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Big John!

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Everything posted by Big John!

  1. I sure hope they are using the original killer strain or it will be an epic failure like everything else south of the border.
  2. 150 people come here per day from infected countries. Of that, there is certainly a high percentage of people whom have been exposed. Do you find it a bit odd that nobody here has died from this? Hmmm... 1050 people came in this week and nothing. Sorry buddy, but this ain't the one. Look elsewhere with your rage. After Tuesday, it will probably be easy to find another place to put said rage.
  3. All well and good until another health care worker (or immigrant/foreign national) comes here from Liberia infected and points to this case as to why he/she doesn't have to be in quarantine. "Another" infected one? There is no evidence whatsoever that this nurse is infected with anything. I disagree sir. That bitch is infected the same liberal mindset that is currently destroying this country. "I am ABOVE the law, your rules don't apply to me, and fuck the rest of you plebes, I will do as I please"... She was smart enough to get through school. She supposedly has helped people with
  4. Under our current leadership on both sides of the aisle........ We suck!
  5. I agree with a lot of what you said John. The quarantine needs to be real. That's for immigrants, medical personnel, and anybody exposed to ebola. And I certainly don't intend to perpetuate fear with anything I've posted, just common sense. I agree that in terms of dead bodies, we aren't seeing piles of bodies from ebola in this country. However, you can't wait until it gets to that point before setting up serious quarantines. By the time you have thousands or even just hundreds or dozens of bodies, it's too late. You would still setup quarantines, but the overall success of containing
  6. See how the smoke and mirrors works... I totally forgot about this one. I concur sir!
  7. It's amazing how fast these roaches spread. It was less than two years ago that you were singing VA's praises. I'm not beating up on you bro. Just pointing out the very sad fact.
  8. This disease has been treated with zero respect by our people in charge. Yet, not a single person has died in this country with the exception of a dude that was probably already basically a dead man walking. If they are going to have a quarantine, it needs to be the real deal. That means a quarantine for every one of the estimated 150 people coming in per day. Not picking someone and telling them they need to live in a parking lot in a tent. Do I think she should self quarantine? Of course. But there is something more to this story that we don't know as none of this is adding up
  9. This has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment. I don't have the power to take away anyone's rights. Nor am I in any way saying his rights should be taken away. I don't think many would be comfortable giving advice if they knew what he put out there. Not my forum. Not my decision. This will be my last post in this thread as I don't want anything to do with this.
  10. This thread is quite obviously RACIST. The market will crash due to workplace violence. You guys need to all convert to the religion of peace and get along.
  11. Who will makeup the 17 thousand page contract to be signed before going to WA? We do not need taxpayer money tied up litigating this. If you want to keep your freedom, you must stand behind others who have the same right. Our gov't has made this one a tough road. I understand the fear and anger. But it must be directed at the person(s) who is making a mess out of all of this by not having a travel ban from infected countries. Not the people who have the right to be free.
  12. San Antonio Ordinance to Allow Men into Women’s Restrooms? by David Walls Aug 13, 2013 Topic: Marriage and Family , Religious Liberty An important question to ponder – when has it ever made sense for Texas to follow California’s radical policies? You may have heard that California Governor Jerry Brown (D) has signed into law a “Transgender Bathroom Bill” that allows public school students to use the bathroom and locker room of their choice – regardless of their actual biological gender. Homosexual advocates around the nation are applauding the law and calling it a “watershed moment n
  13. Why are we encouraging this DUDE to have firearms? I strongly disagree with the mods on deleting what was said by JDeko. He put the crap out there, everyone should know what they are dealing with in a case like this. Any dude that needs to work on his makeup so that he can pose like a chick is NOT stable. Period! Even after some fight club shit that has gone on here, I would go shoulder to shoulder with any of the regulars here. I am not comfortable at home or here encouraging someone who is unstable (at best) to be owning, or even touching firearms.
  14. I've had a change of heart on this one... We have the right to not be imprisoned without due process. I don't want anyone, especially this gov't, deciding arbitrarily if and how long I'll be imprisoned. The head ape has created this mob mentality and we can not fall for it. Maybe this is the end game of all this nonsense. To have the country beg for the imprisonment of others. The ONLY fix for this right now is to stop travel from infected countries.
  15. What the fuck ever happened to looking up to manly men? All this touchy feely bull shit is ruining us. I for one will not comply. Fuck those bitches!
  16. I'm hurt bro... I can't believe anyone has ever watched this show. I'm pissed that I had to see commercials advertising it. I also think it's fucking hilarious that Ed knows all the people in the show. You're man card is gone Ed. I'm sure you can go hang out with the JDeko weirdo. He'll show you how to do makeup.
  17. Is it possible that this is nothing more than another BS setup by the regime? They want low information peeps to be appalled by quarantine. It's racist. It's violating my civil rights. They hate women. When the lunacy starts and flies in the face of common sense, I grab the foil and look for WTF is really going on.
  18. Do you really think this faggot would let such a great idea come to fruition?
  19. I think she should eat a dick with ebola laden'd blood dripping from the herpes infested blistered head.
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