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Illegal immigration and its effect on me

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The wall idea probably wouldnt work but its a good thought. The border is being protected now more than ever before. There a three times as many Border Patrol Agents as there were back in the mid eighties when I was an agent. There are also other agencies patroling with the Border Patrol. Concerning asking the aliens if they are illegal, when I was there no one but a agent with immigation powers could ask that question. That may have changed. The Border Patrol sends out agents to the jails to check for illegals. Concerning the Republican/Democrat thing, you have to check their record. There are very anti-gun Republicans and very pro gun Democrats. Georgia is a pro gun state and the NRA gives many Dems a good rating. Check the Democratic Platform and I think you will find they are basicly anti-gun. They will say they support the Second but will then say its gives the Govt the right to take away guns from civilians, with a straight face. It depends on what your definitions of is is.

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The big corporations don't want to stop illegal aliens (fuck the term undocumented workers), they are law breakers. When I go to Wal Mart and see Mexicans or other illegal Hispanics in line at the register. When I go to the bank, they have a Spanish speaking assinstant manager. I see them working in agriculture and construction in the day and selling drugs at night. They are wanted for the cheap labor (not always the best work) and for their spending their money here.


Many police departments are in need of Spanish speaking officers due to the increase in crime by these illegals. I hear them speaking about the problem when I shop at gun stores or at AIM Surplus. These illegal aliens bring crime to this country (Michael Savage statest that one third of the crime commited is by illegals.) They also drive unsafe cars and cause a lot of accidents with their drunk and third world driving. Many formerly poor white neighborhoods are being overrun with Mexicans and other illegals. Sadly the government is doing nothing to stop these illegals and encourages more law breakers to come into this country and to turn this great nation into a third world hole. Illegal immigration is law breaking and a violation of US sovereignty.

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well If you really think about it unless our ancestors were american indian or (native american) we are all imagrants and some of the first to come over if you really think about it were illegal. they robbed killed and stole what ever they wanted to create a new settlement here in america. i think that was illegal. I agree that any body that is here in the USA needs to pay taxes like every body else and pay for medical care. I hate it that people here are getting this shit for free. I pay 78.00 each week for medical ins. for just my self and that is insane when some people get it for free.

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Point taken, however my ancestors came over here through the legal means and settled in the US legaly, paid taxes, learned English. They didn't demand documents be provided in their language, get free health care, and doge taxes.


Exactly, my grandmother(s) and grandfather(s) all came from Europe Bavaria and Italy...they had to learn english, go through ellis island, get their start in the american system...they didn't swim a river and get special treatment

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I do appreciate and acknowledge the fact that you all think so strongly on this subject, no matter what it may be.



the simple facts remain. my work is somehow worth MUCH less than it was 4 or even 3 years ago. my rent has doubled in the same period. my quality of life has divided itself by the same amount in the same span. no, the government dont care about me or you, obviously, no matter WHAT party they are from. thier actions show this. we cant make them do thier jobs, or they would have done so already. like I made clear, I dont hate anybody. but that does not mean that I have to take it up the ass and roll over and wither away.


our way of life is slowly being robbed by whatever. I strongly feel that this is a strong candidate for why that is happening. I thought shipping my tech job overseas was the end of it, but now they steal me working for my neighbors? you have got to be kidding me, right?


I love my indian brother. but they lost the war. so did the central americans. this is a fact. yeh, we may have done things wrong with those issues, but that is why there are tax-free indian lands and there was an open border with canada and mexico.



I started this topic in the hopes to stir up what you all think, and everything you all say is greatly appreciated. I want you all to know that the problem is not small or minor in any way. I live in upstate NY. it is seasonal work, overpopulated as it is. my whole way of life is being destroyed, and me not being a complete idiot, sees it for what it is.



This is something that will affect us all in the long run, and it has to be addressed by us all and passed along to those who would listen. keyword there, WOULD. I come across many that think an illegal has a right to work and right to leech off our system for free, and also thinks that me being a middle aged white able bodies male, have zero entitlement to this country's resources when I am in need. I find that these are the old people, and the facist/socialist liberals.


its bullshit. people need to speak the fuck up and tell it how it is.



vjor - where are the code inspectors? I dont know, off having free lunch with money the homeowner paid them to write it in the books while they fix thier substandard construction? Im not sure what you mean by that comment, my friend. I dont live in florida where the old guys have nothing better to do than to go and fine you for barbequeing in your driveway.




our freedom is being slowly and deliberately stripped away. dont kid yourselves. those that want to take what you have, what, we just let them? mmmm.

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