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Ditto my friend. I'll be calling Maude later today. I'll tell her you said hi. I thought about Dave today when we were down at the range with another fellow member on his first visit. (mavrick160) Dave really used to enjoy coming over with his Saiga 410 and his Carcanos. In fact I thought about him yesterday too while watching something about Lee Harvey Oswald on the History Channel. He had the same carbine as Dave.


God bless my buddy.

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Happy Birthday my friend. I sure miss your visits. I know you're looking down at us so enjoy the sights later on. Cobra and I are planning on shooting his 410 just for you.


Yep! Also went to Burger King for lunch and had his favorite cheeseburgers in his honor. He had a thing for those doublestackers! Used to buy me lunch there sometimes in exchange for range time. I always told him I would get it myself and he didn't have to pay me to come shoot here, but he insisted. Dave was awesome. A real superb friend. When his doc told him to stop eatin those greasebombs, he switched to bringing us a different kind of imported beer every time he showed up. I'm heading up to the store in a little while to pick up some Guiness to have with dinner.





I also thought it was rather fitting that my long awaited, final run MD Arms drum showed up today on his B Day! Dave was very familiar with all the hoopla about these things. We talked a lot about them. He was even here the day that Sgt Mike came out and brought the wraithfaker for us to put through the paces with all my guns and his.

I'll have to see if I can find his post about that day....he was not bashing them like everyone else but was honest and upfront in his observations....like always.



Rest easy my man. :clover:

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:smoke: Ahhh found it!


David we miss your cool stories, your good friendship, and the forum misses your dry wit and intelligent words.


This is from Oct 25th, 2007.......





"I actually got to see a Wraith Maker in action. Had neither seen one before nor had I weighed in on any discussions either pro or con about it but had been waiting to actually see the real item. Here are my observations.


1 -- Construction seemed decent.


2 -- Watched the Wraith Maker used in 3 different S-12's. The very first drum load had 5 stoppages. It appears to hang onto the rounds too tightly, causing them to fail to fully seat and thus causing stoppages. Every drum load had a minimum of 2 stoppages. More than one brand of ammo was used -- all brands exhibited similar stoppages.


3 -- Also used (for comparison purposes) were the AGP mags. I have heard some criticism of AGP mags but what I witnessed was absolutely flawless functioning of the AGP mags -- no stoppages of any kind. The rate of sustained fire was much higher with the 10-rd AGP mags than with the Wraith Maker due to the lack of stoppages and the absolute reliability demonstrated by the mags from AGP.


4 -- From a tactical viewpoint, I have one concern with the Wraith Maker (aside from its problematic feeding). That is the open areas spaced around the drum. My personal training and experience was with the Thompson submachine gun which was our department's automatic weapon when I was in police work. The drum was closed off in the front, back and all around the sides. The drums I have seen that were designed for the RPK light machine gun was similarly closed off in the front, back and all around the sides. There was a reason for this in both cases -- to keep dirt, mud, sand, twigs and other debris from getting into the drum and causing it to jam. Never have I before seen a drum with open spaces built into it. If this is to enable the gunner to visually check the number of rounds remaining, why not close off those open portions and put an acrylic (or other form of transparent plastic) cover on the back of the drum. No more open -- no chance of jams caused by dirt, mud, sand, twigs and other debris. If I am to trust my life in a SHTF situation, I would want that insurance against unnecessary jamming.


Those are my observations of the Wraith Maker in action. I think it has potential. However, there are some issues that need to be addressed in order for it to be truly ready for the market as a tactical sub-system.


Right now, however, based on what I saw, I would more likely rely on 3 or 4 AGP mags than on a Wraith Maker drum."

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