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I am a MAN. No retrosexual,metrosexual,none of it.......No cologne


There's nothing wrong with smelling nice for the ladies :D .






I will admit to allowing a girl to put streaks in my hair when I was a young teen in pursuit of the almighty hole. :chris:


What kind of "streaks" were they? :haha: Is it the kind that Gaddis likes?






I don't remember and I don't know who or what Gaddis is but it worked. :smoke:


When she allows you to put "streaks" on her face, breasts, belly, or hair pie then you can say you finally obtained Gaddis mojo, okay? :up:

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I am a MAN. No retrosexual,metrosexual,none of it.......No cologne


There's nothing wrong with smelling nice for the ladies :D .






I will admit to allowing a girl to put streaks in my hair when I was a young teen in pursuit of the almighty hole. :chris:


What kind of "streaks" were they? :haha: Is it the kind that Gaddis likes?






I don't remember and I don't know who or what Gaddis is but it worked. :smoke:


When she allows you to put "streaks" on her face, breasts, belly, or hair pie then you can say you finally obtained Gaddis mojo, okay? :up:


Streaks only? Or will a "pearl necklace" work too? :lol:




Back on topic...........my sister's ex is the epitome of a "metrosexual". It took him FAR longer to get ready for work/going out, than it takes 5 women. He knew more about shoes than the average woman, and other things a normal man would have no clue about. So I think Will is right; Metro's are closet homosexuals.

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Well I wasn't really advocating a "can't we all get along" stance. I did say that people who tend to cry all the time over trivial matters are idiots, man or woman. This can also apply to any facets of life. I do disagree about the being forced to lean one way or the other. I believe we all have it in us to walk whatever line we feel is wisest and I do agree with speaking up about things that you find repulsive if anything to set what you consider to be a fine example for your children or like you said, just out of spite. I certainly don't condone people not speaking out against the things they disagree with. If we don't nothing ever gets solved, even if it is only an answer in your head on where you stand on a certain issue. I think this can lead to a fine measure of happiness.


Well spoken.


I do think alot of this is just the media trying to push a larger agenda to make us if anything, indecisive. That being said, I don't really know many guys like that. Most men I know are neither overly macho nor little girls. They are real men. I think the apparent saturation of this male/female confusion is mainly a sick bunch of people not understanding that a real man is sensitive to the plight of others. The way I look at it, I will be who I am, people will see my example and actions and not mistake it for anything else and I won't spend too much time trying to convince an idiot that he or she is wrong. They will find out in their own time through trial and error. Or they may die a moron.


I'm starting to wonder if part of my inclination to lean toward an extreme in order to walk that line is because I've spent too much time in academia. Sometimes it feels more like running a gauntlet than walking a line -- just trying to go through life minding my own business, but I'm afraid I've surrounded myself by a crowd that can't seem to tolerate the presence of a man without attacking in some way or another. Sometimes it's even funny, but I get tired of it. You get a bit reactionary after a while. I agree that a normal (real) man is no macho. But the circles I've run in for most of my life tend to caricature anyone who's not metro or homo as macho, as if unable to see any virtue in anything that's not feminine (in the traditional sense of the word). I don't have much patience with the overly-macho types, either, but I feel obliged to start butting heads when normal, real men are categorized as such. I agree that after a point there's no sense in getting uptight over other people's stupidity, but in the meantime I would like to have some input into the atmosphere I work in and the society I live in. If I didn't take the liberty to get confrontational on a regular basis, I would feel guilty of ignoring the wisdom in Burke's, "All that is needed for the forces of evil to succeed is for enough good men to remain silent." Minding my own business, just being who I am and trusting folks to either see the virtue in it or die in their stupidity sounds great. But it's also a passive enough approach that I'm afraid it allows the morons to set the tone of too many things that intrude on my life. Sounds like one solution would be to surround myself with the kind of men you seem to have found. But that's not an option for me for now, so I guess I'm stuck rattling cages.


I agree with pretty much everything you say here. When push comes to shove ignoring the problem is not a viable option for a true man or woman. Especially when they have a family to think about. And yes fighting is fun. I'll admit I'm a cave man when it comes to the fighting. I don't feel like it's usually the best option but hell, sometimes guys just like to fight. Alot of times it is basically agreed on that this is the way two males want to resolve their feelings on a subject. It may not solve the problem but it sure get's the shit out of your system and usually leads to a mutual respect between the two fighting. It does say something about character, you are absolutely right about that.


