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Everything posted by lbsrdi

  1. Looks like if you add everything you have listed you should be good. Don't take my word for it, my gun is so overly compliant that I don't really pay attention the changes in 922r, so wait for someone else who may be more knowledgable about all the rules. By the way, scrap your plan and convert the gun and forget about 922.
  2. If someone made the case for forced unionization I would listen. Due to it running opposite to freedom I do not think I would be persuaded, but I have still yet to hear a good argument for it.
  3. It looks like it is pretty easy to field strip.
  4. He is quick! I have done business with cobra many times and he ships quick. He did a trigger for me a few years ago, you should feel it, very nice. When I was just getting into these shotguns I had a lot of questions, cobra took the time to help me out many times. They say 'service with a smile', Cobra is a friend. Put me down for one of those stand alone tool kits with the oil, very cool.
  5. They spend millions getting these Democrats elected then complain about the results.
  6. We used to honor our military in the streets with parades. Now we honor politicians. Double military pay and shutdown superfluous agencies to pay for it. And yes I'm racist and hate children and poor people because I don't like the way our country is headed.
  7. I like it, I'd like to see some videos of you shooting it.
  8. Fuck their stance on guns, I lost interest in the NFL in Jr High when I discovered pussy. I don't think I could name one player. Is Joe Montana still playing, he is good.
  9. What is implicit in the phrase 'right to work for less?' Well, the opposite of that phrase is 'the absence of a right to work for less' , the absence of a choice. Given the option, I will take the existence of a right over the absence of a right every time. I prefer freedom. The word 'less' introduces the concept of some arbitrary number, at which point one worker would be working for 'less' and another would be working for a proper wage. Who among us should we appoint to set that number? I will take my odds as an individual earning what my productiveness merits, without the influence of
  10. Machiavelli has really gotten a bad rap. Anyone who has read his work knows that he is not all evil, but his name is used in that context every time. It's really a shame that he is remembered that way, he was just a lover of history. He only stated what had worked and what had not worked to hold power. Merely observation. I have yet to meet a troll.
  11. Eureka!! You got it! Yes, and so much more, if you want to learn more about him here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archimedes
  12. Alright, what are some of his discoveries and breakthroughs? It will be easy but this guy is interesting.
  13. It's a device used to create a flash for taking pictures.
  14. There are people to blame but the heart of the problem we face is the battle of ideas. We always say how dumb these drone voters are. If the ideals of freedom and individualism are superior, we only need to defeat the other side in the argument. We need to learn how to win the debate. I don't believe what I believe because I just happen to be a certain way, I believe what I believe because I know it is proper for the rights of man and how he should be able to live his life. To me it's seems so simple. Then why can't we win in the contest of ideas? We say people need to wake up. We have to wake
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