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Everything posted by chewtoy

  1. At Rifle Gear in So. Cal They will install bullet buttons. http://www.riflegear.com/p-1902-saiga-12-pistol-grip-shotgun-wquad-rail-sgl12-09.aspx Also a bunch of VEPR rifles. They are flying off the shelves.
  2. As a fellow Californian, I gotta say that there is no way in Hell the gun laws here will get less restrictive. Too many idiots that just want to feel good about themselves, and work very hard to keep away from anything that doesn't conform to their worldview of unicorns and rainbows. I support the CRPA, but otherwise keep my head down.
  3. Atlantic, CSS, Mach1 all seem to have a few, as they are bidding them out on gunbroker getting up to 1700+ from what I have seen. If that's true, then we're fresh out of good guys. (sigh)
  4. What's annoying to me is that AofA seems to be getting the VEPRs and straight shooters like Atlantic Firearms are not. Unless neither actually has the shotguns, and AofA is just taking orders for something they don't have and won't get.
  5. Yeah, when someone leads with how Christian they are, my BS detector goes off.
  6. Just wanted to post that when I mentioned Atlantic Firearms to my local dealer, they responded that Atlantic has been very easy to work with and they like working with them. For what it's worth.
  7. Hi, Been wanting a Saiga for at least two years. Now, well, you know the story. If someone can direct me to a seller who can ship to ca California FFL, I'd be grateful. Thanks!
  8. Did you catch the price on them? I wouldn't mind knowing that either. I do have a question though, if anyone knows....would a place like this be able to sell you a gun over the phone, and send it to a local gun shop? I know that's what happens with online sales, but I'm not sure if a store would do the same thing. I'd be interested as well. But the Fleet Farm site says 'in stores only'. Darn.
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