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for the bump stock whiners...this is what you should be worrying about

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Have already contacted mine repeatedly. I think at some point I'll start getting recognized as "one of the regulars" at this rate.

maybe we should get clever and change up the email address's we use, and use vague fake subject lines because its very easy and probable they are creating message filters so that they arent even down loaded from the server  they can be refused to download and direct deleted from the server


I create theses very filters this daily for my business

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We should worry about ALL of it.


Disarmament by inches.


First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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Are not by Federal Law all represented politicians required to receive all E-mails?  Probably not.  I also have been advised that many of my sent E-mails never got to the person or politician addressed to.  Somehow deleted.  Somehow placed on the TRASH LIST?


Also consider some if not all political E-mail address probably have barely legal means to prevent some messages from ever making it to the staff?  THEN they have to survive the political correctness test .... BEFORE they are passed on to the politician in question?


Redress of grievances.  I have found that a nice polite hand written letter mailed by good old fashioned snail mail registered mail return receipt seems to work.  All other means usually do not get through.  Sad as this is, it is a means of communication with them.

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I had to leave a polite but stern message with one rep, that any restrictions is an infringement and corrected the staffer about full auto and why should he be protected with them and i cant protect my family the same.

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I had to leave a polite but stern message with one rep, that any restrictions is an infringement and corrected the staffer about full auto and why should he be protected with them and i cant protect my family the same.


I got the same thing with my Congressman.

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