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Nailbomb last won the day on January 13 2010

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10,221 Excellent

About Nailbomb

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  • Birthday 06/02/1983

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    Loud Music, Loud Cars/Trucks, Loud Bikes, Loud Guns.

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  1. Quick edit... I already regret adding additional hot sauce.
  2. Long dead thread. Just wanted to thank chilireleno for the recipe. Cut it in half and did slight modification but essentially followed it . Pretty good shit!
  3. Looks very similar to my Cattaraugus. I don't want to have to dig it out right now, so here is a pic of one that is in similar condition to mine.
  4. bring back Operator Error.
  5. Saiga 12 shotguns are illegal in NY unless the gas system is disabled, or features are removed.
  6. Hahaha I'm sure people will be dying to help you find a disliked manufacturer after a response like that. Who wouldn't want to spend their time to dig this up for you...
  7. I go through regular screenings working in the nuclear industry. The more frequently you jump through a hoop the better you get at it. It does lead to bad habbits like carrying your as card in your wallet though.
  8. ^^^ gotta give this more than a like. I love where your coming from, but there are times corruption breeds deeper than that. Its happened practically in my backyard. The FBI had to intervene.(and possibly the only reason they did was a former mayor being investigated) http://masscops.com/threads/fbi-raids-houses-of-oswego-police-chief.7897/
  9. Not sure that's the case, there are some people who are more than willing to do something about cops in general, good or bad. That far succeeds your statment. Further carried, Police treat laws as gospel until tried in court, and if you think our judicial system isn't flawed at this point your not paying attention. I've had this argument with more than a few in a state where laws have changed and I call some of them friend or family. Not all see my point of the multitude of laws and them being unable to enforce all and picking and choosing their battles, despite my having better knowledge
  10. 1: phishing 2: who cares? saiga rifles are limited at this point. More attention should be placed elsewhere. Please consider contributing for more info, but don't be surprised if this is all you get.
  11. Whats the closest to scratch built you guys have done? The idea of making something out of more raw material seems appealing to me. This guys videos have become addicting to me lately due to the simple tool and skillset required. Hell Most of what he uses I either have or have something better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5RaqGfLe2I Love to hear from the peanut crowd on this one, so chime in!
  12. Intent only carries so far, and to try to outweigh a lifetime of work toward taking basic human liberties away. Call it a toast to her health if you don't want to acknowledge seeing her die makes you happy.
  13. Weird... is it a thing for rum drinkers to not like beer? Not that I won't drink rum, but I will go for the whiskey(Scotch and bourbon included) first. Rum especially with soda seems so sweet and syrupy, messes with my stomach after too many.
  14. On the cheap I'll drink Old Vienna, and Yuengling. I'll enjoy heiniken, Amstel, Molson, Dos equis, modello negro, guiness, smithwicks, sam adams... The list could go on for common beers. getting into Micros I love Stone Brewings Double Bastard. It was the beer that made me think of beer differently. More recently I've had Founders all day IPA, and Saranac Caramel Porter. Both good breweries with quality products. More esoteric would be Two Goats, Middle Ages, Empire, and Roosterfish. If you like imperial stouts you need to seek out a pint of Middle ages dragonslayer.
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