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Everything posted by Raoul_Duke

  1. +1 for a sticky! Like I (ironically) just said: http://forum.saiga-12.com/index.php?showtopic=54749&view=findpost&p=514794
  2. I have an older/original Tromix DIY trigger guard and it's bent some from me tightening the PG. Other than that it's fine. And according to what Tony just said the new ones are better.
  3. This kind of stuff happens to me all the time! Just because I'm fairly familiar with SOME firearms doesn't mean I can immediately help you with ANY firearm! Although it is a good excuse to learn some something new. . . . But I don't know what the hell that is, other than a lever action rifle . . . Good luck!
  4. Converted S-12's suck for shooting clays; see here: http://forum.saiga-1...ndpost&p=512121
  5. I thought it was a great idea. I've seen several things around here that "never got traction" but are still very good information. I think if more important technical information were stickied (sp?) there would be quite a few less redundant questions from people new to Saiga's.
  6. That doesn't always work. They've left things that I specified to be signed for, and they're made me sign for things that I shouldn't have had to. I think they just make it up as they go. Same. I have had plenty of signature required packages signed and left at the doorstep while no one was home. Also, having worked in transportation, and a friend who works at another company, I can tell you this kind of thing is very, very common. If the driver doesn't give a shit, or feels like getting the route done quick cause he has plans for the night, tired from the day before, it is very com
  7. Welcome! Should the mags need fitting you should be able to easily do it yourself. For more information fitting mags see this thread: http://forum.saiga-12.com/index.php?showtopic=30195
  8. Like.. Colt makes M-4's.. Mexican Gov buys colt's... cartel "steals" guns... then blame USA???? Did I fuigure it out!!!??? ok so today i brought this up in a government class.......they tried to shoot down this argument, because i couldn't "prove" they were getting the guns from the mexican police/military they didn't want to hear the argument that they are using machine guns, rpg s , and grenades.... they(meaning most of the class) also thinks the cartels would "buy" guns because they have so much money...no one could understand this... u have guns for sale
  9. I do what I can . . . Too much drama around here lately. How do you hand throw skeet did you mean trap? Sorry, whatever man, I don't know crap about skeet/trap/clays. I know I need to learn but at least I will admit my ignorance. We threw these: With this: And shot them with this: And most of the time I got this: Great pix boss yes that is considered hand trap I'll remember that.
  10. TAPCO does not put springs in with their FCGs. ETA: Sorry, no recommendation for replacement from Lowes.
  11. How do you hand throw skeet did you mean trap? Sorry, whatever man, I don't know crap about skeet/trap/clays. I know I need to learn but at least I will admit my ignorance. We threw these: With this: And shot them with this: And most of the time I got this:
  12. Welcome. Wood will be heavier and cost more. I think all the factory sights are marked up to 300m.
  13. I like them on my short barrels because you get a longer sight radius, but on longer guns I don't care for them. I shot hand thrown skeet with my 8" Tromix w/HK sights fairly successfully and it was only my 2nd or 3rd time shooting skeet. I did better with my 19" and factory sights. It seemed easier to acquire and follow the target.
  14. Here is a picture of my Tromix 12" with factory HG. http://forum.saiga-1...ndpost&p=422667
  15. Just some knuckle-dragging neanderthal that wondered up . . .
  16. Why was he even here? Why in hell should anyone in our government even care what he has to say? He obviously can't have any good advise as his country isn't ran worth a damn! What the hell would he know?!? People can't get out of his country fast enough . . .
  17. I've had it happen both ways for me. Different guns obviously.
  18. UPDATE: I finally got to pick up the suppressor a few weeks ago and got to VERY briefly test it out today. Sorry, no video, I was by myself and as I stated above I don't have a video camera. I shot it as shown in the original post. With the 7" barrel the gun is still uncomfortably loud without hearing protection. It was just a little louder than a 9mm pistol IMO. It definitely got rid of the "boom" but after 3 shots I put my ears back on. I was standing under a covered area (city gun range) so it would probably have been a little better out in the open. It was plenty bright outside so
  19. Some stores around here do that too. If they only knew I was already carrying two guns at the time anyway . . . lol and whats to stop you from turning around and walking right back in with the gun! Well certainly not having ammunition unavailable to you. They do, generally, ask you if you need a case/holster or any AMMO for the gun you are purchasing . . .
  20. Some stores around here do that too. If they only knew I was already carrying two guns at the time anyway . . .
  21. Ummmm...honestly? 1968. Stores just check age...they don't actually record your ID lol. Unless of course you live in one of those commie states that they follow every piece of ammo you buy lol. The minimum ages were always supposed to be verified by photo ID when you purchased ammo...sometimes though places don't follow the rules. Well then I guess that would explain my occurrences.
  22. In Texas you have to be 18 to purchase long gun ammo and 21 to purchase handgun ammo. That's Texas law, as I understand it, but I don't know as I'm well over 21. As far as federal law, I really don't know . . . ETA: I just re-read your post more carefully . . . That HAS to be bullshit! I'm only asked for ID when I'm clean shaven and the clerk doesn't know me. I do not believe they "have to" though.
  23. I'm not sure what block you have or how bad the holes are off, but I drilled and tapped my Ace block with a #21 drill bit and a 10-32 tap.
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