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clifton last won the day on July 12 2012

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354 Excellent

About clifton

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    Houston, TX

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  1. I would take Guns Funs Advice. these things listed should be standard on a quality conversion. Good Luck I have always wanted to own a Blimpies...
  2. Was not bashing you, Just showing a comparison.. Nothing to start over about..
  3. His Local Guy Our Local Guy.. ME... Seriously Though, if you are looking for a gun held together with Cheap parts and screws you can create one pretty easy and pay a gunsmith 85 buck for stoning a trigger, We sell and install a custom trigger for 49...., if you are looking for something More we can create one pretty easy.
  4. Or you can always send it to us..and have a real Saiga...
  5. We market it for the s12. We have and do put them on the s20s that we build. We have tried them on several and they work fine. We do not market it for the 20 because there are many under gassed guns out there, and the Autoplug would not be the magic fix. The autoplug regulates between high and low brass, and uses the gases efficiently Cliff Evans.
  6. Dont know where you got the info not to shoot the slugs. The autoplug was made for a full range of 2 3/4 ammo. Also if your gun is cycling on the setting 1 everything you shoot it still would benefit with the autoplug. The autoplug can adjust in much smaller increments than the standard plug, allowing less gas in your weapon. The autoplug is one of the simplest machines and has very little to be defective. As of this date we have yet to have a defective plug. Please if you would be more descriptive we could help Iron out what problem with the platform you are having.
  7. I do... Works Great...
  8. Your baby is bullet guided up...lol
  9. Not you buddy... for Jeromes info.... jeromes
  10. The autoplug does not have bad threads some times the gas block needs to be chased. We see all kinds of guns and see all kinds of its problems. We chase the threads with a tap on the gas block and it will clear up your issue right up.
  11. I dont think so... Not as much public out cry. No Kids. Already in a Gun Free Zone. Haven't heard Osamabin Biden say anything yet.
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