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Everything posted by magsite20

  1. http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/how-charlie-hebdo-became-a-top-terrorist-target/ar-AA7SguE?ocid=iehp
  2. them boys can't take a joke. poke fun of them in print and they'll come after you. best to just kill them all like Old Testament books of the Bible and laugh about it later. anybody got an extra jaw bone of an ass on hand?
  3. before NAFTA a lot of your car was made in Mexico after NAFTA more of your car is made in Mexico before some states legalized pot a lot of your pot was grown in Mexico now a little less is grown in Mexico this is how free trade works
  4. Animal House https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ib43Lfdivdw Harlem Nights https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4F_vg3FXlE Blazing Saddles Young Frankenstein Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid We Were Soldiers
  5. Putin will never play nice with others once the gobberment taxes something it stays taxed once the gobberment bans a foreign imported gun it stays banned the only hope to get the ban lifted would be have minority gays lead the protest, they seem to be able to get anything they want done
  6. Never underestimate an opponent, its the sure way to lose the engagement as we all know even with no training it only takes one ill meaning armed person to fuck up your world, so some asshole that's fond of dressing like a star war actor putting out a call to arms for thugs doesn't really change my way of life, yet.
  7. some how if some of this happens I see a lot of arrest for felons with firearms coming I don't expect to see my local ranges that crowded any time soon his outfit (not going to call it a uniform) looks kind of Nazi like. funny how this guy who never served got promoted from a 4 star to a 5 star whatever but I've seen stranger things
  8. yes the attached is divisive, but it in many ways says what I've felt about the "protesters" and their motives. fortunately for me where I live and work are not a hot bed of activity for civil rights or anything else really. boring can be for lack of a better word, good.
  9. ^ Oh I did hear Sharpton received some threatening phone calls. wonder who he's going to call for protection?
  10. Yeah...agreed, but when some third-world pissant attacks one of ours, we should beat his ass. yep if you're going to whip someone's ass, whip it problem is the government wants to play at war within some stupid set of rules that don't apply to the bad guys politics turns an ass whipping into an ass wiping let the military do it's job as the military, simply engage and destroy the enemy not worrying if we might offend somebody make simple for everyone to understand, you f*ck with us, we'll come kill you, otherwise just have a nice day.
  11. heard Barry saying the world is in more need of American leadership than ever before maybe we should let a lot of the world work out it's own issues for a while in as much that America is in more need of real Leadership than ever before the American military and money don't need to be at the forefront of every problem on the planet
  12. of course some of these chickenshit types will expand the attacks to any and all 1st responders cowards would rather attack unarmed fire fighters and EMTs than someone who is equipped to shoot back
  13. but Barry said race relations are better now funny how as things get better police uniforms have changed
  14. here's a woman from India where women are gang raped and murdered on public buses, coming here and telling us how to be safer. only part she got right was left India and came here, story kind of goes downhill after that. kind of wonder if the women in India would like the turned in guns sent to them.
  15. yep if it knocked out some stuff, why didn't it knock out everything, would have left the ship dead in the water with no propulsion, communication, navigation systems, or anything that wasn't just battery powered like a flashlight. seems like a Russian boogeyman story
  16. CZ custom had an ambi safety for the full size 75 don't know if it worked on a compact model use to have a S&W 39 that had an ambi safety added but I usually just shot the 1st round in the double action mode seems like a lot of the Berretta's have an ambi safety my only 2 AR builds (5.56 and 6.5 Grendel) both done with an ambi selector added, but I never put one on my store bought HBAR
  17. easy enough to put an ambi safety on a 1911 style commander size gun available in 9mm
  18. not a grad of the Bill Cosby school of dating knock them out, not fire them up
  19. thanks for the kind words, this rescue is on the wife Wag was a Christmas puppy several years ago (maybe her great, great,....grand dad or uncle) the sisters Jade (the Bear) and Diamond I think showed up in the summer years ago I brought the pointer Daisy home around Christmas many years ago as a playmate for our now departed Lab and Speckles the wife brought home after the dogs killed the earlier roosters and the other one she brought home with him (life was short for 3 other roosters, jump in the dog yard and die young) So the puppy won't be lonely around here
  20. Well here she is this year Christmas puppy, the wife found a stray seems to always happen about this time of year. Not every year but more than often enough. The poor little thing was and still is pretty much a starved bag of bones, the wife's been feeding her a little several times a day and she's been to the vet a couple of times for shots and check up. Some how I have a feeling we'll end up with a new dog. I had hoped to wait we've got 4 other dogs (and a rooster) now but fate and the wife seem to have other plans. She was down the road at a property with several Great Pyrenees I don't
  21. had a 700 in 6mm I really liked. shot a buddies 300 Weatherby that was impressive at 600 yards. any on the list would more than likely be more than fine, so I'd just let the price make the call
  22. some how I have a lot of trouble buying that an ECM pod small enough to be carried on a fighter sized aircraft knocked out basically all the fire control electronics on a relatively new warship. crew might have just been pissed they got buzzed and had to just sit there and take it.
  23. can't fight right now still looking on craigs list for a Harley, bass boat, and cook book to buy in case someone calls my bluff
  24. My Chevy is faster than your Ford My Harley is faster than your Honda My bass boat is faster than yours My dog is smarter than yours My kid can beat yours up (might or might not got those two mixed up) My wife is a better cook than yours My Glock is better than your 1911 My 1911 is better than your Sig My Smith is better than your Ruger My Ruger is better than your Colt My rifle will hit a dime at a thousand yards in the air on the run My shotgun will drop a bird at a mile and a half I can drink you under the table My congressman doesn’t suck as bad as
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