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Off to fight the good fight

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Well I won't be posting for an undetermined amount of time, I'm off to support the rescue effort for hurricane Katrina down in New Orleans. For those of you who I have goods promised to, sorry, I'll send them out as soon as I get back.



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Cool man they can use all the help they can get. I was wondering if you would be called in to help there. Good luck. At least hopefully you won't have to deal with small arms fire while you're doin your job.

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Good luck and thanks for doing what you do. I hope Cobra is right about the small arms fire but I wouldn't count on it. They're looting and shooting in NOLA. I hate seeing my fellow Americans acting that way. It's the main reason why I left L.A. I don't know where those fools think they're going with those TVs and stuff they're stealing. Do they think they're going to be evacuated with their stolen goods?

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like i said in another post:


"better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it"


looks like that line of logic holds true in more ways than one. its so heartwarming to see americans acting like they are in a 3rd world country when people are in need of help. what a nice example these people have set for the world. I wonder what propaganda our enemies are serving up based on this disaster.

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guys? its a bit late. i have lost the last bit of faith in the government to protect and provide for me in times of need. not your fault and all, but I am not the only one who feels that way. honestly, almost EVERYONE ive spoken to in NY and here and where feels EXACTLY the same way. you cannot tell me that they didnt know this was going to happen.


we need to fire the government and put people in charge. this is ridiculous. this hurricane b.s. is proof. the people are going to have had enough of the inadequacy of the govt. real soon. im tired of the politicians tucking tail and saving thier own hides and not doing thier jobs, then pointing fingers or just saying they did not know that a category 5 hurricane would swamp a city below sea level.



YOU GUYS WATCH YOUR BACKS! the reports im seeing, the people are to thier limit down there and I have a feeling you will be dealing with some mighty pissed off people.


someone explain why i pay taxes again please?

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YOU GUYS WATCH YOUR BACKS! the reports im seeing, the people are to thier limit down there and I have a feeling you will be dealing with some mighty pissed off people.



It doesn't help that the rioters cleaned out the guns at Walmart first...

I wouldn't be surprised if I got called up too, KY governor is authorizing troops. Stay safe!

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Well. hind sight is 20/20, I think heads will roll this time. Politicians of all parties just do not want to give there opponents ammunition. Shane if you see a little orange boat with a guy in an orange vest in it, it might be me. I need to get to work so I'm off. :eek:


To all remember this mess next election

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all the levels of government failed. what part of a catergory 5 hurricane heading for new orleans needs any explanation? an evacuation isnt enough, they should have known they would need a major effort afterward.


look at congress. they are dragging ass getting to washington. how long did it take them to convene with terry shiavo? 12 hours? give me a break.


NONE in government should have thier jobs. democrat, republican, name it. the big wig rich folk should get out of power and give the country back to the people.


i cant wait to hear what the anti-gun community says after this is over. i guess more statistics will be added to the gun grabber's arsenal. it never mattered before that the guns were illegal in criminals hands, so why should this be any different?



you guys going down there, my hat's off to you. im sorry the ordinary citizenship isnt stepping up to the plate. the militia is every able bodied man between ages 18 and 50. i guess thats only when people want a gun though, and not when its time to do thier duty........typical


im ashamed to call this country my home. I will be voting for friends and family next election.

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  Well I won't be posting for an undetermined amount of time, I'm off to support the rescue effort for hurricane Katrina down in New Orleans.  For those of you who I have goods promised to, sorry, I'll send them out as soon as I get back.




I'm deploying too, leaving for N.O. on Sunday morning.


Got to get my shots updated...




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Yesterday, I was told to be ready to go, but heard nothing today so I'm waiting. My wife and here church group want to go down to help with child care :cryss: . Needless to say I'm not thrilled about that idea maybe I can teach her to use my Saiga. :wub: On second thought I'd rather she took my AR-15 I could live without the AR. Eric my son just suggested she take my Mossberg 500 he said we could spare that and not really miss it until turkey season.


guys I just kidding of course

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well its going to turn into a warzone, so i would expect that you would be sent there within the next month.


You may be right Bvamp, my unit has been put on alert.


