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About kukurilynch

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  • Birthday 08/24/1972

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  • Location
    lakewood WA
  • Interests
    knifes guns in that order

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  1. OK need too pick the brains of the magwell guys here. I have a JTE magwell and it has no instructions I am looking for advice
  2. I have thought of this may times and I would like to solve the problem by loading brass or aluminum shells has anyone else done this to solve the problem
  3. I have been thinking of building a AR 15 what is a good 80% lower to start with? I would ask a AR forum but i never get a good answer. So i am asking you all.
  4. who here has used Cobra customs? Did you like the work done? and how long did it take to get the work done?
  5. how do I P.M Shannon from Cobra's custom can't see how to do that here need to talk to him about my order
  6. you must help me install a LRBHO in my s-12 I have beer infridge just a small drive to help an s-12 brother
  7. just what the title says there are not on the list of forum dealers. are they on yours?
  8. a friend to all is a friend to none! i am what i am and thats all that i am!
  9. I have also been told by fucktards on here that harsh words not cool here and ostracized you can lead them to water but you can't make them drink just try not to hold it against the fools!
  10. worth every penny and after you convert and polish and maybe drill ports "if needed" you will love the gun
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