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Disney Readily Violates the Second Amendment

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Disney Readily Violates the Second Amendment


Wednesday, September 26, 2007


While the Walt Disney Company will immediately fire employees who have a legal firearm unloaded, cased, and locked in their private vehicles while parked on publicly accessible company property, Disney is not firing one of its employees who was recently arrested by the FBI on child-pornography charges.




Page 8A





Police: Disney worker arrested on child-porn charges:


ORLANDO --- A worker at Walt Disney World was arrested late Thursday on child-porn charges, according to police. FBI agents arrested Disney food service worker Tony Guerra in Central Florida on Thursday after an investigation. Guerra was put on unpaid leave until the case against him is resolved.

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Disney Readily Violates the Second Amendment


Wednesday, September 26, 2007


While the Walt Disney Company will immediately fire employees who have a legal firearm unloaded, cased, and locked in their private vehicles while parked on publicly accessible company property, Disney is not firing one of its employees who was recently arrested by the FBI on child-pornography charges.




Page 8A





Police: Disney worker arrested on child-porn charges:


ORLANDO --- A worker at Walt Disney World was arrested late Thursday on child-porn charges, according to police. FBI agents arrested Disney food service worker Tony Guerra in Central Florida on Thursday after an investigation. Guerra was put on unpaid leave until the case against him is resolved.



Disney's integrity died with Walt.

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American Rifleman had an article about another company doing the exact same thing. It's completely illegal, I have no idea how they can get away with that.



Also, at some point in my life I'm going to be arrested for possesion of heroin or child pornography or whatever the cops have on hand to plant on me. So for the guy that got 'arrested' they shouldn't do anything until he is convicted.

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Sorry if this is offensive to some. I don't mean it to be. When I was living in Orlando the Disney folks/gay community was a seperate intentity from the downtown party crowd. Disney relies on families for business. If you had a business that catered to children and were a money whore; who woud you take down first? The terroist with the gun or the person with kiddie pictures? Disney is another sellout.

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I've got to call B.S. on this one, fellas.


Disney cannot violate your constitutional rights. Only the government, or an agent of the government, can violate your constitutional rights. A foreign government, Diana Ross, Universal Studios, or Mickey Mouse cannot violate your rights.


Disney's internal policies may be stupid, unfair, absurd, and/or offensive but that's their prerogative. It's their property to do with as they see fit. I don't agree with it, but I cannot see how the issue of constitutional rights gets involved with something like this.

Our best course of action, as gun owners, is to spread the word and choose not to spend our money on Disney or Disney products. That company has been in decline for 15 years now anyway.


If true, the issue with child pornography is disturbing but we shouldn't cloud the issue.

Edited by lelandeod
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I've got to call B.S. on this one, fellas.


Disney cannot violate your constitutional rights. Only the government, or an agent of the government, can violate your constitutional rights. A foreign government, Diana Ross, Universal Studios, or Mickey Mouse cannot violate your rights.


Disney's internal policies may be stupid, unfair, absurd, and/or offensive but that's their prerogative. It's their property to do with as they see fit. I don't agree with it, but I cannot see how the issue of constitutional rights gets involved with something like this.

Our best course of action, as gun owners, is to spread the word and choose not to spend our money on Disney or Disney products. That company has been in decline for 15 years now anyway.


If true, the issue with child pornography is disturbing but we shouldn't cloud the issue.



As much as i hate what Disney is doing, Lelandeod is exactly right....company policy can always be more strict than federal, just as state law can be more strict than federal. As a private employer they have the right to set up whatever weapons policy they wish. It does make you sick though to see that a child pornographer gets more due process from management than a person who has broken no law, but innocently violates company policy.

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I would respectfully disagree. It is legal for Disney or any company to violate your Constitutional rights because they are a protection from government. True enough, but the fact remains that even though it is legal for a company to violate those rights, they still have been violated. JMHO Feel free to disagree, but that is my story and I'm sticking with it. :)



edit: leagel to legal :blush:

Edited by 1911
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i think most companies have policy like this, i know mine does, technically i could be fired on any day for the CRKT knife i carry on my belt, it violates weapons policy, but no-one enforces that, should i show up one day with Mr Ruger strapped on my hip i would fully expect to be either arrested or fired, or more likely both. But i also knowingly accepted their conditions at hire, so really i agreed to their policy, as i'm sure the disney worker did as well......but probably figured no one would ever know or check....sucks that they are so damn anal about it.........


personally if it happened to me i wouldn't even think to bitch about second ammendment because company policy can do whatever they want so long as you agree to it!


Don't think he ever shows up over here, but a guy named FlaChef over on SteyrClub talked about this a while back, he works on Disney grounds......Pretty sure (Jim) Navy87 knows of him as well......

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It sickens me to see my children watching the Disney Channel with their trash programming. Disney used to be family oriented but today it no longer is. Their shows have teenage girls acting like sluts while boys act like emasculated idiots. Unfortunately, this is not the first time that I hear about Disney hiring pedophiles and homosexuals to write their stories in the last 15 years, some with criminal records.


In the 1960 movie The Parent Trap they show Brian Keith with a rifle scabbard on his Jeep with a rifle but the 1990s version the movie shows emasculated Dennis Quaid with no rifle to be seen.


Disneyland in Anaheim also eliminated the air rifles from the fort in the western part of the park as their 'political correctness' in 1993 because they wanted to get rid of the 'gun mentality' which made this country great.

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