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Long Shot

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Everything posted by Long Shot

  1. Funny, because all of those things you mention are in one way or another both regulated AND subsidized by the government. Funny you didn't answer the question, You prefer what form of economic system? What form of Government? All those thing happened in spite of Government regulation not because of it.
  2. You are out of your mind I'm sorry, which part of it is incorrect? When an American entrepreneur and his corporation make a product, it's made right here in the good ol' USA, right? I forgot about that factory out in Cleveland where good ol' workin' man gets paid $20/hr to assemble the new iPhone while his wife stays at home making tuna casserole for dinner. Or do the rare Earth minerals come from child laborers in Congo with no shoes or hard hats? Do the assembly workers in China not get paid less than $1/day and live in dormitories? Did Foxconn not install anti-suicide nets becau
  3. Got it. I'll grab a flat rate USPS dillio tomorrow. They was closed for GW's birthday today. Just pay it forward when you find yourself with something someone else coud use.
  4. O'l bloomer with all his F'd up true beliefs jumping in would be swell. He'd siphon off votes from the F'd up true believers and give the election away. The F'd up DemonCunts wouldn't know wich way to turn.
  5. I got a couple of em layin in the parts drawer. Pm me your address, I'll send one your way. I like the auto plug.
  6. Pit trap. As long as there are no rhinos around to fill it up first.
  7. Maybe where the twisted idea came from, check out the article linked in the OP.
  8. There ya go again, using logic and reason against an argument based in emotion. In reality the same logic applies to all restrictions on 2A. If logic were to prevail all infringements would be abolished.
  9. As I understand It, it cost More than they bring in to process the $200.00 tax stamp. Not that "revenue positive" is a consideration or even part of the vocabulary any .gov agency.
  10. One thing we know for sure because of this incident, A corrupt government will have plenty of cheerleaders as long as a complicit media is there to provide people with an opinion.
  11. 92 of em huh? That's a lot of TAR & FEATHERS plus Nearly a whole unit of 4x6s for rails. Well on the bright side, when Hildabeast gets indicted Bloomberg plans to swoop in and buy the Oval Office for himself. So....... we got that going for us.
  12. Does it come with a Krummlauf attachment or is that sold seperately?
  13. http://forum.saiga-12.com/index.php?/topic/98450-sko-shotgun/
  14. REDONKULOUS ! Like to see slo mo barrel whip on that Behemoth.
  15. Wouldn't it be great if the only available photograph of Hilldabeast was of her standing on the gallows? Ya know, just before her platform collapsed?
  16. With all the moozies operating inside the state department it not all that surprising they would have "authentic" fake passports.
  17. http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/01/09/2736678/
  18. I'll put this on my list of things that I trust more than Hillary Cankles.
  19. Now that they have the attention, an articulate and convincing spokesperson to convey the message is crucial for their cause. Seems to be a missing piece of the puzzle for these guys. Outward appearance to the uninformed is still a bunch of disgruntled, backwoods yokels with scarwy guns.
  20. Dear Santa; Feel free to leave a dozen s12 magazines under my tree. I've been very good this year but my wife spent all our money on useless junk again. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
  21. She's the kind of person who, when faced with the problem of: not being able to find a knife to cut herself with, came up with the solution: bust out a window and make a knife out of glass. Sound like a good old fashioned lobotomy would be appropriate. I know a couple candidates for the procedure as well.
  22. >>BTW, how the fuck do you have a 33 year old principal? << Clearly she excels at indoctrination techniques. Commies like that shit.
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