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Ruffian72 last won the day on October 19 2018

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548 Excellent

About Ruffian72

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  • Birthday 01/11/1965

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  • Interests
    M-37 Dodge PowerWagons/Firearms/2nd Amendment Rights/Veterans Issues

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  1. Some military service related health issues/injuries set me back for a few years, gave upon VA, daughter became an MD, between her and an old time doc, got me turned around. Still issues, yet can at least deal with them now.
  2. Thought what the heck, when 1st born sent photos of Liberated Saigas from warehouse at beginning of Gulf war. Thought is that the crappy $200+ shotgun I seen at local gun store?? Then ban lifted, days you talked to guys like Tony, Tom, Shannon, etc on the phone. Self imported 8rders from New Zealand, $100 was cheap,. Always patiently waiting for new products
  3. Depending on education/specialty, usually 1 to 1.5 years for every year of education. When already active, then course/education is greatly pushed, long as it fits into service requirement schedule. Your son's situation is close to my nephews, except he already is ROTC/government scholarship. After my service, I was a bit lost, went to collage and found myself helping the ROTC program with field training. Had officer send me to the board for a scholarship, a government agency offered me a job at same time, I left school for them, choices. Not always the best.
  4. Ok, each branch has it's own little quirks, a good recruiter would get him the info, or the overseeing Officer of the program. Different yet give you idea what can be done. My nephew, is graduating in Dec. Went to college on "Baseball Scholarship", now entering dental school via Army in January. Will go to "Officers" 6 week boot camp, and other required trainings during his summer months when not enrolled. 4 year school equals 6 years military. Plus Officer in charge of program, has started process to get him reimbursed for expenses not covered by scholarship while he earned his Bach. of Scie
  5. Custom built 1911 CCO. Due to hand damage all controls fitted for my use. Wood grips
  6. Been called on twice, been excused twice. By prosecutor and by defense. No body likes me. lol
  7. Have had to fit every Korean 20rder I've gotten, doesn't matter the AK. Dependability has been hit or miss, watch for internal rust. Do really miss the Romanian 20rders, got a dozen back in the day. Prefer to have 20rder in the Ak, especially the pistol versions. Got a few Magpul's 20rders for around $10 during holiday season. Been reliable.
  8. Small rural Sheriffs Dept. I've been on reserve/training supervisor status for awhile. Weekends, holidays, vacations, and special events. Issued Class III soft. Get great discounts for class IV plates and we received new surplus carriers, so we used our personal gear allowance and our own cash to upgrade a few items. Cumberbun plate, been qualified and approved with my Kebs AK for a few years, so switched it over from AR platform. Spent a couple days training, for those who lug this armor daily, I salute you. Hydration back sure beats the canteen. It's a young man's game, yet good to have when
  9. Picked up 2 Sig P938's. SAS and Equinox versions. Deal was to good to pass up. A micro was not on my list. Really enjoyed shooting these mini's. Put all ammo through without a flaw. Defense loads to FMJ. 115,124 and 147 grain. Put the Hogue grip and belt clip on the Equinox. Didn't like the clip, so took it off.
  10. Picked up a couple Arex Rex Zeros in FDE. Full size and compact. Full size compares to Sig P226, compact to Sig P229. Quality of fit, finish and function is superb. 300+ rds in each, not a hiccup. Accuracy and quick fallow up is great. About a 1/3 less in price compared to my Sigs, plus mags are around 25 bucks compared to $40. Have the cock and lock feature with manual safety like 1911, other wise all functions same as Sig DA/SA with decocker
  11. Really like it. It's the rivet style, could use nut and bolt. Had a couple slip over with allen screw that AIM sold, yet didn't hold up well (plastic) and slipped on other Aks I got, so switched over to the solid rivet. Trigger finger quick release
  12. USMACHINEGUN.com, offer few styles. Unable to edit post. Parts to do build that listed Midwest Industries were supplied buy USMACHINEGUN. Muzzle brake is done in house. On Yugo M92/85 upgrades, halfway down page 5. Have many options and styles.
  13. Well, do to work around hazardous materials, been vaping for 10 years.
  14. Yes, building ourselves, we get what we want or at our skill or tool level. Just seen many reviews of reputable persons that have had major/dangerous parts/metal failures. Maybe it was a push for pre election production numbers. A guy gets one that shoots 100's and 100's of rounds, next guy's literally blows apart from metal stress.
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