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Everything posted by XD45

  1. The media is very good at the Jedi mind trick. No matter what happens with a klinton, these are not the droids you're looking for.
  2. Now this if funny. Kuntie Couric is being sued for $12 million for defamation in her anti-freedom propaganda film. http://bearingarms.com/bob-o/2016/09/13/breaking-katie-couric-sued-12-million-defamation-anti-gun-documentary/
  3. And now this... Conspiracy theorists claimed when Biden decided not to run that hitlery would bow out "for health reasons". Maybe not so nutty after all. This whole election makes me want to throw up. https://www.conservativeoutfitters.com/blogs/news/top-democratic-party-officials-working-to-replace-hillary-clinton DNC is Prepared to Replace Clinton With Biden
  4. This popped up on the yahoo propaganda feed today... This gives a perfect window into the mind of the enemy. I've posted the entire thing here to keep us from increasing their click count and making ad revenue off of us evil gun owners. If you choose not to read the whole thing, just read the bold parts (my comments in red). And if you don't even want to do that, at least read the blue line. That is the one thing this gash really wanted to say anyway. http://theweek.com/articles/647296/how-smash-gun-lobby Twelve people are shot in Chicago every day on average. The victims enter
  5. I can think of no better way to commemorate Sep 11 than by roasting some muzzie murderers with their own flamethrower. This man will never have to buy his own drinks for the rest of his life. http://nypost.com/2016/09/11/sniper-takes-out-isis-executioner-from-a-mile-away/
  6. Never Forget. And please respect the intent of this thread. If you feel the need to rant about conspiracies, please start your own thread to do that.
  7. 500rds of 9mm. 22" slug barrel for my Browning B80. 223 laser training cartridge.
  8. Yes we get it. All liberals are mental cases. Ha Ha. But this particular liberal has physical neurological damage. And she's about to be elected president. I'm finding it hard to laugh.
  9. Now just imagine if the repub candidate had these obvious signs of brain damage. For those who don't know (and I assume that's most of you) Blaire White is a conservatarian transsexual who calls bullshit on militant feminism, black lies matter, "social justice warriors", etc.
  10. I don't claim to have any knowledge of explosives or gunpowder manufacture or laws pertaining to, but this article presents a convincing case that the industry WILL be impacted if this change stands. Maybe I am too quick to believe the atf is stabbing us in the back again but their recent history gives me no reason to give them the benefit of any doubt. Belief or disbelief is not relevant to reality. It either is, or it isn't, or most likely somewhere in between. If there is any relevance to this we'll see soon enough. Keep your nitrocellulose dry.
  11. Good idea. Let's focus on who reported the story instead of the atfs continued totalitarianism. On the plus side this one will never stand. Too many companies with too many lawyers and connections getting effed.
  12. Are you even fucking kidding me? ATF Reclassifies Wetted Nitrocellulose as Explosive Materials Under Federal Laws http://www.ammoland.com/2016/08/atf-reclassifies-wetted-nitrocellulose-as-explosive-materials-under-federal-laws/#ixzz4Ix2Dqsbp
  13. This particular oppression is pretty easy to enforce, being a ban on sales. So no searches needed at this point. There will be more than enough cooperative sheep eager to report on you should you choose not to be a slave.
  14. A PA154 120mm ammo can from sportsmansguide. I don't buy from them often but this was a deal I couldn't pass up. $21.99 for the can and free shipping with code BRSH1608. It's even cheaper if you're a member. I'm thinking survival cache... Piss-pot not included.
  15. And yet the updated exemption list states that the “Ruger Mini 14 or substantially-similar model weapon” are NOT "assault weapons". This would be funny if it wasn't literally the end of freedom in America... *not my rifle. pic shamelessly stolen from the interwebs.
  16. I've been planning this for 20+ years. Back in the 90s it seemed impossibly far away. But time keeps on slippin slippin slippin into the future.
  17. First total eclipse to cross the entire continental US in a hundred years. Who's going? I just got my hotel reservations in WY. Rooms are selling out fast.
  18. We're all safer when only soldiers and police have guns. Just look how "peaceful" these jews are.
  19. Well they do have a 3x 7.62x39 version that has gotten very good reviews. Rob Ski loves it.
  20. How's the reticle? I've been thinking of picking one of but a lot of people in the reviews mention that the reticle's too small to focus. I got it yesterday so haven't had a chance to shoot it but here's what I think from just pointing it at the neighbor's roof... The aiming dots are tiny. I think they would really only be useful for slow precision shooting. If that's all there was then this reticle would be extremely limited. And that's where the complaints seem to be coming from. But the other parts of the reticle are where the real versatility comes in. The inner horsesh
  21. Primary Arms 2.5x36 ACSS prism scope. I've been wanting to try it out. Initial impressions are good. But its heavy.
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