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Song of the Day.........in honor of the event of the wk.

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The good old days of wondering if I were going to get "sniped" crossing my parking lot at work. I remember hearing at first they thought the Sniper was driving a white van. He hit a Ponderosa in Ashland,VA up the street from were I work. Which happens to be Lowe's....do you know how many white vans are in the parking lot of a Lowe's first thing in the morning. Fuck! :cryss:

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Form the Associated Press -- "The motive for the attacks remains murky. Malvo said Muhammad wanted to extort $10 million from the government to set up a camp in Canada where homeless children would be trained as terrorists."


AP Story


Just like the latest act of war inside the US by the Fort Hood shooter, the liberal Islamic apologists were able to keep these shootings from being labeled blatant acts of war inside the United States. I know this falls into the political discussion subforum, but I urge everyone to write their senators (send Joe Lieberman one as well) and encourage them to use the Fort Hood investigation to label these acts for what they really are. We have coddled Islam for too long. Anyone who has ever read the Koran should have serious doubts about the "religion of peace" crap the media and government are feeding us. The Fort Hood casualties all deserve Purple Hearts, and their families should receive the meager benefits we reserve for our war dead!


Back on topic (sorry for the rant), great find. May he forever burn in Hell!





Edited by Sapper
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