This is a facet of the traditional male virtue that seems to completely boggle a lot of modern Americans. Our male culture has been so emasculated that a lot of guys don't even seem to be able to comprehend this. Thank God for the cave-men! My wife wanted to go through my school photos when she and I were dating, and I started laughing when I pointed out who was who because it started to dawn on me that I hardly had a single friendship growing up that didn't start with a fistfight.


Not at all. I find you opinions valuable and interesting. And as you see we agree on most things. We are all brothers and we are all here out of a common purpose and desire. My biggest deal on these issues is to try and focus on a persons actions and not really how they adorn themselves before I decide anything about them.I don't really think it's cool for a man to paint his nails or wear earrings, but I will try and not allow myself to judge a person based on their physical

appearance. I don't understand it but if they are a good person that's enough for me. So what line of work are you in that led you to excavating the remains of Amazon's? That sounds like a real treat.


Speaking of judging a person by their appearence ... judging a book by the liberal-scholar-poster-child on it's cover would have prevented me from being pleasantly surprised by that book I mentioned to you. Talk about a goofy-lookin' dude... Last person on earth I would have expected to have the ability to articulate anything meaningful about manhood.


The Amazon connection is partially my degree in geology. Partially that I studied Russian to fluency. Partly that those two things allowed me to work with the Academy of Sciences over in Russia. Total blind chance or Divine providence gets the credit for the opportunity to get acquainted with the guy who had discovered the King-Tut's-tomb equivalent of a legendary Amazon queen. Picked up a book at B&N on vacation in MT that has a couple chapters on this guy. Reading it on a train to Astrakhan a couple months later and the girl next to me doesn't want to miss the chance to practice her English, so she asks what I'm reading. Turns out her ex-boyfriend was a business partner with this guy in the book, so she arranges dinner for me to meet him. That dinner turned into one of the best networking opportunities of my life. After that I got all kinds of invites to participate in digs all over the former Soviet Union, even though I'm no archaeologist.


Time to get the turkey going. Happy thanksgiving to all you guys. It's nice to have this forum; it allows me to spend a little more time in the company of men I can respect as men.

Edited by GunClinger
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Well I wasn't really advocating a "can't we all get along" stance. I did say that people who tend to cry all the time over trivial matters are idiots, man or woman. This can also apply to any facets of life. I do disagree about the being forced to lean one way or the other. I believe we all have it in us to walk whatever line we feel is wisest and I do agree with speaking up about things that you find repulsive if anything to set what you consider to be a fine example for your children or like you said, just out of spite. I certainly don't condone people not speaking out against the things they disagree with. If we don't nothing ever gets solved, even if it is only an answer in your head on where you stand on a certain issue. I think this can lead to a fine measure of happiness.


Well spoken.


I do think alot of this is just the media trying to push a larger agenda to make us if anything, indecisive. That being said, I don't really know many guys like that. Most men I know are neither overly macho nor little girls. They are real men. I think the apparent saturation of this male/female confusion is mainly a sick bunch of people not understanding that a real man is sensitive to the plight of others. The way I look at it, I will be who I am, people will see my example and actions and not mistake it for anything else and I won't spend too much time trying to convince an idiot that he or she is wrong. They will find out in their own time through trial and error. Or they may die a moron.


