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Best brand of magazine?

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Guys on here are probably starting to think I work for Legion with how often I end up posting these, but these are the best...





In my eyes, it's a toss up between AGP & SGM for 2nd place for stick mags.

The AGP mags seem to load more easily on a closed bolt, but the SGM mags strike me as being a little more robust.  I've never broken either of them, so get a few of each and see which you like more.   The 10 round AGPs aren't overly bulky, but the 12 round SGM are pushing it.    


You can get SGM & AGP mags on this site and support the forum...



Also, any self respecting Saiga 12 owner should have at least one MD Arms 20 round drum, if only for amusing yourself and friends.

The 5 round Korean Keep Shooting magazines are also very cheap and work great.


Get 6-12 of the cheap mags in a variety of AGP, SGM & Keep Shooting to beat up at the range, an MD-20 for bliss purposes, and as many of the Izhmash 8 rounders as you can afford.  If all you have is a promag and $100, you're probably best served with $100 worth of AGP/SGM/Keep Shooting.    If you have $200, I'd go with 1 Izhmash and the rest towards cheaper mags.


P.S.  Make sure you have the proper U.S. parts count before using foreign magazines.




Side Note:  Depending on your shotgun, you may have to file to fit any of the mags listed above.

Don't get me wrong, that Promag is at the bottom of the heap in terms of quality, but the fact that it doesn't lock in is not the issue.


These instructions are for the MD20, but hold true for all magazines...






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If I get the AGP/SGM mags do you still have to file them?

Because this sucks I'm pretty sure that I just killed this one.

No more Promags for me.


It does suck that you killed the Promag, but realistically you probably just saved yourself some headaches in the future.

When you're fitting your new magazines, use a hand file..not a dremel, and check for fitment every few strokes.


Also remember to keep forward pressure (toward the muzzle) when rocking the magazine in.   Even my factory 5 rounder won't lock in on a closed bolt if I am pulling backwards on during seating.   If you're not aware of this, you can end up removing more material than necessary trying to get them to fit.   


You can pick up a couple of Keep Shooting mags to practice on before working over the more expensive magazines.

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It seems to me that I have to make the notch in the back skinnier as well as shaving it down I got it so it will go up into the mag well now but no much material left for the notch and the mag release still doesn't click?

I did use a hand file my dremel is at work I'll post some pics of what I mean in a bit

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Hey I got it I did make the notch skinnier but I also had to file the raised ridges on the sides of the mag as well.

I don't know how well it'll function but I'm glad I got to practice on a cheaper mag before I got one of the more expensive ones.

I would have rather used my dremel though I have a delicate touch with one and I could be more accurate in what I was doing.

Next time


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