I'm much happier thinking I'd spend a few weeks or months helping AMERICANS here at home like the Guard is supposed too instead of going overseas. When the Navy needs help they don't send in the Coast Guard, they send the Navy Reservists. So why does the Guard have to do the job of the Army Reserve while still having to tend with home missions (floods, fires, riots, etc) ?

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To those reporting for duty, thanks. This may be your truest mission, actually helping your fellow countrymen. To those ney sayers, nobody expected the levies to fail. You can't plan for everything. Would you have staged everything at Eglin AFB only to have it whipped out? They Navy has an amphibious helo carrier on station, with another in route, and the Theodore Roosevelt in route. Let's see you outfit 3 carriers with supplies and aircraft to be on station in under a week. Haven't any of you heard of logistics?

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theyve been saying the levis were sinking for the last five years now. yes they could have planned a LOT better.


cbear, not to be rude, but havent you heard of the strategic airlift command? what about the thinktank? how about a category 5 hurricane and a city below sea level? it dont take a fucking rocket scientist. even i knew the city was fucked when i saw that thing headed for it.


KySoldier: it might be a good mission, but are you really prepared to kill your fellow americans?


there is NO, NONE, ZERO excuse for this situation to be the way it is. all i see is finger pointing. its a load of horseshit.


hell, they keep saying they didnt know the superdome and the other shelters were out of food for the fourth day in a row, even though they have been being told left and right on national television that is the situation by people THERE at that moment on the fuckin phone.


if this was a terrorist attack, the same thing would happen. I have absolutely ZERO confidence in the police, govt. whoever to protect me or my family. i already suspected this was the case, but now I know for shit sure. I also know for a fact that the goernment dont give a fuck about me or you. they are probably only acting now because of the lost revenue from lost tax dollars.


I think some hangings are in order, to be honest with you all. we pay all this money to the government to represent and take care of us. well, HERE IT IS TIME FOR THAT TO HAPPEN, and its a clusterfuck like noone can believe. whered all my tax money go?


NO excuses. AT ALL. four fucking days and they say they dont know people are starving and dont have any water in places where there has been 24 hour coverage? give me........a.........fucking........break........we can send hundreds of thousands of pounds of bombs around the world in twelve hours. we have stockpiles of shit sitting waiting for a terrorist attack. they coulda acted a LOT sooner. the government knew. they just wanted to enjor thier extended vacations first before having to actually WORK over the labor day weekend.


its a bit late. wait till this ones over. watch what people do. theres going to be some changes coming.


by the way, i dont see any of the gun rights advocates doing anything? where are they now with thier right to bear arms? that right is granted under the milita clause. this is a time when those people, you and I, are supposed to be doing something. when I get back to NY this week, Ill be checking in with my people at home and I will see what WE can do.


Do I sound pissed off? wait till its over. theres going to be millions like me out there.


watch the media tomorrow. they are going to put the government on the spot tomorrow from what Im seeing. lets see what these hacks got to say and how fast they can act on thier lies and bullshit excuses. I cant wait to see the fingerpointing afterward, it should be a grammy nomination performance on a grand scale.

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Topmaul, Prophet, Shaneman,

Best of luck and stay safe down there. Watch out for the civilians as some are turning animal under the current conditions. My reserve battalion HQ is at Gulfport Naval Base (NMCB 3) and the possibility exists I may be deployed again.

My wife and I went to New Orleans for a week after I returned back from Iraq back in April and its hard to think such a cool place like the French Quarter is a disaster area. I believe America responded faster to the Indonesian tsunami victims than the survivors of hurricane Katrina.


best of luck,



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Bvamp, yes I've heard of it, and now it's the Air Mobility Command.


It still takes a huge amount of logistics. When you see most massive military operations, they are planned and organized for months. Sure we can drive 40000 troops in there, but they need fuel, food and medical supplies. Not only to support themselves, but for the massive amount of citizens who need it. Maybe the survivors will evacuate next time there is a mandatory evac, instead of drinking on Bourbon St. Yes, the images and situation is horredous, and anger is a natural feeling. I just don't think everyone thinks about what actually has to happen to mobilize a massive relief effort. Hell, most of the places the highways are destroyed or blocked.

