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corbin last won the day on January 21 2013

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About corbin

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    Izzy Shooter

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  1. Still around, though it's been a while since I checked in here.
  2. No intention of selling it. Just trying to see if there's a way to keep from having to have it destroyed if I die. Just wondering if it can be "made by" the Trust.
  3. Hi guys I understand that if I build an AK receiver (or an AR receiver for that matter), that it would be for personal use, I cannot sell it, and when I die, it is supposed to be destroyed, as they can't be transferred to another. My question is: if I were to have a trust (like an NFA trust), could the receiver be "made" by, and be the property of the trust? It's considered a legal "person, per se. Trusts don't die like people do. That way, a surviving trustee would still have access to the weapon. I'm not talking about making the reciever into an SBR on a form 1. I'm talking about h
  4. I bet the SGAmmo ammo is the same stuff. I see that it's back-ordered there.
  5. Ran across some Russian 223 ammo at a local gun show. Steel case. The guy had 5 or 6 boxes of 1000 each. Decent price, but...... He said the primers were harder (or maybe he said thicker) than regular ammo and that your average 223 rifle (like an AR) probably wouldn't ignite it without modifying it with a heavier hammer spring. I'm looking at them for my Saiga 233, not an AR. I read somewhere that some folks had increased the depth of their firing pin strikes by removing a very slight amount of material from the back of the AK's bolt. A few thousands, I'm thinking. Would this be safe?
  6. Anyone heard of a shoot going on? Even if it's not at the Pit?
  7. Holy dead thread resurrection ! Anyone heard of a pumpkin shoot going on at the Pit..... or anywhere else?
  8. I have one on mine. It's handy for sure. I THINK the variance for the different calibers are made into the rear sight base, not the actual rear sight (as Koevoet says above). I've only used mine out to 300 meters though, so I can't say how it would do beyond that.
  9. How do you think his proposed NFA Trust change will affect people that already have them? I assume they checked my background when I filed on behalf of the Trust. I've never even had so much as a parking ticket in my life, so whatever. But will they say "Sorry, you can't own that NFA item until we check you out"? I'm wanting to add my wife as a trust member as well. Like me, she's got a clean record. I suspect I should probably do that sooner rather than later.
  10. Is this still going on? This Saturday would be the day, I assume.
  11. I use an RS Regulate too, though I still had to cut a very small amount off the inside, where it slides onto the rail (on the front). Works great.
  12. Years ago, I had a Firestar in 45 ACP. I wish I hadn't traded it away. I (like Sparticus) also have a Taurus PT145. Had it for a few years now and it's never given me an issue yet. It's only had somewhere around 2k rounds through it, barely. Still, it's always gone bang when I've asked it to. A friend of mine picked up the mini XD single stack 45 about 4 months ago and it looks and feels great. Shoots nice too. I'm considering one for myself.
  13. evl, I'd love to see a video of it on your shorty S-12, if you ever decide to do that.
  14. I'll take the GuideGear Electronic Shooting Muffs. PM inbound
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