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Everything posted by Koliadko

  1. I am a single mother with a child with a father that doesn't think he owes child support. I work in the green field (agriculture) so I don't make alot. But I came up the money to donate to this forum. Why can't y'all?
  2. Sorry, didn't mean to offend. I understand what you're saying. I just check most everything through SNOPES before I comment.
  3. One of the many reasons I like Shannon. He has great taste in friends. Great article.
  4. We weren't lied to. First off, just because we didn't find WMD in the numbers that we thought, doesn't mean he didn't have them. The dumbass UN inspectors said he did. Where'd they go? Syria? Secondly, WMD is but one of many reasons Bush gave for the war on terror. You can't be for the troops and against the war. The troops are FOR the war. They believe what they are doing is right. They are and I tell them every chance I get.
  5. I'm sorry but that's just BS. When Saddam was pissing down our backs and telling US it was raining and 9/11 was fresh in our minds well over 80% of the American people were behind this war. The mission must be supported until victory. At least half of my fellow Americans can go fuck themselves for withdrawing their support for the war and for undermining the troops and their CIC. I don't know that starting violence is the answer but the day one of those MFers tries to block my vehicle will be the day my vehicle drives over the sorry son of a whore. The day they start rioting... it's on.
  6. Yeah, LOL, but what flavor? Do we have a consensus here?
  7. Sorry, I was talking to Cobra. Didn't mean to get you into trouble!!!
  8. I was getting ready to comment but thought I ought to see if someone said the same thing. We all, each state, have two Senators. House Representatives are based on population. My two Senators agree with me. Unfortunately, my representative doesn't. David Price. He sends these form letters back when I write him telling me how wrong I am.
  9. This isn't entirely correct. I have a friend that was injured in the rescue attempt. Please tell me you're not an apologist for Jimmah. I do believe he will go down on the books as one of the worst presidents we've ever had. In recent history, at least. Time will tell.
  10. It's real. http://www.snopes.com/photos/military/ussnewyork.asp
  11. Burning a flag isn't speech. It's an action. And it isn't in the Constitution. The Supreme Court may have inturpreted it that way but they're human. Human's make mistakes. It's just one we have to live with. Wonder why they don't think burning a cross in someone's yard isn't fredom of speech.
  12. I guess if it comes down to it and there is something negative posted, I could see your point. But my son has a friend serving overseas now and I don't think he would have a problem with what has been written by memebers so far. I don't purpose to speak for him but I have a pretty good idea how he feels. Y'all would too if you wrote him. I posted his email address. He would love to know that we all feel the same way about this country as he does.
  13. Not sure why you'd say that. This is freedom of speech no one here is advocating burning our flag. Just an open discussion. I understand how you feel about it though.
  14. I guess it's safe to say that if any of us catch someone burning our flag, somone ain't gonna walk away happy. And that won't be one of us.
  15. Too many people confuse freedom of speech for a right to be heard. Wrong. You can say whatever you what but I don't have to listen. Your right to speak ends where my right to walk away begins. And there is no speech involved in burning the flag. You're burning everything America stands for and it just irritates me to no end. Sorry, it's just really a sore point with me. You KNOW we are on the same page with that one. I signed up and was willing to give my life for all Americans regardless of their beliefs. I just wish "they" would respect in what I believe in as much as I try to
  16. Too many people confuse freedom of speech for a right to be heard. Wrong. You can say whatever you what but I don't have to listen. Your right to speak ends where my right to walk away begins. And there is no speech involved in burning the flag. You're burning everything America stands for and it just irritates me to no end. Sorry, it's just really a sore point with me.
  17. It didn't work witht the profile. Just the thread. And better than what?
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