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nalioth last won the day on September 7 2010

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About nalioth

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    Citizen Soldier

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    Houston, Texas

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  1. Your request makes no sense. You want your gun close when you are sleeping or at home, but you want it locked up? How is that going to do anything for you? If it's locked up, it might as well be locked up in a safe or a gun case. In my case, I use the principles of physics to lean the rifle against the corner behind the door. It works well, and is free of charge (doesn't lock, though).
  2. That's not normal. Is the Shepard's crook installed & pins in place? The shepherd's crook has nothing to do with "swinging down near vertical", but I'll bet someone forgot to re-install their safety stop.
  3. That's what some folks have been using w/o any issues. P.S. That's not a "brake", but a "front sight block". The muzzle device (muzzle brake or flash hider) attaches to it.
  4. They are very reliable. The only reason you don't see more of them out there is that they don't help with 922r. That, and Surefire only produced the modded-metal-milsurps until it could get it's U.S. made plastic mags to market.
  5. Didn't someone make a mag chute? This was a thingy-ma-bob that looked like something a mag well, but just lined your mag up with the factory mag slot (so all you had to worry about was locking it in at the correct angle). Basically a mag well without the front and rear parts that require mag modification. If this is something I read about in a dream and doesn't really exist, please mark me up for a percentage
  6. I don't think it matters "when" this happen. It is the fact that some douch rocket, scum bag is has his hands on toys he/she shouldn't. . . and you don't stop to think that the media isn't going to report that the weapon was found (if it was)? They may have recovered the weapon the next day, but the media wouldn't report that. Oh no, they have other fear-mongering to do instead. You know the media only reports stuff to scare folks, and rarely (if ever) reports "weapon found" stuff (to better keep the sheep quaking under their bedcovers). They're fear-mongering, and so are you
  7. Thanks. I've heard it both ways. That's one of the problems. The thing is that rounds from a Weiger hand cycle smoothly into my S223. The bullet height in relation to the chamber seems to be about ideal. I suppose actual fire cycling could be different. You're basing your theory on one magazine? Get the bullet guide. It'll save you some heartache. I have no theory. My comment about hand cycling was merely an observation based what I have seen with my three mags. I also checked my records and these are Weigers that were modified by Surefire. AHA. They'
  8. You're probably gonna regret not buying the PC version (which would still support Bethesda). New Vegas Nexus offers mods for the PC version that'll keep the game fresh for a long, long time. I'm still playing new stuff from Fallout 3 Nexus in Fallout 3 on my PC. Once you finish all the quests on a console, you're stuck with a shiny disk. On a PC, the mods keep coming . . .
  9. Thanks. I've heard it both ways. That's one of the problems. The thing is that rounds from a Weiger hand cycle smoothly into my S223. The bullet height in relation to the chamber seems to be about ideal. I suppose actual fire cycling could be different. You're basing your theory on one magazine? Get the bullet guide. It'll save you some heartache.
  10. Thanks. My own search on this question turned up that thread, and while useful in terms of the 223 mag options, it does not answer my inquiry whether a bullet guide is necessary for Weiger mag use in my S223 (which does not have a bullet guide). I've researched this issue and have never seen a clearcut definitive answer to the question. Yeah or neah? All military magazine use requires a bullet guide. The Weiger weapon system was produced by East Germany for military use.
  11. The story is from last year, folks. September, 2009 from the byline in the story.
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