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Lone Star Arms

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Everything posted by Lone Star Arms

  1. Here's an IZ-433/Version 30 we built earlier this year. Really love the Version 030 platform, and looking forward to doing a high performance build with the RS-S1.
  2. From the album: Vepr 12 Builds

    © Copyright (c) 2018 M. M. Rogers Design

  3. From the album: Vepr 12 Builds

    © Copyright (c) 2018 M. M. Rogers Design

  4. Haven't had my hands on one, but from the photos it looks like a clone of the Saiga Version 030, rather than a direct Vepr 12 clone. Trunnions are Saiga AK type rather than Vepr RPK. Furniture looks like it would swap out directly with an IZ-433 or Version 030. Many Vepr 12 parts will swap into the Version 030/IZ-433 with (bolt, carrier, safety, piston, LRBHO lever, and LRBHO parts assembly), although Molot went through great pains to make sure that its dust cover was just narrow enough to make using an unmodified Saiga 030 carrier impractical. Legacy states that the gun will accept
  5. So far, every KS-12 I've worked with has been top notch. I've got one with several thousand rounds through it at this point, and the gun runs beautifully. Still very impressed.
  6. Looks like the hammer's been profiled. Other than that, looks pretty standard. I'm curious about what if any other work has been done to the gun, As for the rear trunnion, I've seen this before on a Saiga that came in with the rear trunnion which had been run with several cases of 3" magnum shells on gas setting #2. We just replaced the rear trunnion, and educated the customer with regard to proper gas system settings. As far as I know that took care of the problem.
  7. Cancelled my subscription this morning. Netflix will never get another dime from me. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/21/us/politics/barack-obama-netflix-show.html
  8. Just means other retailers will make up the difference and profit from the opportunity, manufacturer orders will increase to meet demand, and consumers will get newer generation guns from vendors who actually give a shit about their business. How's that for Win/ Win/ Win?
  9. That is fucking classic! Thanks for posting, Patriot. OORAH!!! Semper Fi, Gunny. Rest in peace.
  10. Personally, I hope we are using every tool at our disposal - with absolutely no holds barred. Obama's 'window dressing' efforts to appear to deal with terrorists from a distance failed miserably, and created the conditions for ISIS to organize and flourish. Appearances be damned. We have work to do. It is more about actually getting the target, and not providing anything to be used as propaganda. Drone bombings over the last few years often missed their targets, people would be marked as having been eliminated when it was some nobody that got killed.. I think at least a few
  11. Personally, I hope we are using every tool at our disposal - with absolutely no holds barred. Obama's 'window dressing' efforts to appear to deal with terrorists from a distance failed miserably, and created the conditions for ISIS to organize and flourish. Appearances be damned. We have work to do.
  12. Trump's CIA Has Set Up Teams To Kill Terrorists https://www.buzzfeed.com/aramroston/cia-trump-kill-teams-terrorists?utm_term=.rn9Q88Zzx#.cd1DYYOnk
  13. Your question makes an assumption that there is no interest in Russian Kalashnikov pattern shotguns. Respectfully, that simply isn't true. In fact, we are finding quite the opposite to be true. There is still tremendous interest in the platform. Unfortunately, since the bans, supply is the bottleneck. Scarcity and rising prices for existing stock put the base guns (when you can find them) out of reach for many consumers who would love to own a Russian AK shotgun. There are plenty of Chinese clones floating around, but these will cost the average consumer $600 or more with tax, shipping
  14. I think its "coward" county now. BH ^^^ This.... https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2018/02/26/florida-deputy-denies-he-coward-during-school-shooting/373385002/
  15. The fact that four deputies hid while children were being slaughtered is gut wrenching. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” JFK - quoting Edmund Burke
  16. Actually, he could pretty much do nothing about that issue and divert the attention to something else. He does it all the time. It works when he does that. He just doesn't have any conservative ideology. He's a big idea guy, and a power guy, and a poke the other guys in the eye guy. We all knew it, but some of us wanted to kid ourselves about it, because for the last 2 years he was mostly poking guys we didn't like in the eye. (Never mind the rest of his life...) The fact that hillary is worse never made him trustworthy. Well, this ^^^ Early on, when Dagen McDowell was aske
  17. All the idiot (Pappalardo) accomplished was to create an illegal SBR, and broadcast his crime nationwide. Nice work, retard.
  18. Functionally, the KS-12 is exactly the same as an S12, there is absolutely no difference. In terms of materials quality, there are also absolutely no caveats. No downside. Trunnions, bolt, bolt carrier, carrier rails, gas block, and even carrier rails are all top notch. All parts are 100% interchangeable with Saiga 12 parts. From a builder's perspective, you'll need to pay attention to the tighter tolerances. There is absolutely no "wiggle room". I look forward to seeing that 6.5" SBS build, Anthony
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