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I need find a better solution for containing ejected brass at the range. I hate chasing down all the spent brass and sometimes they're bouncing off the wall and pelting the guy in the booth to my LEFT! :o I'm currently using one of those mesh nets that look like a fishing net mounted on a base, but it only works well on the bench. There's a screw hole for a tripod, but that's a bit of work just to get setup. Does anyone have any experience with the brass catchers that attaches on like the pic below? I notice it might interfere with a UTG scope mount. Any opinions/ ideas?


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I wanna say Juggs has one. I think that's how I found out about that specific one you posted. Try PMing him.


Edited: I was right, check out this thread - http://forum.saiga-12.com/index.php?showtopic=19228&hl= . Juggs says he has a few and likes 'em.

Edited by 22_Shooter
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I need one myself, but Im going with something a bit different. A screen cage that stands on a bench. why? because thats all I plan to reload, are rounds that I would be aiming from a bench, and I dont like stuff that isnt part of shooting the gun, hanging off of the gun....

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Good product! If you get one for an SKS or something, you may want to add some felt stickys to keep from scratching wood.... Just FYI!

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I used to have one like the one pictured above. It worked great for a 30-round mag, but would not hold a drums worth of brass. It worked good. I wish it was still around, and have no idea what happened to it. The ex probably chucked it... I think I paid $25 for it in about 1996.

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I notice it might interfere with a UTG scope mount. Any opinions/ ideas?


How do you get to the charging handle?? That would be my concern.



you don't...... need to snap on and off in between mags.

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I notice it might interfere with a UTG scope mount. Any opinions/ ideas?


How do you get to the charging handle?? That would be my concern.



you don't...... need to snap on and off in between mags.


Well that sucks. I'd just assume pick up my brass then since I usully shoot standing on concrete.



It is probably not the best thing if your rifle has reliability issues that require manual clearing.


I hope no one's Kalashnikov has reliability issues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not that this will work for everyone, but at my range the firing line is covered and the ceiling is basically chicken wire loaded with fiberglass insulation to keep the birds from nesting up in the and shitting all over the place.....very effective actually.....


so as to brass catchers, what i have come up with the a large piece of shade cloth, with three sections of dowel stapled/glued to it, spaced evenly and running vertically, each dowel has a small wall hook in the end. This allows me to create a temprary wall next my shooting site by hanging the shade cloth from the chicken wire mesh up top.


I shoot, brass flies to the right, hits cloth wall, drops to the ground right there. Windy days it is not so great, but i think i can weight the bottom down a bit with something.....have thought about building on with a catch pocket at the bottom.....brass would fall right into it....i think....


work in progress as they say.

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