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Odd Man Out

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Everything posted by Odd Man Out

  1. I own a HK.45 and find zero fault in it -- I will own it til death due us part. Being human though, I also would like to try a FNP.45 to compare it. Maybe get one for my wife......
  2. Nope. Read closer. He actually "shot" himself down 9 different times! His method was to get so close to the other a/c that it would fill up the windshield of his. Take a look at the view that the 109 pilot had out the front. VERY small. He did this so that every round counted. Many a/c when subjected to this would explode catastrophically. The debris and explosion would sometimes damage Hartmann's plane to such an extent that he would either have to bail out of make a forced landing. So, Hartmann was never shot down. Yup, he was captured after one of these episodes -- he feigned a
  3. Actually there was a much simpler reason why the Germans never rotated their pilots -- nowhere to rotate them to. When Germany initiated WW2 the German pilot was engaged in aerial combat constantly without break from 1939 to 1945 or until death or injury claimed them. Never had the luxury of stepping back from the carnage. Black 3: You make some good points, the later 109's were inferior a/c compared to what they were going against -- especially the G's with the underwing gondolas! It sure speaks volumes for the courage of the pilots who flew them -- think about attacking a 1000 B-17's
  4. Bf-109F2, Me-163b1, Go-229, TA-154, Do-335 and finally the HS-129 with the 75mm underbelly AT gun are the planes I would love to fly. The claim that undercuts Hartmann's achievements just don't hold water -- His combat career started in 1943 and throughout, the luftwaffe was always fighting outnumbered. The Red Air Force did fly some lend lease aircraft (P-40's, P-39 Aircobras and Spitfires) but also had some very capable designs produced by the Lagg and Yakolev design bureaus. Also there was probably no more difficult aircraft to bring down in the entire war than the IL-2 Stormovik fly
  5. I agree with you -- the 109 was designed in 1936, the P-51 in the early 40's. But in the right hands the 109 could still do damage. Hartmann shot down 7 P-51's in 2 engagements in 1945. No other aircraft in history can claim as many kills as the 109, so hands down it was the most successful fighter aircraft in the history (or future) or aerial warfare. I have no leanings towards the politics/ideology, just love the plane...
  6. I am a "109" fanatic so will see it on the first day fur sure -- even if only to see em blown out of the sky... IMHO the BF-109 was one of the ultimate fighters of all time. It was the ONLY fighter used by the greatest ace of all time: Erich Hartmann with 352 confirmed kills. An achievement that will never be exceeded.
  7. D-Axe Do you have a thing for "mud people" also??? Seriously, it seems like "love" is on the back burner of your agenda. I'm not judging, just thinking that a whole bunch of anger is being needlessly expended. Peace.
  8. he was also a myth Was/is? Is/is not? Well at least someone is in for a big surprise... Oops -- posted this before I saw the last -- Sorry. God Bless Oops again
  9. "Zionist powers" -- now that is a loaded couple o words... Back to the OP's original question. One of the main economic hindrinces to building a canal is that the whole persian gulf is very shallow (relatively) and shipping is restrained to travel in the deepest part as shown in the darker blue. Waaaay too much dredging would be needed to even get the ships close to a canal if it was built. Also the parties involved know that the powers that be will not let a blockade occur so that in itself negates the need for a canal. "Zionist powers" -- btw anyone believe in the "Protocols of th
  10. Ohhhhhhhh Dogman, has somebody had a rough day? you need a hug buddy...
  11. Well, I think this might be a slight oversimplification. Don't you think it depends on who the "you" is? And "better" than what? A Tromix for example? I think that would be a pretty tough sell. I'm all in favor of the DIY route, and there is no question it's a good way to learn some things, but as far as the quality of the finished DIY product there can be so many variations that this statement has to be a tad idealistic. Sorry I could not respond sooner, had other more pressing issues but I'll play now... My point was/is that there is joy to be had in learning how to do something, and
  12. I am not for it. This is spozed to be for firearms. I do believe we have branched out enough. There are more than enough sites out there for those interested in the subject, that is unless they are too dim witted to search and find them... At some point a person has to learn how to walk by themselves!
  13. Gotta stand up for my name... +1 to Kodaline's remarks HK45 -- try it and you will never look back. Much better recoil management than the 1911--means better able to bring shots to bear. Definately something that will be able to be handed down
  14. +1 for Chile It does not get any better than if you do it yourself.
  15. I espouse Sun Tzu's teachings -- they are a tad different than the, "Oh yeah, I'd kill the effer" (said with a slightly retarded twang). I would lay my life down for others but in no way would I do it blindly and only for the sake of defending my machismo alpha male status. When I was younger and dumber and in the military, I used to make sport out of those types -- I would get in their heads by saying things about their mommies. I knew I had them when they threw the first punch, out of control with anger. Check out Sun Tzu's "The Art of War". It it well worth reading, even or especial
  16. Good on ya Will for facing your fears, no matter the circumstances. You know what they say; "what doesn't kill you..."
  17. OOOOOOOHHH, sorry I got a little inside the boundaries Just havin my bit o mental fun with ya -- tis so easy I just can't help myself... BTW. what are the issues being brought up by the OWS, other than drug use, destruction of public property, sexual harrassment and rape and a whole lot of whinning? Seems like their "efforts" could be better utilized elsewhere. P.S. Yup, I do espouse a boot in the rear for them since they are much too old for a spanking -- now THAT would be preposterous!
  18. A tad simplistic, even for you don't you think? don't you think?
  19. Me too -- on the side of the police Nice. Glad to know OWS has your support. Yup. With a direct boot to the ass to get a job...
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