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Everything posted by chips

  1. or the the numbers 7.62,51 on the reciever of a saiga 308
  2. no, he's asking if you can fire 5.56 out of a 7.62 rifle
  3. i wear ear plugs, but i don't wear eye protection. i did in the past, but it just gets in the way, fogs up, or gets uncomfortable.
  4. actually i do, i can't believe i still have it. i was getting pms from people on 3 different sites who wanted to buy it, but i decided to wait a lil' while and i'm glad i did. i was actually planning on trying to fabricate some fiberglass stocks with my brothers help, but i don't think i'm gunna do it anymore. i think i'm gunna sit on it for a few more weeks and see if people get desperate for saigas. maybe i could get more money for it
  5. Those hunters ran into a conflict with no guns??? Go figure?? Dumb asses or what? They should of shot the SOB!!!! UKP only one of the hunters was armed. all the other people that were shot were unarmed.
  6. no, i bought it used, so i had to pay for the replacement. and yes you can use the 7.62x39 stocks. the forend has to be dremeled a little bit to fit.
  7. nope, both stocks broke while i was firing from the standing position. but i don't think it should make any difference either way. the stock should be strong enough to hold up to any amount of recoil created by the rifle it's made for.
  8. i think i'm the only meber that's made a big deal about broken forends, but i can recall at least 2 other people saying that their forends broke as well. it doesn't seem to be a very common problem, but it's enough to make me not want to buy another saiga 308.
  9. i may be wrong, but i'm fairly certain that it's phospherous that is on the outside of the bullet. the tracers i bought had a rough red material on about half of the exposed bullet. but of course only 1 in the 20 tracers i bought actually worked.
  10. what kind of slugs are you using? ive found that rifled slugs are pretty inaccurate out of my 590(20" bbl, cyllinder bore). i honestly don't think you should expect much ranged accuracy from a shotgun unless you use a rifled barrell with sabot slugs. of course there are always exceptions...
  11. very nice! ha, i'll be happy if i get that dewalt drill i want. i cant imagine how happy i'd be if i got a new AR
  12. hold the forend tightly with your left hand. very lightly hold the handle with your right hand. hold your finger over the trigger, but do not pull the trigger. fire by pulling foward on the forend with your left hand. basically, the recoil pushes the rifle back while you pull foward on the forend. this caused the rifle to sort of go back and forth at a fast rate. i have had limited sucess with my 308 - or at least until the stock broke again
  13. well, im not sure yet - like i said, there were a couple other places it might go, but if that doesnt happen i'll put it up for sale here.
  14. chips

    Lube Problem?

    i'd use hoppes #9 or remoil. you can pick it up at any sporting goods store.
  15. chips

    Lube Problem?

    have you put any lube in the rifle at all? my guess would be that the bolt might be catching on something. i'd take it apart, and get everything cleaned and oiled.
  16. yep, i paid $400 for mine as well only to find a couple month later that i was also ripped off.
  17. ok, i didn't bother reading any of the posts in this thread, but... there was one rifle between the forst group of 5 who were shot. i assume that the one with the rifle was shot first, and the others were mudered afterwards. the second group of people were shot from several hundred feet away as they approached. that sounds like the shooter was on the offence, not the defense. furthermore, he was not a hunter. he was a poacher. he was not acting in self defense. he murdered all those people
  18. naw, any drama involving you stopped like a year ago. i'm just suprised at how few problems we have here - especially since we don't have any moderators.
  19. oh no! not more drama haha, i'm just glad full auto stopped posting here
  20. yeah, thanks again, but i just want something i don't have to worry about. i'll definately take a loss of about $200 on this gun, but i'll make it back one of these days
  21. i appriceate it, but ive decided that i'll probably just get rid of it. i think im just gunna see if one of the people i shoot with wants to buy from me cheap after i toss a new stock on it. i'd like to pick up a sar-1 or another varient instead. im still considering a saiga-12, but that might not be for a while... but, yeah - thanks for the offer man, but im pretty much done with this rifle.
  22. naw, thats okay - dads a dentist, so i could get some if i wanted. but thanks anyway. i think im gunna buy a new stock and sell it locally.
  23. so i fired one shot out of it and it broke. fuck this gun!
  24. im sure plenty of alcohol will cure any mental scars
  25. i would wear one that says "dian fienstein can suck my cock!"
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