member. That didn't stop them. They were not even punished for killing him. It was called "Justifiable". The same way when Chicago cops killed a female Northwestern Student. Yeah, she was black too. It was also ruled "justifiable".


Let me tell you a story. When I was back home, in USSR in Military College, we were taken to the real army maneuvers. Of course, we were assigned secondary roles and posts, we were like 16. It was a huge downpour at night.

We were told to stay in trenches. Two of our guys desided that trench is too cold and wet to sleep in. They got their sleeping bags and decided to sleep under a T-72 that was parked nearby.

At 4AM the tank moved... The guys got killed. The military tribunal had ruled the death of cadets to be a negligence of safety procedure and cleared the tank driver of all charges.


He killed himself a month later, unable to deal with the fact that he killed two youths. His suicide note was filled with remource and he begged forgiveness from the famlies of the cadets and from the cadets themselves. His concience would not be quiet. I do not see american policemen having problems with conciense after killing unarmed people. Not the guy who shot Kieth. Not the guy who shot that girl in Chicago. Not the Ruby Ridge Sniper, not the guys who burned Branch Davidians. Thats Ok. Different country, different values.


My biggest problem is that in USA, may see Policemen and military as some kind of superhuman heroes, without reapproach who can do no wrong. I am convinced that it is different:

they have NO responciblity to resque us (Check out the legality issues), they are armed. They have the power. Power corrupts. Who is watching the watcher? Who is watching over the police? Yet another department of the police.

Who all come from the street and file ranks and have more loyalty to each other then to the rules and laws and regulations. No two cops are alike. True. No two gangstas are alike. True. No two sysadmins are alike. True. However, stereotypes exist for a reason.


Ask yourself to whom the cops serve? Not to us. They are under NO LEGAL OBLIGATION to assist us. Yet, they are a source of revenue for the state. Ask yourself this question. To whom do they serve?

They have the power. The guns, the armor. Ask yourself, does such power not affects those who wield it?


If a cops were responcible to... lets say the State Governor office. If the "police above police" were political appointees... We would see a LOT of oversight and a LOT LESS crimes commited by cops.

I will also direct you to the attack on a female bartender by a cop, attack on a businessmen by a bunch of cops, and another attach by the brother of the cop who attacked a female bartender.

Tigerclaw thank you for not trying to rip me a new one for giving you a piece of my mind. I wish everyone here could take a little constructive criticism...I'm impressed. I'm also impressed with your being as well read as you are. You have obviously spent much time learning. It's too bad so many others have not. Your knowledge of foreign culture, even the Japanese system of honor and duty are admirable. If you apply that knowledge to your actions it can no doubt do a world of good. If you are responsible enough to know that your temper might get you or someone else in trouble if you happen to be packing then that too is VERY admirable and I respect that. Some people...LOTS of people rather...WAY too many people in my opinion are not so careful, and therefor should not carry firearms. That does not mean they should not be "allowed" to carry firearms. Not unless they fauil some kind of test or evaluation that exposes them as dangerous. Unfortunately those fucktarrds get a lot of people killed or maimed every day. But it's not the govt's right to put me in the same class of people. I have a Scotts / Irish background and my temper can get as hot as anyone's in a flash! I have learned many times over not to let it run over to the point where someone gets injured because of it. It just ain't worth the trouble it causes me afterwards. Like that guy who shot those poor kids in the tank for just havin some fun I have deep running family values and honor that supercedes my desire to fuck somebody up just because of something that is temporary. I do trust my own judgement completely. If I have a gun on me then I would use it to smash someone in the face with it or knock them over the head with it before I would point the muzzle at them if they were not threatening me with extreme bodily harm. Like you said earlier, sometimes you get snuck up on by a pro or sometimes it's teamwork but i believe if you have a firearm you are much more prepared than if you don't, it's that simple. If was to "accidentally" shoot an unarmed man who was attacking me I would not be taking a head shot, the fucker will lose his knee or his dick first or take one to the abdomen and probably live to regret attacking me. This would be only if he continued to charge me after knowing there was a gun pointed at him. If things went down worse than that for him then too fuckin bad. He should have thought about that before he picked me as a target. If more street urchins got their dicks blown off it would do two things. One... it would teach the majority of them that they can't just walk up and take what they want from just anyone they choose! And TWO, it would do a lot for our ailing society if those no good pieces of trash could never again spawn another low life trash offspring to grow into the same hateful waste of space as his father and cousins.


