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Conveted Saiga range report, sorta

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I took my conveted Saiga to the range yesterday, along with my FAL. I am getting to the point where it will be one gun per trip because I am sick of cleaning these things. I went to the plinking range and set up some backstops at 25yds. I have never actually shot at paper with the Saiga. Sheesh, it was all over the place. I would have to say I was lucky to get a 3" group at that distance. I don't have a fancy rifle vise, but use a front sand bag rest and a little bag to set the heel on for a reference. I had to adjust the windage a bit, but after 40 rds it still was all over. I didn't even bother to pull it back out at the 100yd range. Makes my FAL seem like a match gun though. Right now I can honestly say that the best shooting gun I own is my 59/66, followed closely by my Polish M44. I didn't expect a tack driver with the Saiga, but I was surprised that 25yds seemed to be a challenge. I am just glad the pumpkins I shot on it's first outing were fairly large. Anyone else find similar results?

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Wow, actually I found just the opposite. My saiga was shooting in the score zone on silloette targets at 50 yards with open sights right outa the box. Since then I tossed off the rear sight and have been shooting 50-100 yard shoot-n-see targets through a 3-9x50mm simmons. At 50 yards most of my holes are touching. I poke out smilie faces on my buddies silloette targets at the range after my bull gets all cut out. On my M59/66 I can group 3 or 4 but after it warms up, it'll blow out 1 out of five off the paper every time. I dont know if it matters but I have the model that necks the shells when fireing them. At 100 yards I am noticing very little bullet drop and accuracy that (to me) is satisfying.

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What kind of ammo were you shooting through the Saiga?


If you did the conversion is it possible the barrel may have gotten twisted when you were working on the receiver?


Or is the FSB canted?


Just some thoughts that ranthrough my head.



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I don't think I put any undue stress on any part during the conversion, and there may be a slight cant to the FSB but it is not extreme, nor is the windage adjustment on the post extreme. I was using up the last of my Silver Bear 124gr nipple tip ammo. I have read good reports on that ammo, but I would not buy it again unless it was the cheapest ammo out there (stuff just has a way weird smell to me). pistonring8, it sounds like you have a nice shooter there. Next time I head to the range I will try Wolf 122gr FMJ's again, as that is what my 59/66 shoots best. If I can't get better results I'll just have to stick to bigger targets.

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Aww, Sorry guys I misrepresented my groupings. I thought about it all day today at work, and at 50 yards my bullet holes are NOT touching. The colored rings around the holes from the Shoot-n-see targets are touching. Which was explained to me as a 3-4 " MOA. At 25 yards my bullet holes ARE touching. I am still a kind of novice shooter, so it may take me some time to get used to the lingo. At 100yards I am averageing 8-9 out of 10 shots in the "score zone" witch is a 6" circle. And this was explained to me to be good but not great. Sorry if I discouraged you any more by talking up my shooting ability, I was just wrong about how the shots are scored, and what is considered a good group. I now know that I am shooting just below what is considered a good score. I am still excited when my shots land close to eachother. I usually fire from a sitting position and use my rifle case as a rest. I hope this helps a little. :bag:

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My Saiga is my "fun gun".



I'll rapid shoot standing at first 25, then 50yards, using a 6" diameter "shoot-n-see" target.(*) I'll usually get all 30rounds in it without much of a problem.


The "rule" at the range is one shot ever 3 seconds as max. But, since I've shown "competency".. and if its not busy.. they let me have at it, ~1 to 1.5 seconds per shot.. :haha:


Once we had a snob, talking down on my "Communist toy guy".. he had his fancy target rifle, scope.. gun "rest".. you know the kind.. over-glorified trigger pullers... I asked him if he could do THAT ( standing, rapid fire ) with any accuracy.. heh. Sorry.. he's got a lowly boltaction.. ;-)


Too bad the old ranger that comes out ever so often wasn't there. He'll nail bullseyes at 100yards on his 60+ year old Garand and iron sights.. :eek::eek:



(*) I wanna find or build a metal "plink target" that'll handle the rounds.. thats so FUN and rewarding!

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hate to add this guys but: at my range, you can practically do anything....i've dumped 30rnd mags as fast as i can pull the trigger...no timing is involved whatsoever! LMAO! that's not to say there aren't rules of course but time firing not an issue here in minnesota. my saiga is my toy gun, it's for fun has no real purpose to it, compared to my AR, I would take the AR for accuracy any day of the week, but my saiga does fairly well on it's own.

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