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horatio last won the day on August 3 2015

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515 Excellent

About horatio

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    Technically Competent

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  1. Beat me to it. I work in Chicago and remember reading about this in the paper. Idiocy.
  2. Not to hijack the thread but id be far more interested in a viable vepr 13 drum. Is that a possibility? 20 at 2 3/4 would be awesome.
  3. Looking to pick up a few of your vepr mags and I know you usually do a Black Friday code. Just wondering if you were planning in doing that again. Got some some of the saiga 12 mags. Absolutely awesome. Hoping to see how the veprs look.
  4. Time to break out the cookbook. I've got tons of stuff I want to try to make. Generally I only cook on the weekends as most of what I try requires every pot and pan I own and two cycles of the dishwasher to clean Honey mustard roasted pork loin (marinaded overnight) Not bad but a little dry- next time ill probably brine it for an hour or two.
  5. Damn and I didn't see this until 8 o'clock at night? Happy birthday evl Have some fun tonight! Best wishes.
  6. Hey DLT. Man I read your title and thought you lost your job. Glad to see I'm wrong. Good to hear your out there running again. If you have any questions feel free to pm me. Despite my name I've competed in a half dozen or so marathons, an ironman race, and more short distance races than I could possibly hope to remember. I'm no winner, but I could probably help a bit. As to the shoes, yeah, they're ugly. But first and foremost. Go to a running store. Not a place that sells running shoes. When you walk in it should be small, have both walls stacked to the ceiling with shoes, an
  7. Not posting much right now but can't help but notice a correlation to pic I'd planned to one day put in the demotivational posters thread..... Nice post chile.
  8. Thanks guys. Longshot had posted a link to a similar article earlier today but it seems to be gone now. Strange Regardless, the article longshot posted was from a gun site. It was well balanced and informative. The one I read contained the same basic information but was a long wailing dissertation on why armor piercing bullets kill people worse and why now one should be able to own a rifle that can shoot more than three bullets in a "clip" My Sunday is somewhat free. It was on huffington post. I guess I'm off to YouTube to learn how to create a link on an iPhone.
  9. I was surfing yahoo and saw the article. Judge orders the families who started the lawsuit against luckygunner, through the brady campaign, to pay over 200k to them. Obviously they disagree. Thought the article was pretty good if not obnoxious at a few points. It was posted a couple hours ago and I didn't see anything here. I'm surfing on a phone and don't know how to post a link. It did continue the story on the huffington post. Hopefully one of our more tech savvy fellows can link it for me. Haven't posted much guys but I do lurk. Kinda got some big things going on right now and ju
  10. I was surfing yahoo and saw the article. Judge orders the families who started the lawsuit against luckygunner, through the brady campaign, to pay over 200k to them. Obviously they disagree. Thought the article was pretty good if not obnoxious at a few points. It was posted a couple hours ago and I didn't see anything here. I'm surfing on a phone and don't know how to post a link. It did continue the story on the huffington post. Hopefully one of our more tech savvy fellows can link it for me. Haven't posted much guys but I do lurk. Kinda got some big things going on right now and ju
  11. Funny this should come up. While I obviously have some level of firearms expertise my entire extended family has exactly none. ( well, not entirely true. My wife is very pro gun and had shot more than a few but no real "training". And I have a brother in law who is a police officer and and actually sits on the specialty team- the burbs answer to swat. I forgot the acronym. He qualified for sniper but turned it down because obligations. Only man I have ever met that can pick up a beratta 40 cal and hit the two inner rings at 25 feet with no problem. And he is not very 2A. Sad) To the quest
  12. Happy birthday tritium! Couldn't decide on just one. Slightly odd but bonus points for being a HBD wish to a mod
  13. So with Labor Day weekend about to start, I'm going to spend some time on the grill. I've had a string of crappy propane grills that last two years than crap out ( I could fix, but the parts run about half of a new crappy grill) I've got the weber kettle, and having never cooked with lump charcoal before it is thoroughly kicking my ass all summer so just to spite it I'm going to learn to use it. Anyways, back to the point. What's everybody cooking this weekend? I'm doing all new things. Im looking to brine some chicken breasts (I cruise a cooking forum and this is evidently a great w
  14. Just lost my shit Funny. I attended a safety seminar awhile back ( I work on elevators and escalators) Supposedly Beijing (? Can't remember which city) was installing urine detection systems in there elevators. Evidently the Chinese treat the elevator as a pisser. ( I'd say bathroom, but I guess number 2 isn't found as much. ) There was a safety brief of someone who fell through an elevator platform that was so eroded by pee it gave way under their weight. ( don't think falling down into a chasm with an echo and dying, think falling halfway in and breaking an ankle) Anyways, m
  15. Well smilin Ed. (I remember that explicitly. Deko even offered to pose in a bikini with some pistols. Nasty) Nevertheless. Yes Shall not be infringed. I don't like deko I REALLY don't like deko. But every American had the right to bear arms. I challenged big John in this point too. It's the only point I will ever defend deko. I find it interesting so many tune to its sexuality. I'm at the point that I don't care. Point blank and to summarize the 15 posts or so. Deko is annoying and a pain in the ass. Most if us avoid reading what it says. But it has th
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