I'm not a racist! Don't try and tag me with that. I may be a bigot sometimes but I earned that. I know how people are in my area. I was raised in the South where hatred of the white man is the norm and the majority of blacks are WAY more prejudice than whites here. Same goes for illegals. There is a big difference between a racist and a bigot. Most people either don't have the sense or the patience and understanding to understand the difference.


A racist is like Hitler. A racist believes he or she comes from a "master race" that is genetically BETTER in ALL ways than another race of people, or multiple races, he or she chooses to hate and there are NO exceptions.


A bigot is someone who has formed opinions from experiences with another race or class of people and has rightfully earned the right be wary of them as a group. This is not necessarily based on skin color IMO. It's based on ACTIONS and attitudes."If you want to hate on me based on my skin color, my social standing, or my nationality then FINE"! Don't ask me for ANYTHING and stay the fuck out of my life. I give EVERYONE a chance, no matter what color they are or what language they speak. If they blow that chance then fuckem! I won't waste my time on that shit. There are plenty of good people out there who I will never get the chance to meet, why waste my energy on people who hate me?


I usually try and stay FAR away from any discussion on religion, prejudice, or politics. Too many people feel too srongly about these issues and love to argue their points into the ground and try to change someone elses views. It's just not worth it. People are who they are and they got that way for good reasons. ALL people are different.


I only touched on the racism/ bigotry subject because it sounds to me like the reason you get along better with people in da hood better than the da POlice is because of your skin color and those poor people in the bad neighborhoods are just as much if not WAY more prejudice against the white man, and this is a FACT, I don't care who disagrees with it. I hate it when I see ANYone cater to that train of thought. That is what keeps racism and bigotry alive and kickin and will keep coming between Americans forever! In this country we welcome all races and classes of people to come walk all over us and disrespect our values and our system. I WILL be our downfall if we don't wake the hell up and change something. The whole subject makes me sick and I don't even like to discuss it. :chris:

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Once again. I agree with you, Juggernaut.

However. Organizations are composed from the individuals. In those organizations, only the sneakiest, the most wily individuals rise to the top and to the power. If something is made out of corrupt individuals, it is corrupt by definition. Humans, by the very virtue of having weak spirit and yet free will, will fall onto corruption and vice very quickly and very rapidly. The Classics have written about that in lenght. Including Fredereich Der Grosse.

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Once again. I agree with you, Juggernaut.

However. Organizations are composed from the individuals. In those organizations, only the sneakiest, the most wily individuals rise to the top and to the power. If something is made out of corrupt individuals, it is corrupt by definition. Humans, by the very virtue of having weak spirit and yet free will, will fall onto corruption and vice very quickly and very rapidly. The Classics have written about that in lenght. Including Fredereich Der Grosse.


Well well... we CAN agree on some things.

I have a personal beef with gangs because of the pointless murder of some friends of mine.

Corruption can enter a person's soul even on the street level.


I DO have hope for humanity, and can only hope the good outweighs the bad.

when many corrupt people come together anywhere, there will be trouble.

I have focused much of my life to strengthening my spirit.


Note* I hope NO ONE trys to parallel me to a Nazi skin because of the reference in the song.

Nothing could be further from the truth. A Bootboy....sure! (I/e Scally caps, tattoos, scooters, Hockey ect.)

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Tigerclaw, if you are lonely and feel unaccepted by Americans then stop making blanket statements, being standoffish, pushing controversy, and putting yourself in situations that are likly to be misinterpreted. Personally, the way you have typed on this forum and addressed my friends makes it far less likely that I will ever give a crap about you or your existence. I respect your decision not to drink, drug, or carry a gun on your person since you seem angry and seem to believe that everyone is against you (martyr complex). Since you seem so frustrated and easy to anger in your posts, I would urge you to consider selling whatever weapons you possess. It would likely be the best move you ever made.

