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Cobra 76 two

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Cobra 76 two last won the day on August 28 2018

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2,677 Excellent

About Cobra 76 two

  • Rank
    Custom Parts and Parts Service
  • Birthday 08/31/1965

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  • Location
    North Carolina
  • Interests
    Shooting and working on firearms, especially Kalashnikovs.

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  1. Wow the ancient ones being summoned huh? Howdy old brothers! I'm still around and still doing top quality work on S-12, Vepr, and AK action components. I check PMs and lurk occasionally, sometimes make a comment or reply.... Hell I figured I'd lay off posting for awhile since even though I haven't much in years, my post count is still thousands above the next runner up I think...lol. Was last time I checked anyway. Yup still alive and well...somehow...
  2. Yep I'm still here. Sorry for the long silence I haven't even logged in here since last year sometime. Got behind on work due to some major catastrophes on the home front, so I decided to stop posting anything, anywhere online, until I could get things worked out here and get all my work caught up. Glad to say now that all is good, my backlogged work is completely CLEARED and SHIPPED (as of last week) , and I'm BACK! I'm doing some of the best work I've ever done! ...and with MUCH faster turn around times, so get in touch if you need your Saiga or Vepr running much better! I'll be po
  3. Well I checked my email records and sent one email to a guy named Parker I did some work for 4 yrs ago. He already answered back and looks like it's not him. Only other Parker was an SBS's bolt job another year. Tried to help anyway... At first glance it sounds to me like he needs to test the gun with all original gas system parts, and if it's been converted make sure the hammer was done correctly. Also with only 3 ports large enough to "stick a paper clip in..."...that's normally not enough to cycle low brass well, but it should still cycle buck and slugs. Oh well good luck.
  4. I'm so very sorry for your loss JDeko. Hits close to home as I just found out my own Dad has seriously advanced lung cancer now and was just given about a 10% survival rating even with Chemo and Radiation. Cancer is such a horrible thing... Anyway I'm sorry he sounds like a great man and a great father.
  5. Wow Patrick thanks brother I appreciate the kind words and trust. I can guarantee you the work done will be second to none and your shotgun will run smoother and better. Looking forward to your email and happy to help with any questions you have about your Saiga. Shannon
  6. Yes I'm definitely still at it and currently turning out some of the best work I've done. Sorry for my absence from the boards and my facebook biz page... there's been good reasons. There was a huge backlog, some of which were jobs pauly didn't finish that are still filtering through here. There were also a few very serious issues at home last year, on top of an already full workload, which cost me dearly in available shop time and ability to focus. Of course the worst thing was the fact my former girlfriend of 9 years, business partner here at Cobra's Custom, best friend, and forum memb
  7. I really appreciate it guys. I'm sorry I've not been back here yet to respond, I haven't done much of anything at home even til yesterday...these past days have been extremely hard. We all really thought she would be able to kick that shit in the teeth the same way she helped me do, and same way she did every other thing that came up against her, her whole life. She was actually making progress and we thought after she had to have the trach tube surgery (something she has been firmly against ever having to live with and this going back many years as a smoker...) that things would turn aro
  8. Thanks for the kind words Squeaky Sandi will be sorely missed by so many people. Family's really struggling still to come to grips and every holiday from now own is going to be rough for sure. I surely understand what you're saying about seeing it all from the other side man. I can't even imagine what that has to be like all the time but especially over the holidays. Thank you for all the work you do and the good you guys all do.
  9. Hey guys. It is with very heavy heart I come to share the news that one of our older members, my best friend, business partner here, and my former everything, has lost her intense battle with the evil cancer she's been fighting tooth and nail since she was diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Feb of 2015. In 2009 I was diagnosed with the exact same thing at a high stage 3 level. In my throat the same as her... Through her strength, courage and help along with some of the best doctors and modern medicine, I was luckily able to win my long battle. There's a long thread about it somewhe
  10. Looks awesome man! Still enjoying turkey breast sammiches here from the one I smoked for Thanksgiving. The Carolina Reapers from the garden really added a nice spice to the flavor the smoke, the apple, and my custom rub imparted. For a smoked bird it was especially aesthetically pleasing I thought lol!
  11. PM sent brother nice hearing back from ya.
  12. Nice work as always Chile! Gotta try this one myself using all fresh venison with my home made venison sausage. Yum. You workin' on that cookbook yet bro? E-books have actually gotten very easy to do I've a buddy with one out.
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