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Everything posted by DaGroaner

  1. It seems likely to me that we are being required to sacrifice in support of the war effort... it's about fucking time. Glad to wait, thanks for the update.
  2. My first board was a Black Knight which I updated with loose ball Cadillacs after I wore out the stock clay wheels. My best board was a Dogtown Shogo Kubo with Indy 151s and green Krypto double conicals. I loved that board. I've been riding one of those flowboards with all the scooter wheels and like it ok but it's a little wobbly when you're trying to go straight. I'm thinking it might be time for a longboard. I've had Fibreflex, Makaha, ET, Bayne, Powell with Bennets, Indys, Trackers, and Road Riders, OJs, Bones and everything in between.
  3. Hmm. Thought you were born and spent at least your early years in Germany? Would they have allowed someone shooting the neighborhood kids with a BB-gun? Apologies if I have you and another forum member confused... BTW, I grew up with a barberry hedge around the yard. Worked better for keeping me and my brothers in the yard than the chain link fence did that eventually replace the hedge. As for trimming, one of them new-fangled powered hedge trimmers beats the crap out of the cheaper, old-styled two-handed manual hedge clippers. It's also easier to trim the hedge more evenly with the p
  4. Sorry dude but all the problems you mention are actually the result of trial lawyers and government bureaucracy. We need to enforce the 10th Amendment and keep the government out of it and get judges that will make lawsuit awards that are realistic. For instance anyone that dies from smoking today did it to themselves. The warnings are right on the package and have been for nearly 50 years. There is no excuse for anyone getting a penny from cigarette companies in 2007. It's time to reel in the lawyers. They are leeches upon the rest of US.
  5. When I was a kid the homeowner would shoot you with a bb gun if you pulled some shit like that.
  6. The line in the sand has to be gun control. We can't allow ourselves to be disarmed. If we do the Islamofacists will own US in no time. Any politician who advocates disarming the law-abiding American Citizen is a traitor. Western Civilization won't even be part of the hstory books as anything other than one on a long list of enemies crushed under the boot of Islam.
  7. Unemployment is as low as it's ever been. No one will be swimming South across the Rio Grande unless a Democrap gets elected with a Democrap Congress.
  8. I just got my custom flap holster and mag pouches for my Glock 20 and they are awesome. You don't have to settle for what's on the shelf, you can get what you really want from the Vest Guy.
  9. If you want to see how much a liberal respects the Constitution, catch one whining about this bill and ask them what part of the Constitution gives the Federal government the authority to implememnt such a plan. You'll very quickly understand who the enemy within is.
  10. I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to follow that so I guess I'll just say Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday Jugger.
  11. He is a hypocrite and a phony by your own admission. Thank you. Are you a Federal employee? That would figure perfectly.
  12. It won't be a nuke but one dark night in the near future the USAF is going to have a very busy night.
  13. http://www.terrorismawareness.org/islamo-f...awareness-week/
  14. I have been a big fan of Rev. Peterson for over a decade. He is a man of immense courage and good will. He is hated by many and called uncle tom and race-traitor. He is a man who walks the walk. He has my utmost respect and admiration.
  15. My old gun club in Commiefornia had a 100m underground rifle range that was constructed by burying 12' concrete sewer pipe 25' deep. It was awesome! We had a picnic area built on top of it with what looked like a storage room but it was really the top of the stairwell that led down to the range. Those guys really were the greatest generation.
  16. I wonder if I could get him to excempt half of my pay from taxes too. This just proves what a phony Ron Paul is. Everyone should pay the same percentage of tax on their income with no breaks period. That would be just and transparent.
  17. I didn't mean to infer that there were no exceptions to the rule. I was speaking in general terms and as a rule men are like a million to one the problem. I'll be married 26 years this December. I didn't get a hotel room once a month but I've always kept my eyes on the prize and have always put my family first.
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