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Ron Paul has introduced a bill to repeal taxes on tips. About time the working people get a break.


I wonder if I could get him to excempt half of my pay from taxes too. This just proves what a phony Ron Paul is. Everyone should pay the same percentage of tax on their income with no breaks period. That would be just and transparent.

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Who's going to fund the Government "cheese" programs then, or pay for the minority Moms to take their kids (by amblance) to the local Emergency room for antibiotics treatment (a'la Hillary "no child left behind" health care plan) when they come down with a case of the sniffles? :unsure:

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I can say from experience that all the resturants I worked through college that no one ever reported there true about. Just the legal amount. When you get paid 2.10 an hour and taxed on that it is already enough. It is not going to change much. Just some bullshit bill that makes it look like compassion to the working poor.

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What I don't understand is why he thinks just these people deserve a break. I'm not a waitress so it wouldn't do me any good. And why pick a group of people who don't report all their tips anyways? They are already paying lower taxes then their supposed to. Not here: I know not all waiters and waitresses do this. I know there are honest people out there but alot of them do.

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I'm going to rant a little. I frankly have never understood why a person would work (and how someone would get them to) someplace who values their work at 1/3 of minimum wage and expects the customer to kick in their pay as well as paying fo the meal. I don't know how this got started but it has always struck me as wrong. Pay the folks a reasonable wage and charge accordingly. McDonalds does. I'm done.


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I'm going to rant a little. I frankly have never understood why a person would work (and how someone would get them to) someplace who values their work at 1/3 of minimum wage and expects the customer to kick in their pay as well as paying fo the meal. I don't know how this got started but it has always struck me as wrong. Pay the folks a reasonable wage and charge accordingly. McDonalds does. I'm done.



Yeah, but you're not being waited on at McDonalds like you would at a sit-down restaurant. Being a cook, I see many servers making shit loads of money in tips, and they definitely earn it when they do. The ones who are shitty servers make shitty tips.

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I understand that many Resturants and bars withold taxes of 15% of wages - regardless of whatever amount (usually a lot less) are recieved.

Any tax on wages is a Thrall collar on the working class. Income taxes should be tied to Congressional saleries. The Tax brackets should start at 1% of a freshman Congressman's salary, and go up from there. Taxing any salary less than that of a freshman Congressman is an abonomation, it is immoral to tax those who make less than that. We are taxing the middle class out of existance.

Edited by G O B
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I understand that many Resturants and bars withold taxes of 15% of wages - regardless of whatever amount (usually a lot less) are recieved.

Any tax on wages is a Thrall collar on the working class. Income taxes should be tied to Congressional saleries. The Tax brackets should start at 1% of a freshman Congressman's salary, and go up from there. Taxing any salary less than that of a freshman Congressman is an abonomation, it is immoral to tax those who make less than that. We are taxing the middle class out of existance.

I get to call B.S. on this one. -

An enormous percentage of taxes are payed by a minority of Americans:

The Top 1% of taxpayers pay 29% of all taxes.

The Top 5% of taxpayers pay 50% of all taxes.

Our tax system is not so much progressive as it is confiscatory -- Frederic Bastiat called this phenomenon "legal plunder." A progressive tax is based on the premise that those with more income can afford to pay more taxes, and conversely, those with little or no income should pay no tax. However, a quick look at Graph 1A below shows that the U.S. tax system has become far beyond progressive. Fully half the taxpayers contribute almost nothing in individual income taxes.





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I'm going to rant a little. I frankly have never understood why a person would work (and how someone would get them to) someplace who values their work at 1/3 of minimum wage and expects the customer to kick in their pay as well as paying fo the meal. I don't know how this got started but it has always struck me as wrong. Pay the folks a reasonable wage and charge accordingly. McDonald's does. I'm done.



Yeah, but you're not being waited on at McDonald's like you would at a sit-down restaurant. Being a cook, I see many servers making shit loads of money in tips, and they definitely earn it when they do. The ones who are shitty servers make shitty tips.


