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CBR Shadow

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Everything posted by CBR Shadow

  1. Great story - glad to hear everything turned out well!
  2. The owner of the shotguns pictured above got back to me.. "Muzzle brake was designed by IPSC shooter Mr.Vselolod Ilyn and made by VYATSKIEPOLYANY MACHINE BULDING PLANT(Molot). " Soooo how do we get it?
  3. Neither CSS or MAA are showing it on their list of muzzle attachments as of right now. I haven't checked the others you listed.
  4. Very cool muzzle brake. How do I go about obtaining a similar one?
  5. Another thing that I think is strange is that I accidentally used an FFL in Cook County to accept the transfered gun. It was converted at that point so definitely not legal there, but they still transferred it to me. I found out just afterwards that the FFL was actually in Cook County.
  6. I'd rather move than stand and fight - people here are too far gone. Most people around here hear the word "gun" and get nervous. It seems like anyone I talk to about gun ownership in my area completely agrees with gun control laws. I can't count how many times I've brought up gun control laws with someone around here and they've said "well why do you HAVE to have that type of gun? Get a different one, then.." They dont get it. I can fight for the next 10 years so that I can keep my Saiga 12 in my own home, or I can move 6 miles south of here over the dupage county line and shoot m
  7. I saw this picture in the gallery here and liked the muzzle brake. Anyone know what this is?
  8. haha I just saw those and laughed at the posing, but I do like his guns. What muzzle brake is that on his guns?
  9. Yeah I wouldn't hold my breath on the MD double stacks though.. I remember the announcement that they were going to be here "soon" which was like a year ago. There's definitely a market out there for them, though. I'm sure he'd sell a ton. I also love my MD-20 drum.
  10. Yeah I'm interested in how you did the lettering too. Looks good!
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/08/10/afghanistan.seals.chopper/index.html?hpt=hp_t2 Sounds like we got'em.
  12. Thanks for the offer but I think they probably differ in some ways. I want to make sure I'm clear on what exactly is legal in cook county. I thought the NY guys had it bad by having to have a thumbhole stock.. then I realized we can't even have those here!!
  13. Cobra - We did it with the "ATI" or "Nvidia" symbol on the lower right corner of the screen on your taskbar in Windows. You may or may not have this on your computer. Otherwise the above advice is your best bet. To get to control panel (depending on your version of Windows) you can click the Start Menu (lower left corner when in Windows). It should be in the right column once you click that start menu. Then the above advice should work (display settings, etc.) Good luck! Otherwise get used to doing headstands
  14. Wow $160 delievered? Thats pretty rough! Can someone explain to me why these aren't reproducable by any of the american mag companies?
  15. Could someone be messing with you? I've done that to people in the office by playing with the video card settings. One guy ended up putting his monitor on its side (I rotated everything on the screen 90 degrees)! haha. If that's not the issue I'm as confused as you are.
  16. I live in Cook County in IL, which has the assualt weapon ban. I keep my Saiga 12 at my parents home since they live just outside of the county. It's really lame that they have these restrictions here, but until they change I guess I have to follow them. I wondering though if there are any loop holes such as making my converted saiga legal by taking the pistold grip off of it termporarily just to store it. Then if I want to shoot it (outside of the county) I screw it back on and away I go. Thoughts? Suggestions? I'm sick of storing it anywhere besides my own home. Also, I can't find a
  17. That's good thinking.. lol To clear things up I'm looking for the factory 8 round mags. Also I would like to purchase them in the US
  18. I'm in a NW suburb of Chicago and looking for a 12ga reloader in my area. I'd like to learn the basics and pay for the ammo we reload while you show me how it's done. Anyone nearby?
  19. Where is the best place to purchase Russian 8 round magazines? Are they still so expensive?
  20. Most of us are on some type of budget so we're always "working towards" the ideal S12 setup. What's your ideal S12 setup? Everyone has different taste, so there's no single right answer.. What's the best looking S12 setup you've seen? Post a picture! I'd like to start but I'm having trouble posting on my work computer - I'll add a pic this evening
  21. I just ordered a Chaos Titan quad rail and want an angled or vertical grip. Which do you prefer? If vertical grip, which one? If angled, where is the best place to buy? Thanks!
  22. Last I heard only 1 of the 3 groups that rate us put us at AA+.. So we're still rated AAA until 2/3 say we're AA+. I think SHTF is MUCH further than a lot of people here think. Things could be better, no doubt..
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