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Status Replies posted by Nailbomb

  1. Heading out the door to see Megadeth, Gosmack, Disturbed, Machine Head, and a bunch of other bands I never heard of..... woohoo!

  2. Spent the day helping a friend remove all the drywall and fiberglass insulation from his house.. Now I am ithchy as crap, even after a half hour long cool shower.. Darn it, time to use tape :D

    1. Nailbomb


      I've heard that a luffa pushed with the grain of your hair in a room temp shower is best...

  3. off to get my saiga out of pawn...i cant believe dude held it for me.

  4. Drinking Guinness, In one of those "The whole world can eat shit and die" moods.

    1. Nailbomb


      Well... sometimes the first one dosn't... thats why you get another. "Try, Try Again!"

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Decided it was a good idea last night to tell my girlfriend she was getting pretty fat and was financially irresposible. Sometime the truth hurts and you have to be an asshole.

  6. is having a blast trollin' would-be suicide bombers on Palestinian sob story YouTube videos... :D

  7. sizing up the things needing doing around my sister's house in colombia, SC...20 doors to paint, a bunch of trim, some hardwood floor touchups, gardening, a few other misc things....yeh, not exactly gun stuff....

    1. Nailbomb


      We all gotta take care of other things first. Best of luck to you.

  8. headin out...SC here I come!

  9. Gone shootin'.....

    1. Nailbomb


      Most be nice...


      Better come back with pics!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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