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Everything posted by gunman1

  1. Very good news, very glad for Y'all. However, I have a terrible feeling that this asshat Moran is going to be the next Gov. of Virginia and we're going to be screwed
  2. Hey obake, So sorry for your loss, our prayers will go out to your family. I'm glad to hear that he and his brother were talking before he died, I'm pretty sure it would have helped him go in peace. Thank you for sharing some of his military record with us, I'm always proud to hear the wonderful stories of another Vet. Live your life with pride and have no regrets, It is all a spiritual experience, even that which we perceive as bad. Your mom needs you now, be strong for her. I live in the Hampton Roads area and have a friend in Farmville. If you ever want to get together and put some
  3. I must have my troll blocker on, I don't get it?????? Can someone bring me up to speed.....
  4. That's right up there with that stupid statement by gun-haters that says a Cop should try and shoot the handgun out of a perp's hand first in a hostage situation where the perp's gun is held up against the victims head instead of just incapacitating him with a clean CNS hit. Tell me, do the Al Queda assholes give un-armed, captured coalition troops they execute & bury in the sand the same courtesy? your right they behead them , soilders and reporters and aid workers alike. i just thought we were better than them What ever happened to killemallandletgodsortitout
  5. I went into my favorite spot yesterday and was surprised to find x39 in stock, they haven't had any since I can't remember. the price is $400, still to rich for my blood
  6. I wouldn't take any of my guns to a place where they might be confiscated, and or, me go to rape you in the ass prison. Therefore, if my guns can't go safely, I aint goin. FUCK THEM LIBS, spend your money some place else. Please note, this is just my shit, have a good time I feel the same way you do about their gun laws, but I don't let that keep me from the places there I want to see. I guess the reason I'm asking the question is I'm trying to walk that fine line between getting my guns confiscated and getting ass raped by a 400 pound bear. I'm going river rafting on the Truckee
  7. This is very scarry for me as my only son is slam in the shit outside of Kabul. If some shit like this was ever done to him.....I duno
  8. I wouldn't take any of my guns to a place where they might be confiscated, and or, me go to rape you in the ass prison. Therefore, if my guns can't go safely, I aint goin. FUCK THEM LIBS, spend your money some place else. Please note, this is just my shit, have a good time
  9. My EMT training says to use a non breathable material, wrapping on a pack of smokes works very well. Tape three sides, you're trying to let air out, and at the same time not suck more in
  10. Good job Cobra .....maybe Indi could trade in the fat legged chick for one of yours
  11. Could this be a sign that the tide is starting to turn??????
  12. Thanks for starting this thread, and you're welcome. We served proudly and as for me and the other Vets I know, we'd do it again!
  13. I think you did miss it, http://www.theodoresworld.net/archives/200...in_america.html
  14. Blow jobs from MaryBeth, now that's something even I can understand. Good job.....
  15. Spooky alright! As I watched the video you originally posted, I found myself shedding a tear of sorrow for the terrible things that are being done to my country and the fear that we are witnessing the death of of our way of life. As I looked around on the web page I started to get the feeling something wasn't right with it, thanks for following up with this post. These are some sneeky bastards.
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