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Everything posted by DLT

  1. I've sold both types of rifles and own a 6920. I would say get the Colt. The owner of the Sig556 I sold was not particularly happy with it. He hates the sights and has not been able to fine tune it to shoot the way he likes it. I have not had a chance to shoot that rifle, but I will say that my 6920 is a very good rifle and makes great 100 yard shots. Considering that there are thousands of after market accessories and parts for the AR, I would go with one. And yes, I agree, your SGL21 is better than either the Colt or the Sig in a close range SHTF scenario.
  2. The Mexicans would be stopped cold on the Texas border by a group they would never expect to resist them. That would be the Tejanos. For those of you not from down here, Tejanos and Mexicans mix like water and motor oil. Yeah, they both speak Spanish, and both have Spanish last names, but that's where it ends.
  3. I won't choose a side in this scenario. I'd probably just pack up all my stuff and move to South America. I don't like to think such things. Also, the possibility of a race war to me is just so idiotic. Not that wars where ethnic tribes clash don't happen, but the whole concept is so anti-human development, that it just confuses the hell out of me that the majority of people haven't figured out that ethnic wars and genocide are concepts that hurt, not help, the human race. I honestly don't care if in 30 years there are no more "white" people in America. I actually knows how that feels bec
  4. They can be accurate once you figure out where they are shooting. Remember range day fun post?: http://forum.saiga-12.com/index.php?showtopic=48570&st=0&p=450703&hl=SGL20&fromsearch=1entry450703 Had I taken my time and adjusted my sights, instead of my point of aim, I honestly think I could group almost as well as I did with my AR that day. Really doesn't matter though. Any center of mass hit with the 7.62 inside 200 yards is going to do some serious damage and put your target down.
  5. I remember my dad taking me to school and seeing all the trucks in the school drop off zone with gun racks, rifles and shotguns. How I long for those days.
  6. I just realized, if that gun was to scale with that action figure, it would have to be at least a .50 cal. Oh my God! A mini .50 Cal!!!!! Reminds me of the dude in NY who had a .50 cal flintlock in his dorm room. Some idiots called the cops to report that he had a .50 cal and everyone and their dog showed up at his dorm room to arrest this poor dude for having an anti aircraft weapon. When they saw what it was, and more so, that ATF doesn't even classify those as firearms anymore, they were stumped!
  7. You know, some where, there is an idiot saying the following: My GOD! That's a toy AK47!!!! The most dangerous gun in the world!!!!! They better report that kids parents to child protective services because if they are allowing him to handle dangerous weapons like that, who knows what else is happening in that house. They should also report that kid to DHS and add his name to the no fly list. Sad. Just Sad.
  8. DAMN! Glad to hear you turned out okay. The only time someone has ever told me to give them my money was in Houston. Some guy just walked up to me and said "give me all your money" to which I immediately responded to with "Fu@# YOU" and just walked away with the lady that was with me at the time. I remember looking back over my shoulder and the guy was still standing where he approached me with a complete blank and confused look on his face. I think he couldn't believe I had completely not allowed him to control or intimidate me.
  9. Okay, for those of you not familiar with South Texas, this is brush land. Hot as hell brush land. My neighborhood ends at the Rio Grande River. My south yard ends only a stones throw from the river. We have border patrol cruising my neighborhood on an hourly basis. We have border patrol helicopters flying overhead all night. We even have Orion reconnaissance aircraft buzz over from time to time listening in on the Mexicans. I have seen everything and anything any of you can imagine happen in my neighborhood. From firefights to flaming vehicles. Arabs, Indians, Russians, Chechnyans, So
  10. He wandered about 2 homes away from my house. Maybe 150 feet from my yard. But keep in mind, both my dog and I were startled about 3 months ago by a group of 8 illegals and their smuggler that popped out of the woods less than 20 feet from my yard. If my dog had not been with me at the time of that incident, I could have easily been overtaken by the group, but they panicked at the site of the dog and chose to run away.
  11. It's pretty. That's about it. I think a properly modified Saiga 223 can more than easily hold it's own against for about a 1/4 of the price.
  12. Makes me wonder if back in the day of say the M1 Garand, guys sat around arguing which was better? GI 30-06, British 303, German 8mm, Swiss 7.5mm or Russian 7.62.
  13. Another thing to consider is that it is a well known fact that straw purchases are the number one way that guns get into the hands of criminals. Basically this means that some guy or gal with a clean record and background buys the stuff for someone who can't. These purchasers are not going to be illegals or people likely not to qualify for the purchase. In essence, it's those whom one would least suspect. I will also admit that many of the people contracted to make straw purchases are total idiots that know nothing about what they are doing, and are thus an obvious red flag to FFL's (I have
  14. You are right, it shouldn't be a huge problem, but it quickly turns into one. Having worked for the State, I can tell you that even things that are supposed to be simple, turn into logistical nightmares and can take years to get approved by our legislators who get pressure from the voters in their districts. Like I said, no simple solutions.
  15. I agree the system is flawed, and that's why so many illegals get away with being illegals. They know that citizenship is not a requirement for a drivers license. They also know that only certain Federal Agents can legally ask them for proof of citizenship. Perhaps if the Feds were to ease up on the restrictions that only allow their agents to ask those questions and to verify citizenship, it would be harder for them to get a DL. But that also opens up an entirely different can of worms that many States may not want to deal with. Can you imagine if FFL's were instructed to only use Passpo
  16. Carding someone doesn't prove citizenship. I believe that it's legal for Mexican nationals (and for that matter all foreign nationals) to get a Texas Drivers License if they can prove residency. Residency does not equal citizenship.
  17. Nice rotties. I remember reading somewhere that the doberman, shepherd and rottweiler were all derived from the same stock of dogs originally. There is less than 120 years of difference between those three specific breeds of dogs. Amazing what we can do with dogs (genetically speaking).
  18. Here are some photos I took earlier today. We believe the entry wound is the one on the top of his head and the exit is on his side. I am also beginning to suspect it has damaged his hearing because I've noticed that he no longer seems to hear me pulling up from work of even walking up towards him.
  19. To answer some speculation, yes Max was loose, but he is always loose and all the neighbors know him and call him the neighborhood dog. They are all happy to see him come around and many of them actually call him over to their house whenever they have leftovers. Many of them have cats and other pets and they all tell me that he plays with their kittens and dogs. Many of them have thanked me for having him and often credit him with discouraging illegals from crossing through their property. They have all been shocked by this incident and are equally pissed off about it. We are starting to t
  20. Max is recovering very well. He is actually acting like nothing ever happened, but my wife got her first good look at the holes in his head a short time ago and freaked. She is even more pissed than I am. She wants to notify the neighbors that there is an a-hole in our neighborhood, but I want to do the opposite. I figure that given enough time, the A-Hole will talk to someone, who will then talk to me. Secrets don't last long down here. I'll figure out who did this.
  21. Just got back from the Vet and it looks like my dog took a round at a flat angle right on the crown on his head. At first I thought he had been in a fight and had lacerations, but after we shaved his head (that was not easy being how he is a BIG German Shepherd)it was pretty clear that some a-hole fired a round at him. Looks like the bullet skirted the skull and exited out under his ear. It left a nasty looking gash but the Vet said he needed to heal from the inside out, so he cleaned the wounds out, gave him a shot for pain and one anti biotic and he sent me home with 4 pills per day plus
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