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So we are Yankee Dog Imperialists, huh? Well then screw all trade agreements and foreign aid. The world wants our cash............and nothing more. We can use it here to balance the budget and re-invest in domestic manufacturing, jobs and independence from foreign sourcing. And let's not forget national security.


While we are at it let's send Fox back all his illegals. We are the only nation in the world that pays other countries to make us a punching bag. Let the UN take care of them after their friggin natural disasters or whatever. After all what else does the UN exist for but to pocket skim money.






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Wolverine, I think your economics are confused. But that's understandable given the level of reporting these days.


First off, "illegal" aliens are a benefit to our economy. The argument for sending them back is one of support for the welfare state. IF you want a welfare state and socialized medicine, etc, then border control makes some sort of sense. Otherwise, it doesn't.


Secondly, exporting dollars and not hard goods like computers is a problem for us. We are expecting other countries to take our dollars and hold onto them and keep them out of circulation. Foriegn central banks have been doing that, and the dollar has remained relatively strong because of it. But this has been essentially them loaning us money... since we import so much and export so little.


What other countries in the americas want is free trade, not the "free trade" agreement. The "free trade" agreement does not allow free trade, its a set of tarrifs and regulations that have been put together and called free trade to sell it to the gullible public.


Chavez is an evil dictatorial idiot. But the US has well earned its reputation for meddling in other countries affairs.


Edit to add: The greatest threat to the US right now comes from the massively inflationary monetary policy we've had since the Reagan days. Under reagan inflation was %5. Tax and spend clinton raised it to %7. Tax and spend Bush raised it to %12-%15. That is to say ,every year they print so much money that hte money supply grows by %12-15. Since the US economy is growing at only %1 or so, and the exports are not growing that much, we're expecting foriegn companies to take this quickly depreciating greenbacks in order to keep doing business with us.


IF these forieng banks stop being generous, and stop holding dollars in reserve, then all that pent up inflation-- 20 years of it, plus the last 5 years of rediculous inflation will come back to haunt us.


The dollar will go into hyperinflation and we'll make arentina look like a non-inflationary country.

Edited by NoTreason4
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Thank you for your view on economics. I see your perception is as skewed on this subject as it is on politics, Iraq and felons.


I wouldn't hold out much hope of the Libertarian party winning any significant elections anytime soon. Most Americans have real problems trying to reconcile both extreme right wing conservative and ultra liberal positions under one descriptive party label.


But then, you are entitled to your opinion.


Wolverine :smoke:

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Here's an idea, lets use Mexico's internal immigration policies on THEIR nationals in OUR country. It's only fair, right?



Yeah I know it's long, but if my publicly edjumacated ass can read through it, you can too.


And before I see anything about being "anti-immigration", shove it. I have no problem with people entering this country legally. I do have a problem with countries encouraging their nationals to leave and cross our border illegaly so that they don't have to fix the problems in the originating country.

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The Libertarian party need's to reorginize with a new name. Lyndon Larush (or however it is spelled) left a lasting perception of the party as a whole , as being to the far side of the lunatic fringe. With better P.R. and a new name-along with a clear and concise message there might be hope.

The voters are disgusted with the total lack of ethics that plauges the leadership of both the repugnicans and democruds.

The disreguard that the major parties show for American justice and fairplay is totally DISGUSTING!

One party wants to throw out the 2nd ammendment, the other wants to throw out the other 9! Neither party has any reguard for the rights of the people.


To stop Imperial ambitions of the uber rich who feel it is their right to rule, the standing army was to be too small to support "foreign adventurism". In case of need for self defence, the MILITIA would be called to serve. Militia is totally volunteer, with extremely short commitments. If the people do not support the military action-it should die a natural death. If you support the military action --volunteer. If not--vote with your feet,like "W" did in the VietNam war.


Only armed citizens (militia) can have any hope of being governed. Unarmed subjects will always be ruled.


My $.02!



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