McDonald's is a fast food joint. 22_shooter has a good point. I worked at a nice restaurant. I got good tips because I was polite and catered to the folks. Some people did not do as well because they were shy or did not have experience. I later in life working for an investment firm I was in corporate terms " in a performance based environment." Almost the same thery. Pay by performance. At the rstraunt all of us would then tip the cooks/chefs (regular salary) because of their expertise. Shitty presentation or food equals disappointed diners. I do think that some of the tipping is stupid. Why would you pay a valet before and perhaps after for parking your car? Bell Hap at the airport for putting your luggage on the belt.

Edited by Revelation
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McDonald's is a fast food joint. 22_shooter has a good point. I worked at a nice restaurant. I got good tips because I was polite and catered to the folks. Some people did not do as well because they were shy or did not have experience. I later in life working for an investment firm I was in corporate terms " in a performance based environment." Almost the same thery. Pay by performance. At the rstraunt all of us would then tip the cooks/chefs (regular salary) because of their expertise. Shitty presentation or food equals disappointed diners. I do think that some of the tipping is stupid. Why would you pay a valet before and perhaps after for parking your car? Bell Hap at the airport for putting your luggage on the belt.



Exactly my point. Another example: My ex-girlfriend sold insurance, and worked on commission (there was a base salary as well). She and her friend easily made about $80K/year while they were there. But there were many who didn't make much more than the base salary though.

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The income tax was levied as atax on excessive wealth. The origonal floor was $25,000. About a freshman congressmans salary. The top 1% may pay 29% of taxes, but I bet they make more than 29% of thye money!


The idea is fairness, Income should not be taxed untill it exceeds the amount necessary to feed, clothe, shelter and educate the family of the earner. The middle class pays an exorbidant % of income in taxes. You can bet that George, Dick and Bill Gates do not have 12-15% of their income confiscated Before they are paid!

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Ron Paul has introduced a bill to repeal taxes on tips. About time the working people get a break.


I wonder if I could get him to excempt half of my pay from taxes too. This just proves what a phony Ron Paul is. Everyone should pay the same percentage of tax on their income with no breaks period. That would be just and transparent.


i'm not sure how you came to the conclusion that it proves RP is a phony. RP is the LEAST phony candidate out of all of them on both sides, IMHO. he has NEVER voted for a tax increase. you could get him to exempt ALL your income - and everybody's - from taxes, if he had his way; there would be no income tax at all. how you ask? just like Gaddis sarcastically pointed out, by cutting out all the Government "cheese".


Clinton did a lot of things wrong, but he did balance the budget. before GWjr got his grubby little hands on the checkbook, we were on our way to being debt-free by 2006. look where we are now instead.


flat taxes don't work. 25% of a million still leaves you with $750,000. 25% of $30,000 leaves you with not enough to take care of your family. the Fair Tax proposal that has been circulating for several years now is an interesting "flat tax" because it is a sales tax, not an income tax. which means if you can't afford to buy you don't. at least the money wasn't stolen out of your paycheck and you have a choice. even then, people balk at a 25% sales tax.


even those who make so little that they qualify for income tax exemptions still pay social security and medicare tax out of their paychecks, by the way. i don't have to remind you what a waste of money that is for most people.


good story 1911, i think it is a good allegory of how our tax system works. it also demonstrates the greed and stupidity of people, however. i wouldn't worry about the rich being overtaxed. see, they pay for tax preparers/lawyers to take advantage of all the loopholes in the system, loopholes which they pay the legistlators to create conveniently enough. they own houses in states like Florida and claim residence there so they don't have to pay state income tax. or London where foreign billionaires don't pay any taxes. when you're rich you can do stuff like that - and that is my definition of excess wealth. like GOB kinda mentioned, our very own Warren Buffet - the second richest man in the WORLD - reported that he only paid 15% income tax last year. that's about 10-15% below the average for a middle class family. yes, the top 1% pay over a quarter of the taxes like you said 1911 - but that's chump change to them, not living money or a brighter future for their family/children. or at least it should/would be if some of them weren't so greedy. Warren Buffet's $52 billion networth is still rising, despite his horrible tax burden.