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Bvamp i know you're pissed about the govt and didn't need any more ammo but I want to ask you the same question I would like to see the media ask the pissed off suvivors who are at least alive and dry. WTF do you really want, a helicopter full of goods for each and every displaced family? This problem is enormous. The area of devastation is so large it is not humanly possible to get enough help to each and every person in need as fast as they would like to see it. They spent the first couple of days planning for what the hell to do about something never before experienced on our soil while still trying to rescue as many as they could. Some people didn't get rescued because attention had to paid to the downward spiral into anarchy. Not to mention the fact that they had to clear a path to ground zero just to get help in. Sure they could have just flown over and dropped a billion bundles of supplies by parachute onto the whole area(which they would have first had to get together) and then the packages that weren't lost to the elements would just turn into something for those desparate people to fight each other to the death over. Things take time. I'll give it to you that everyone, including those who were too stupid to find a way out, should have seen it coming. Everyone down there knew this could happen one day and yet they didn't have a plan for what to do if it came to pass. I stayed up all night before landfall watching it and knowing all hell would be breaking loose the next day. What would you have done? Send all our boys and resources down there in the face of that monster?

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no, I would have started mobilizing relief efforts when I saw the category 5 heading for the city below sea level, that all of you admit you all even knew that place was going to be fucked. they waited almost a week to get in there. give me a break.


dont try to turn this all around people. your government has failed you. your public servants have failed you. dont turn around and make excuses for them. they dont get paid to fuck up.


would YOU still have a job if you were a week late for work?


what about if your father or mother died at a hospital because a doctor couldnt get into work for a few extra days? what then? thats ok, right?


or how about if your kid went to school the first day of the year, and the teachers werent there yet beacuse of a busted bridge? thats ok too i bet right?


well, how about if your town flooded out, and everybody KNEW it was going to happen ahead of time, and nobody showed up at YOUR door to pick you up or even drop off some water for almost a WEEK? oh wait, thats already happening. thats ok right? im supposed to say "oh its logistics". mmm kay. you are still fucking fired.


but i know most of the country has shit work ethics anyhow. cant get good service hardly anywhere outside of the northeast, people drag ass, and make lazy excuses. how long does it take you to get cold cuts at your supermarket? what? ten twenty minutes sometimes? dont you want THOSE people fired? or wait, its all in due time right? yeh well, they are being paid, and its not how you do business...


more analogies folks?

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Every person should have a plan to help themselves when the shit hits the fan because I for one won't be sitting around looking up for supplies and crying. Those people could have done more to help themselves just like the govt could have done more to be prepaired.

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yehp. i wont put my fate in anyone else's hands. but those stupid or ignorant enough to believe anyone cares about them, what do you tell them? ah we will get to you in due time? yeh, give us a few weeks. we'll get to it.


its all a crock of shit. you all are seeing relief get there today, and you are buying into thier bullshit now. its easy to forget something bad when something good happens, isnt it?

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I'm a 10 Year Prior service (army) Vet, and I got out in 2003. Lots of my buddies are still in, and many are helping out with the situation down there. One friend of mine is a crew chief on a US Army Helo (blackhawk) and they took rifle rounds in the side of thier bird while pulling up a 2 year old girl..they stayed there under fire to complete the rescue, and then called it in to HQ to "redzone" the area. No more rescue ops went on in that area for 3 days. They simply went to other areas that were needed that did not have people shooting at them. The guy that fired on the helo effectively killed who knows how many people by damning them to starvation and death by dehydration, cause the pilots flagged that zone as unsafe...


This is a F*cking HOLOCAUST...lawless gangs raping and kiling at will, looting and stealing everything they can get thier hands on... shots fired at rescuers, killings in the superdome, disease, people getting eaten by gators, dead bodies floating by the hundreds in the streets, thousands missing, millions homeless. This is pretty much the doomsday zombie apocalypse scenario on steriods.


Do what you can for these people, cause they are gonna need it. I work in Atlanta now, and there are thousands of refugees coming into town this weekend for assistance from the Georgia Dept of Human Resources...in the surrounding states and cities you will see spikes in crime, rapes, murders, robberies and car jackings...millions of people have nothing to loose anymore, and will start taking chances and making poor decisions. If you live in an area nearby, Arm yourself. This is not gonna get better soon, I'm afraid..

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