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The Clintons lie?

Who would've though that!


Especially after that Whitewater fiasco and then Vince Foster came down with terminal lead poisoning and oh yeah, those "missing" subpoenaed files that appeared all of a sudden (they were stashed in the Clinton/Lewinsky wing, previously known as the JFK/Marilyn Monroe wing).

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History repeats itself: Adolph Hitler in 1933 in Germany and now Hitlery Rotten Clinton's demagoguery in wanting power in 2008. This bitch has been wanting the White House for many years and has propped her husband to power from a lowly lawyer in Arkansas to president and now she wants power for herself. Remember what she did in 1993 to take over the health care industry leaving it in a total mess. Imagine if G-d forbid she gets elected president what a mess she'll make of the country, Heaven help us.


As a Jewish member I am disgusted with her Jewish helpers and contributors to assist such a vile Jew hater as Hitlery. Anyone Jewish with any self respect would to everything to ensure her defeat at the ballot box. Thank G-d for Jews for Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) and other normal Jews.

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upon my departure from NY state, I was helping the local republican party to move against the democratic corruption and favoritism practices. it seems people are listening back home. half the political donations to the local republican party are from die-hard democrats in the area, and I was seeing red signs pop up on MANY MANY blue lawns.


besides, who wants a president that overlooks her husband's infidelity despite it destroying her family, and that runs for office and then GETS IT in a state that she didnt even LIVE IN at the time....she DID NOT HAVE residency when she was elected into the NY government, I dont care what anyone says. you have to actually RESIDE at the residence you bought for said amount of time before primary elections that even get you on the ballot. how do I know she didnt? I was painting her neighbor's house down in clusterfuckville at the time, and they all told me she handt been there since she bought the place with bill.


And we all remember bill, right? he was the guy that took credit for riding out the Reagan administration's policies, claiming they were his own......and trashed the future for the republicans that had to come in a clean up his mess, all the while setting the stage for the state of our economy today, as well as illegal immigration problems.


yeh, GREAT CHOICE for president. I think that woman's silver tongue has a fork in it, if you ask me. (I think shes screwing someone upstate where I used to live too, but we wont go there, or why I think that, even)


up yours hillary rodme cuntin. why dont you take care of the people that elected you or even the ones who didnt elect you back home in NY instead of the rest of the world, like you are supposed to be doing. do your goddamned job, you hypocrytic facist prick.

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