Edited by USpride
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Tigerclaw thank you for not trying to rip me a new one for giving you a piece of my mind. I wish everyone here could take a little constructive criticism...I'm impressed. I'm also impressed with your being as well read as you are. You have obviously spent much time learning. It's too bad so many others have not. Your knowledge of foreign culture, even the Japanese system of honor and duty are admirable. If you apply that knowledge to your actions it can no doubt do a world of good. If you are responsible enough to know that your temper might get you or someone else in trouble if you happen to be packing then that too is VERY admirable and I respect that. Some people...LOTS of people rather...WAY too many people in my opinion are not so careful, and therefor should not carry firearms. That does not mean they should not be "allowed" to carry firearms. Not unless they fauil some kind of test or evaluation that exposes them as dangerous. Unfortunately those fucktarrds get a lot of people killed or maimed every day. But it's not the govt's right to put me in the same class of people. I have a Scotts / Irish background and my temper can get as hot as anyone's in a flash! I have learned many times over not to let it run over to the point where someone gets injured because of it. It just ain't worth the trouble it causes me afterwards. Like that guy who shot those poor kids in the tank for just havin some fun I have deep running family values and honor that supercedes my desire to fuck somebody up just because of something that is temporary. I do trust my own judgement completely. If I have a gun on me then I would use it to smash someone in the face with it or knock them over the head with it before I would point the muzzle at them if they were not threatening me with extreme bodily harm. Like you said earlier, sometimes you get snuck up on by a pro or sometimes it's teamwork but i believe if you have a firearm you are much more prepared than if you don't, it's that simple. If was to "accidentally" shoot an unarmed man who was attacking me I would not be taking a head shot, the fucker will lose his knee or his dick first or take one to the abdomen and probably live to regret attacking me. This would be only if he continued to charge me after knowing there was a gun pointed at him. If things went down worse than that for him then too fuckin bad. He should have thought about that before he picked me as a target. If more street urchins got their dicks blown off it would do two things. One... it would teach the majority of them that they can't just walk up and take what they want from just anyone they choose! And TWO, it would do a lot for our ailing society if those no good pieces of trash could never again spawn another low life trash offspring to grow into the same hateful waste of space as his father and cousins.


I'm not a racist! Don't try and tag me with that. I may be a bigot sometimes but I earned that. I know how people are in my area. I was raised in the South where hatred of the white man is the norm and the majority of blacks are WAY more prejudice than whites here. Same goes for illegals. There is a big difference between a racist and a bigot. Most people either don't have the sense or the patience and understanding to understand the difference.


A racist is like Hitler. A racist believes he or she comes from a "master race" that is genetically BETTER in ALL ways than another race of people, or multiple races, he or she chooses to hate and there are NO exceptions.


A bigot is someone who has formed opinions from experiences with another race or class of people and has rightfully earned the right be wary of them as a group. This is not necessarily based on skin color IMO. It's based on ACTIONS and attitudes."If you want to hate on me based on my skin color, my social standing, or my nationality then FINE"! Don't ask me for ANYTHING and stay the fuck out of my life. I give EVERYONE a chance, no matter what color they are or what language they speak. If they blow that chance then fuckem! I won't waste my time on that shit. There are plenty of good people out there who I will never get the chance to meet, why waste my energy on people who hate me?


I usually try and stay FAR away from any discussion on religion, prejudice, or politics. Too many people feel too srongly about these issues and love to argue their points into the ground and try to change someone elses views. It's just not worth it. People are who they are and they got that way for good reasons. ALL people are different.


I only touched on the racism/ bigotry subject because it sounds to me like the reason you get along better with people in da hood better than the da POlice is because of your skin color and those poor people in the bad neighborhoods are just as much if not WAY more prejudice against the white man, and this is a FACT, I don't care who disagrees with it. I hate it when I see ANYone cater to that train of thought. That is what keeps racism and bigotry alive and kickin and will keep coming between Americans forever! In this country we welcome all races and classes of people to come walk all over us and disrespect our values and our system. I WILL be our downfall if we don't wake the hell up and change something. The whole subject makes me sick and I don't even like to discuss it. :chris:


Hello, Sir. While your compliments are very kind, however, I have done nothing deserving a praise. Gods know that I am not the most responcible person in the world. Hense, I try. However, it is no more then all of us are doing, trying to be responsible. Now on to the issues.

