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Everything posted by magsite20

  1. guy who made the door use to play football. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4g0GyloH30Q
  2. mother and son make a strong case for retroactive abortions
  3. kind of like queer eye for the gay guy goes to sand in his vagina firing range for a day of playing rump rangers
  4. now days you're more likely to replace a chip than a carb and under the hood see a 4 banger than a small block a new 2.0 has 240 hp where an old stock 1980 350 Z28 had 190 hp my oldest car is a 1990 and even it has injectors not a carb the newest a 2014 has a sealed transmission that I guess when it goes bad is just a pull it and replace it thing with no rebuild http://articles.sae.org/8707/
  5. there aren't many times I'm happy to have my self filmed or photo'd my top 2 for not wanting to be shown are 1. shooting myself 2. showing up in a people of walmart photo spread so far so good
  6. as bad as it is for a defense plan it's still better than no defense and I kind of believe it might have stopped this little asswipe anyway. guess if it's muslims you throw pork chops.
  7. Nothing like loading the gun to shot yourself.... Pistol $300, security cameras $800, watching a security cam video of an officer of the law shoot himself while not following gun safety 101 $priceless
  8. problem is even at vastly incomplete it's still a damn long list and most of the items aren't that old plus it doesn't cover a lot of current events.
  9. interesting list I came across: Shoe Bomber was a Muslim. Beltway Snipers were Muslims. Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim. Underwear Bomber was a Muslim. USS Cole Bombers were Muslim. Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims. Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims. ... London Subway Bombers were Muslims. Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims. Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims. Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims. Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims. Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims. Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims. Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims. Bu
  10. No surprise the wife’s keeping the puppy. I think she’s going to be about the size of a border collie (the puppy not the wife). So she’ll be smaller than the rest of the crew. She already likes to play ball and will come if she feels like when called (again we’re talking the puppy not the wife). I don’t think an official name has been decided on yet. I started calling her Tink because the first collar the wife got for her was for a cat with a bell on it (now replaced). The wife got her a bright orange harness in addition to a collar so from a distance hopefully she won’t be mistaken for
  11. these assholes have to be taken seriously and need to be taken out period.
  12. at one point in the early 70s these kind of items all came together with a young hung over guy overseas morning call to prayer was shorter that day while it was never proven who did it, I was told it was not politically correct nor would it enhance my military career in many ways these were the only shots in anger I ever know were ever took in 20 years
  13. gas ring is the most common cause of failures in an 1100 but it could be ports
  14. others pretty well covered the worth as to the why no threaded barrel, my guess was it was from the bad old days of the ban AWB as was stated a flash suppresser for most real world use is just a tacticool thing not a performance enhancement
  15. how many days did it take to create the universe? Was it six or seven? "4" after that the rest was just options being added.
  16. are we at war with islam? the official line is no the reality is hell yes hell islam is at war with islam normally when we are at war we don't kill everyone we're at war with we try to just kill combatants and stop at the end of the war these bastards are willing to kill anyone man, woman, and child including themselves war or no war and call it holy war we usually require a damn good reason to kill and a real big reason to go to war something involving death/s for them an insult or being what they consider the wrong religion (any that isn't exactly the same as theirs) will start them
  17. we are playing cowboys and muslims problem is we're going at it like we're all hat, no cattle
  18. while in part I agree I see it a little different overall: This is France America, so the government will probably cave in now and discourage publishing of this kind of material, at least to some extent then the government will use that same reason to shut down other things they don't like. My opinion is that it should increase drastically even while the terrorists are still being hunted down. The terrorists have to know that these kind of attacks will have the exact opposite effect they want in the short run but that they'll win in the long run out of fear of them and the cowards we have i
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