(to be fair, Warren was not complaining when he reported his 15%, he was actually saying he thought it was ridiculous that he paid so little)



all that said, i still agree with Ron Paul - and with you 1911. the income tax system is "legal plunder", it is confiscatory - at ALL levels. i'll go a step further and call it slavery. the Gov't "owns" the fruits of your labor and graciously allows you to keep part of it - and they can change how much without ever asking you. there should be no income tax. the government doesn't need it, it just gets bloated and throws our money away since 1913. and if you think the voters are going to keep the politicians on a short leash by not re-electing the ones that waste our money ... hahahahahahahaha. that's hasn't been working out so well, has it?

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He IS a Congressman and was elected to represent those who elected him. As long as earmarks are the currency of Congressional return of Federal taxes, He would be a FOOL to pass up getting His share for his constituent's.


Paul wants to revoke ALL income taxes, and I am 1000% behind that! We thrived as a nation for many many years without robbing the American people, and we should stop it NOW!


It means revoking the "free trade" treaties that make it more profitable to close American factories and ship them to China or Mexico. For 150 years import/export duties paid the bills nicely.The We also would need to shrink the Federal bureaucracy to it's constitutional limits.


I have worked all my adult life in Federal buildings, and those of Federal contractors , and if the American people had any idea just how much money is wasted they would have a rebellion!

I heard this when I was a kid, and I have seen it for myself. But anyone who escapes this hell hole and tells his story is never believed. Maybe 10 cent of you'r tax dollar is used to actually DO anything. Most is just wasted on donothing jobs, overpriced

office furnature or just thrown in the trash.

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He IS a Congressman and was elected to represent those who elected him. As long as earmarks are the currency of Congressional return of Federal taxes, He would be a FOOL to pass up getting His share for his constituent's.


Paul wants to revoke ALL income taxes, and I am 1000% behind that! We thrived as a nation for many many years without robbing the American people, and we should stop it NOW!


It means revoking the "free trade" treaties that make it more profitable to close American factories and ship them to China or Mexico. For 150 years import/export duties paid the bills nicely.The We also would need to shrink the Federal bureaucracy to it's constitutional limits.


I have worked all my adult life in Federal buildings, and those of Federal contractors , and if the American people had any idea just how much money is wasted they would have a rebellion!

I heard this when I was a kid, and I have seen it for myself. But anyone who escapes this hell hole and tells his story is never believed. Maybe 10 cent of you'r tax dollar is used to actually DO anything. Most is just wasted on donothing jobs, overpriced

office furnature or just thrown in the trash.


He is a hypocrite and a phony by your own admission. Thank you. Are you a Federal employee? That would figure perfectly.

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He is a hypocrite and a phony by your own admission. Thank you. Are you a Federal employee? That would figure perfectly.



actually DaGroaner, you clearly don't know how the appropriations process works. this wall street journal article IS misleading just like Ron's spokesman stated. the fact of the matter is that money is already budgeted before it is earmarked. it is spent either way. if your local representative does not earmark it to help his constituents (you, and it is your money in the first place), some bureaucrat with only lobbyists' interests in mind decides where it is spent instead. like GOB said, he would be a fool not to earmark some spending for his constituents.


the important thing is whether or not RP voted for the appropriations bill that supplied the bloated budget in the first place, before any earmarking took place. he did not. once the appropriations bill is passed it is Ron Paul's RESPONSIBILITY to try to get some of his constituents tax dollars to work for them. his district happens to rely heavily on the deeply troubled US shrimp industry.

RP wants to reform the system, but right now he's just a congressman and has to work within it.


furthermore, several of the "pork" projects are oddly prescient. let's see, bridge repair funding ... have we had any bridges collapse lately? funding for the FDA to inspect incoming food ... have we had any problems with food contamination lately? that FDA funding as well as a couple of other earmarks don't even go to his state.


Ron is neither a hypocrite nor a phony. try again.



i don't understand why people, including the media as evidenced once again by this slanted article from WSJ (which should know better, by the way), is so against RP. is the Constitution bad? is personal freedom bad? are a balanced budget and lower taxes bad? why is there so much resistance? i don't get it. people would rather spend hours trying to find one tiny thing that Ron has done wrong than look at the LONG list of inconsistencies and bullshit that comes from almost every other candidate, and certainly all of the "mainstream" ones.

Edited by S12.308NSC
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