I'm starting to wonder if part of my inclination to lean toward an extreme in order to walk that line is because I've spent too much time in academia. Sometimes it feels more like running a gauntlet than walking a line -- just trying to go through life minding my own business, but I'm afraid I've surrounded myself by a crowd that can't seem to tolerate the presence of a man without attacking in some way or another. Sometimes it's even funny, but I get tired of it. You get a bit reactionary after a while. I agree that a normal (real) man is no macho. But the circles I've run in for most of my life tend to caricature anyone who's not metro or homo as macho, as if unable to see any virtue in anything that's not feminine (in the traditional sense of the word). I don't have much patience with the overly-macho types, either, but I feel obliged to start butting heads when normal, real men are categorized as such. I agree that after a point there's no sense in getting uptight over other people's stupidity, but in the meantime I would like to have some input into the atmosphere I work in and the society I live in. If I didn't take the liberty to get confrontational on a regular basis, I would feel guilty of ignoring the wisdom in Burke's, "All that is needed for the forces of evil to succeed is for enough good men to remain silent." Minding my own business, just being who I am and trusting folks to either see the virtue in it or die in their stupidity sounds great. But it's also a passive enough approach that I'm afraid it allows the morons to set the tone of too many things that intrude on my life. Sounds like one solution would be to surround myself with the kind of men you seem to have found. But that's not an option for me for now, so I guess I'm stuck rattling cages.



I totally understand getting irritated with irrational people. And you make a good point about standing up or against things you don't agree with. It is a very tough line to walk.







I agree with pretty much everything you say here. When push comes to shove ignoring the problem is not a viable option for a true man or woman. Especially when they have a family to think about. And yes fighting is fun. I'll admit I'm a cave man when it comes to the fighting. I don't feel like it's usually the best option but hell, sometimes guys just like to fight. Alot of times it is basically agreed on that this is the way two males want to resolve their feelings on a subject. It may not solve the problem but it sure get's the shit out of your system and usually leads to a mutual respect between the two fighting. It does say something about character, you are absolutely right about that.








This is a facet of the traditional male virtue that seems to completely boggle a lot of modern Americans. Our male culture has been so emasculated that a lot of guys don't even seem to be able to comprehend this. Thank God for the cave-men! My wife wanted to go through my school photos when she and I were dating, and I started laughing when I pointed out who was who because it started to dawn on me that I hardly had a single friendship growing up that didn't start with a fistfight.








Yeah it's fun being rowdy.




Not at all. I find you opinions valuable and interesting. And as you see we agree on most things. We are all brothers and we are all here out of a common purpose and desire. My biggest deal on these issues is to try and focus on a persons actions and not really how they adorn themselves before I decide anything about them.I don't really think it's cool for a man to paint his nails or wear earrings, but I will try and not allow myself to judge a person based on their physical

appearance. I don't understand it but if they are a good person that's enough for me. So what line of work are you in that led you to excavating the remains of Amazon's? That sounds like a real treat.








Speaking of judging a person by their appearence ... judging a book by the liberal-scholar-poster-child on it's cover would have prevented me from being pleasantly surprised by that book I mentioned to you. Talk about a goofy-lookin' dude... Last person on earth I would have expected to have the ability to articulate anything meaningful about manhood.





Life is most fascinating in the midst of a surprise. I'm gonna check that book out. I'll try and get my oldest brother interested in it and then I''l borrow it from him. This way I don't have to pay for it. :chris:













The Amazon connection is partially my degree in geology. Partially that I studied Russian to fluency. Partly that those two things allowed me to work with the Academy of Sciences over in Russia. Total blind chance or Divine providence gets the credit for the opportunity to get acquainted with the guy who had discovered the King-Tut's-tomb equivalent of a legendary Amazon queen. Picked up a book at B&N on vacation in MT that has a couple chapters on this guy. Reading it on a train to Astrakhan a couple months later and the girl next to me doesn't want to miss the chance to practice her English, so she asks what I'm reading. Turns out her ex-boyfriend was a business partner with this guy in the book, so she arranges dinner for me to meet him. That dinner turned into one of the best networking opportunities of my life. After that I got all kinds of invites to participate in digs all over the former Soviet Union, even though I'm no archaeologist.


Time to get the turkey going. Happy thanksgiving to all you guys. It's nice to have this forum; it allows me to spend a little more time in the company of men I can respect as men.









Well man that sounds like a hell of alot of fun. Did you get to mingle much with the locals out there in the former soviet union?







Happy thanksgiving to yourself as well. Hope all the guys and girls have a fun time with the friends and families. My brothers and their kids are coming up and we are going hunting so I know I'm gonna have a blast.

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I only cry when people die...
































...and I didn't kill them :chris:


I kid, I kid. :D


I don't know what to make of it, and I don't much care.






Thats not a very nice thing to joke about girlfriend. Now my hormones are raging!!!!

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