1) The driver didn't shoot those Cadets in the tank. They were sleeping under the tank. He ran them over. It still turns my stomach when I recall that picture.

2) I never said that YOU should be forbidden to carry firearm, just because I would not want to. I know my temper. I know how often I end up in a fistfights. I know that having a gun on me at the time is ASKING for trouble.

However, I never presumed to tell YOU what to carry or not:-). I would, however, rather have my opponent in a heated discussion or in a fistfight to be unarmed. Just for my peace of mind:-)

3) I dunno how I would behave in a confrontational situation if a guy was going for a gun. I would not aim at his knee or balls. I would just point the gun at his lower torso, and "walk my shots" up. Like my grandfather taught me.

I would not shoot once. I would shoot 2-3 times. Remember also, that even brandishing a weapon can be considered an aggrivated assault with a deadly weapon. When it is a home intrusion it is more clear. On the street, it is not.

4) I would never EVER tagg you a racist. Not unless I saw you ACTING as a racist. Trust me. I have seen scum, street urchins and lowlife in ALL colors: from white trailor park trash, to black ghetto trash. I see no reason why any of that trash, regardless of color of their skin should propagate. Do not even START me on illegals. Or someone will end up calling me a Nazi:-)

5) WHat most white folks do not get is just HOW PISSED OFF Black folks are at them. Let me give you an example. In Russia, up to this point, the villains are often "german" looking. Even if it is a movie about medeival times, or fantasy style, the enemy always looks "german". Speak in a guttural way. Prides himself on sophistication and culture, utterly ruthless and his weapons and armor are "gothic"looking.

The very same Goblin, when he translated Matrix, turned it into Soviet Armored Train against Nazi Computer that altered reality. When he translated Lord of the Rings, the Nazguls appeared with Ramstein blasting at the background and they talked in german. What is more, in the videogame he made, the Nazguls are dressed in a Waffen SS uniforms and carry a long zweihanders. People LOVE that approach. An enemy that they can recognize easily. Mind you, that is because of a war which we, the Soviets, WON. War in which on the field of battle our losses were compatible with the losses of Germany & their Satellites on Eastern Front, all things considered


Russian still hate Mongolians because they conquered our country 500 years ago. Brits and French hate each other for the same reasons. Irish and Brits remember their old war. N. Ireland stopped being Al Quaeda Jr only few years ago. Chinese and Koreans hate Japanese with passion over what happened in 1930s and 1940s. However, Slavery was VERY recently. It was not a war. it was SLAVERY AND SLAUGHTER. Furthermore, after that, for a long time, blacks were a second class citizens. For a reason of for no reason. They remember that. They tell it to their kids. No black dude will waste his time telling you that. How do I know?

Because I am a blue eyed brothah. Even though my eyes are brown:-). I am well aware about not only historical, but also CULTURAL difference. Think about it. Most anglosaxons are very reserved. Most blacks are very emotional. This shows even in the church. I have been fortunate enough to be accepted in a black church and have gone there for a while.

With each generation the old wounds become even more festered. You have NO IDEA just how much they hate whites. White women are another matter entirely, for them, it is a matter of pride. You held us in slavory, now we are with your women. - Payback time. It is childish. it is at the level of a kindergarden mentality: you hit me, now I stole your toy. I make no excuses for that mentality. it is WRONG. If you think that only blacks remember how whites wronged them (forgetting, however, that it was their own black brothers who sold them in the slavery back in africa), you are wrong. Native Americans NEVER forgot. They hate whites even more. Asians never forgot. Japanese, for example, remember Hiroshima VERY well. I dated a Japanese girl for over a year. Talked with her family enough to know that. And yes, before you ask, I broke off the relationship because her father have requested it, when he saw it was being serious.

