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THANK YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!










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"In Islam consumption of pork is forbidden, but the Quran also states that if one is forced to consume the meat then they are guiltless and therefore not disqualified from paradise."


If this is true, it's more psychological for the shooter than the shot. I doubt that many are choosing to get shot, unless you consider becomeong a terrorist "asking for it". Hmm, interesting quandry.


Oh, but PLEASE keep the pork covered titties coming. :super:

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For this to mean anything to me I would first have to believe in the Muslim religion, which I don't, so it doesn't matter. Bin Laden isn't going to get into anybody's heaven in my opinion whether he has any pork stank on him or not.

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I agree with DogMan and will go one further. Assuming there's some psychological impact they wanted to inflict on bin Laden, he'd have to know the bullet had a natural casing. It seems unlikely that the last thing to go through his head--apart from the bullet, I mean--was that the infidels' bullets might be "unclean".

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Unlike Jews who don't eat pork the Muslimes have a superstition that if a Muslime touches anything made from a pig they will go to hell. They will go to hell for practicing that murderous false religion which calls for murdering anyone who won't worship their moon god allah.


I really hope that this is true but Bin Laden is going to gehenom (hell). This happened even without any pork fat on the bullet which sent him to hell for his war on humanity.

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We had to set up an Enemy Prisoner of War holding area on an exercise one time where it has to be stock with food, water, blankets, even gas masks and chem suits for all EPWs. We were in a ficticious Muslim country so we stocked it with Pork rib MREs. :)

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They are using the same spin on the story of Gen. "Blackjack" Pershing's troops doing the same while fighting Muslim extremists in the Philippines. They also supposedly buried them in mass graves with pig entrails to inflict fear with the Muslims and make them afraid to die. I did read this was all not true.

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