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Everything posted by sjgusmc21

  1. I'll take Cruz over the other 3 scumbags anyday! Gladly.
  2. I don't doubt that video for one minute. MOF i believe it will happen again soon. But screw DUMP. He doesn't give a crap about anyone but DUMP. Those that are voting for and support him...are no better then the idiots and dreamers that put the present asswipe in office. God help us all if he is the POTUS. I am a conservative American...not a blind fool.
  3. If and only IF trump is the nominee, I will hold back the projectile vomit, Pray he wont sell the whole country out for a DEAL And vote for trump but only with no other choice I am so disgusted at Dump....just a freak'n embarrassment to the entire country and how some decide to vote. I understand the anger, frustration with self-centered, self-serving establishment Republicans (Politicians as a whole), but PUT THE DAMN COUNTRY FIRST AHEAD OF YOUR ANGER. Use your head, brain, cranium cavity and THINK. I am now convinced, and I hate myself for thinking this way, that if Dump gets the e
  4. Give that man a medal and free taxes for life! OK, just Federal Taxes...if he had done them both, then ALL TAXES. Think how much he has saved the tax payer (and other innocents). Well done sir!
  5. Yeap. I can't stand the Donald...I mean really dislike him. However, I will NEVER vote for a Clinton or a Socialist. As bad as it is, that's it.
  6. Point is, break your promises and see what happens. Go against the base, and you will loose. Good for him.
  7. True...but if it does....we have another 8 years of Hillary/Obama. Be careful what you ask for. Trumps a chump and scum bag.
  8. Logic is not the road to winning, emotion is. And THAT is exactly what got the current Muslim Loving Ass wipe into office.
  9. Preferably, I'd like to see Cruz get the nom. I don't trust Trump. Cruz has a good track record, and is probably the closest to Reagan as we're going to get. But in the end, I'll vote for the lesser of two weevils. Exactly.
  10. You are all correct. however, that was then and this is now. His words IMO were accurate and correct. I am not for the establishment, I am for the only Conservative of the group, and that is Ted Cruz. Trump is more danger then I think anyone truly realizes. Am I angry? YOU DAMN RIGHT I AM, but I am not fooled by a 'trumped' up con artist/actor.
  11. I thought Mitt Romney's speech was spot on. Will it do in good? I doubt it. But one can be hopeful.
  12. I concur unforgiven. He would not do that. However...tonights votes show Rubio went no where.
  13. That was great! Trap the bastards and either turn them in or transplant them in a land far, far ways.....
  14. I was explaining to my 7 year old daughter last night the three levels of government. The example we watched was comparing them to a 3 ring circus....OMG it was so spot on! This election sucks....and sucks hard. And as ALWAYS the American taxpayer is going to take it in the ass......end of story.
  15. News Flash....Duh. But you have to pick the least dishonest....njust the way it is.
  16. 17 of the 21 years as a Marine. The other four really sucked hard. Greyhawk Inc and CAA IT jobs were fun as hell. Miss them and my Marines.
  17. Just great. Fat Bastard just endorsed Dump. I knew i didn't like that guy for a reason.....just as bad as when he butt hugged Obummer. Just swell.
  18. Anyone watching the debate? OMG Trump is such an unprofessional asswipe. Biggest POS i have seen since the clintons, al gore and howard dean. How you people can vote for this putz i will never understand.
  19. Cruz has been caught lying many times and has proved he can't be trusted. Oh I forgot "TrusTed". Sounds like Romney. Another person that believes EXACTLY what cable news tells them. Good for you!
  20. ^^^^Ding, ding, ding! Winner! I'm with ya Unforgiven!
  21. Wolverine, I'm with you. I don't trust Trump, hell, what is he? I believe that Trump is in it for Trump and Money. That is what drives his motivations, not the poor, not the military, and certainly not the conservative causes that have eroded away. I also like Cruz, as I think he is the ONLY conservative running right now, and has been. Trump has said absolutely shit other then school yard bully tactics and talks just above Ebonics level. Can he do better? Yes, I believe he can, but he will not. He has hit his target audience. Stupid he is not. He WANTS Cruz to drop out.....he
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