Back to the black/white issue. This whole mess is continuing, with blames and resentment. However, considering that not only the guilt trip is working, but the resentment is often mutual, the spiral continues. Diversity, after a certain level is detremental to the society. Only total assimilation will reduce racial tensions: such exists in brazil. Where everyone is so mixed up with each other, you can't figure out who were their parents: white, black, latino or japanese. To stop da hate we must integrate.

Uhh, you do not quite understand what the word RACIST means, and what the world NAZI means. People often mix those up. RACIST believs that his race is superior to other races. NAZI believes that other races should be either subservient or exterminated. Your definition of Bigot, however is correct. You had experiences that made you somewhat prejudice against certain groups. So have mine. Except that I have a dislike of police, FBI, SS, DEA,

ATF etc.

As far as getting along with the guys (and gals) in da hood... It took me a LONG time. I was the only white guy living there for 6 blocks in any direction. I was getting in fights every other night, and those black dudes are tough..

Finally, they figrued out that I am not slumming, that I am as broke as they are. One guy sorta took me under his wing and taught me about the way USA works. It has been over 15 years. I have yet to see the "system" work in a different manner then what he told me. It helped that I am Russian. One of the stereotypes that black folks have of white is that whites are incinsere, unemotional and deceitful. Over the years I have found that sometimes it is true. Not often. Most notisable exception being Italians and Irish. However, it is true often enough. Once again, we go back to cultural differences. Black folks say that "dem white folks ain't got a soul to them. Them can't laugh or cry all the way. always hiding something." Such view is VERY similar to the view that Russians have. This also helped me a LOT in earning a place among them to a degree.

Make no mistake about it. I know well enough that I ain't black enough for black. When my black co-worker told me that "Man, you are one of us. it is a damned shame that you got the wrong color of the skin". I told him that "I am proud of what I am. I do not claim to know what it is to be black in America. I am trying to understand, but I have not grown up with that, therefore I can't understand that." He was impressed for some reason. I make no illusions about being black or white... I ain't white enough for white. My eyes, though narrow, are ain't narrow enough, as Amy's father pointed out to me when he told me "You are a fine young man. You respect our traditions and our ways. You respect them more then some of our young men and women. I would not wish for a better man for my Amy... But you are not Japanese. I never asked you for anything. I opened the doors of my house to you. However, this have become too serious. If you respect our traditions, you know what to do." I bowed to him, said farewell to Amy and never saw them again... I ain't no asian.

Russian immigrants from Russia point out that not only do I obstain from Alchohol, but I also do not go around brag about expensive designer clothes and thick golden chains, and BMW and Mercedies cars then I am not one of them. The jewish immigrants from USSR point out that I am not a jew.


Frankly, just about the only people in USA who have accepted me were the black folks. And no, I don't dress like them, I don't listen to rap. Except for Ice T. And yes, I have been happily married for the last 3 years to a Russian girl. I showed her my old stomping grounds. She got scared. People reconginzed me on the street. She got scared even more...:-)

A bit later a group of bikers/metalheads also accepted me. BTW, one of them is still in jail for killing a known drug dealer. it was an accident... They got into a fist fight and my friend broke the guys windpipe with a punch... Yes, one more friend that I have lost because of the cops.


Now. You should not be hesitant to discuss religion and politics with anyone. Number one. Those are YOUR believes. Are you ashamed of them? Number two. You are an adult man, then you are capable of logical calm discussion.

Number three. Argument and discussion is no more then exchange of facts and opinions. What harm can come of it? Number three. If another party is too immature to understand that people will have differences of opinion, then screw that other party (hopefully not literally). That is another thing that is culturaly different between Europeans and Americans. Europeans will argue about politics and religion until they are blue in the face. Americans will often avoid it. Such avoidance, in some cultures, like Russian and Black and Italian is seen as weakness. Weakness in your own believes and knowledge, and weakness in spirit for escaping a VERBAL disagreement. I want to have an argument, no, actually a DISCUSSION with an educated and informed person. It will educate me, as in the heat of discussion he will share his knowledge with me...


