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Everything posted by beefcakeb99

  1. Just to clear it up, the slugs you have are not rifled and neither is your barrel. Therefore you want to go get you some rifled slugs, not sabots.
  2. hmmm mr smarty pants you seem to be clairvoyant, or maybe just a jerk, but I did read the link and although it sounds like a bunch of propaganda about how excellent their product is , maybe you didnt follow through and read the entirety of it.... So i suggest you lower your tone a bit and edit your post with an apology, and how rude it was.
  3. Sounds like misinformation and confusion... Unless I am backwards, you WANT a rifled slug for a NON rifled barrel....and a sabot for a rifled barrel, aka slug barrel. a smoothbore will not spin/stabilize a round on its own, so you want a rifled slug so that it will spin and be accurate...if you shoot a sabot out of a smoothbore it will not get a spin to it and be unstable in the air... if you have a slug barrel you would use the sabots because a slug barrel has rifling and spins the smooth round to stabalize... ETA: pretty dog by the way
  4. Surely that is covered by warranty....hit up Cadiz Gun Works in the morning and have a talk with them.
  5. It is called embezzlement. And it happens all the time. It sucks you are on the shit end of it and i am sorry for you. TY for the notice
  6. This one is just for you Rob. Looks AWESOME! I would totally dig this
  7. Sorry $400* in taxes which is still bullshit, and yes it is a lot of money to be paying for no damn reason.
  8. Nothing Fatal about it...You are either going to be required to become a SOT, a soldier, LEO, felon... or maybe reaaaallly rich...all of that dismissed because none of them are "fatal", I foresee $600 worth in taxes just to start out which is BULLSHIT!
  9. You sure it is not user error? No offense at all but if I do my part my old ruskies can definitely hold true for me...
  10. Er..uh a 11/32" with .2687mm adjustment for the metric user. But for the sake of discussion... the 9mm cartridge was designed in the metric environment.
  11. Actually what I saw was the one fat cop that sexually assaulted the lady, aiding his pal(backup) in berating and stomping all over rights while the lady was being set free from her terror. So the one cop badge # 469, got some of both the action! While the arresting officer let the women go...
  12. lucky dog! Wish I could afford a few! Loner when i get some money i will be giving you a yell
  13. Boxing is not really his style either....More like Backyard Brawling and popping eyes out...
  14. He is not a striker, nor is he used to being struck. Do not duck your head to incoming punches and hope no to get flurried on...just lie down like a strong man
  15. You don't! I have no clue, but I am sure stormi or somebody will come along to help. Paging Stormi!
  16. Awesome, looks like what i came up with but with better results
  17. Dayum beat me to it, Well I guess since you get up at the crack of dawn...I looked at 11 before work this morning and it was here so Here is to you Ben! Happy Birthday.
  18. DO IT! Especially if he is going to give i to you, they are well worth that much
  19. better have a spare mag loaded to the hilt as well! Bangers are known not to travel light.
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