From the argument and discussion, the truth is born. It is not my place to vouch for others, but I can testify to this: I have always listened intently for my opponents points. Learned. Absorbed. Sometimes, I even changed my point of view:-).


I thank you for your open and honest letter. I look forward to many more discussion with such honest coversation partner as yourself.


With All Respects



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Tigerclaw, if you are lonely and feel unaccepted by Americans then stop making blanket statements, being standoffish, pushing controversy, and putting yourself in situations that are likly to be misinterpreted. Personally, the way you have typed on this forum and addressed my friends makes it far less likely that I will ever give a crap about you or your existence. I respect your decision not to drink, drug, or carry a gun on your person since you seem angry and seem to believe that everyone is against you (martyr complex). Since you seem so frustrated and easy to anger in your posts, I would urge you to consider selling whatever weapons you possess. It would likely be the best move you ever made.



I am not lonely. I am going through a second culture shock. I lived in Russia from Jan 2003 to Dec 2005. Got used to living back home. Then my job contract expired and I came back here. Well, I never realised how quickly I forgot the way people in USA are in mentality and culture. So, it is a culture shock now. Made even harder that at my current job I deal much more with highly rude (and often stupid) clients.

Considering that I have good friends, I am not lonely, at least not in the way that most americans are. Not many friends I have., but they are good. I do not care if people care about my existance. Unless I know the person, I do not care much about his existance as well.

As I said before. My opinions have been formed by observation and real life situations. I do not consider that everyone is against me. I consider that everyone is out for himself. That is VERY different.

One is a martyr complex, another is a reality. Better you go down, then me, men. Nothing personal, just business. Always look out for number one and your friends. Money talks, BS walks. That's american way. Isn't it?

I am not frustrated by posts. I am amazed at the ignorance and sycophant tendencies of those posts. Create not an Idol to yourself. Not cops. Not USMC, not military. Not President. Not Congress, not anyone.

I am easy to anger. True. THATS WHY I DON'T DRINK ANYMORE. That's why I choose not to carry a weapon, even if Illinois would have a CCW.

I intend to have a very large arsenal of LEGAL weapons and some ammunition as well. Should SHTF situation arise, I want to be ready and have weapons for me as well as for my family and friends.

Shooting targets is also a great stress release. Like playing videogames, only better:-)

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Tigerclaw, I think you have some great insight to people that may not have been exposed to many of the environments that you have. I have been in some of those environments but not all. I too recently lost a friend due to a complete bs police encounter and have other 2 friends sitting in jail for god knows how long because of the same incident. Any other night I would have been in the car with them but I just happened to have left the city a mere hour earlier.


You are correct also that police do not have a legal obligation to protect us. Power does breed corruption and corruption is rampant in our federal government.

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Tigerclaw, I think you have some great insight to people that may not have been exposed to many of the environments that you have. I have been in some of those environments but not all. I too recently lost a friend due to a complete bs police encounter and have other 2 friends sitting in jail for god knows how long because of the same incident. Any other night I would have been in the car with them but I just happened to have left the city a mere hour earlier.


You are correct also that police do not have a legal obligation to protect us. Power does breed corruption and corruption is rampant in our federal government.


Thank you. I have been wonderign around since the fall of USSR. Austria, Italy, USA, Canada, Russia, USA. I watch. I observe, I learn. One thing I learned is that cops are the same everywhere, as are the governments.

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Tigerclaw, I think you have some great insight to people that may not have been exposed to many of the environments that you have. I have been in some of those environments but not all. I too recently lost a friend due to a complete bs police encounter and have other 2 friends sitting in jail for god knows how long because of the same incident. Any other night I would have been in the car with them but I just happened to have left the city a mere hour earlier.


You are correct also that police do not have a legal obligation to protect us. Power does breed corruption and corruption is rampant in our federal government.


Thank you. I have been wonderign around since the fall of USSR. Austria, Italy, USA, Canada, Russia, USA. I watch. I observe, I learn. One thing I learned is that cops are the same everywhere, as are the governments.


I had figured as much but I haven't done enough world traveling to know first hand. Thanks for the info.

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