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Everything posted by Ronin38

  1. The meeting of The National Policy Institute (right-wing, according to the press) in DC was met with a few hundred liberal protesters. Some injuries caused by the protestors, no arrests. Okay, so expect these assholes to show up just about anywhere, and violence IS acceptable. Got it.
  2. When is the last time the National Guard was deployed for "civil unrest" with rifles and bayonets? I don't recall seeing it for quite a while. I recall the Guard was called in to Ferguson, MO, but I don't recall what they used. Edit: Image search shows shotguns and M4's, no bayonets. So many of the Guard units are over in the Sandbox now, I don't know how many are available here.
  3. Silly question- Isn't a .50 cal. Browning M2 considered a "heavy machinegun?" I figure anything that takes 2 people to carry should be.
  4. So now Hitlery and Oblowme have both come out and encouraged their followers to continue rioting... I feel like the second Civil War is not far over the horizon...
  5. Well, I wouldn't put it past him to play both ends against the middle.
  6. It would be great if "we" could organize 50k folks from "our" side to just stand quietly in-between them and the ceremony.
  7. Season 2 premiere tonight at 10pm on History Channel, if anyone else is interested.
  8. ^ One of the few times Bill actually screwed Hillary!
  9. Or blacks, or Mudslums, or LGBTWTFBBQ groups... pretty much anyone except for regular white folks.
  10. I'd feel pretty confidant that the head of the FBI is "fairly well" protected.
  11. And still, Clinton has to blame someone else for her failures. Naturally, it's all FBI Director Comey's fault she lost! The blithering idiot is still clueless.
  12. One thing I wish would happen... Every business owner who's business was damaged or destroyed by "protestors" should file a class-action lawsuit against MoveOn.org and George Soros. We need to get him the hell out of our politics! Also, and I don't seriously see this happening... Clinton and Obama both need to state publicly that the Electoral Collage will NOT change their votes, and that the protests must end. This election is over.
  13. Change.org has a petition up demanding the Electoral College members NOT vote for Trump on Dec. 19th! The damn thing already has nearly 3.4 million signatures! We have to watch this as a genuine threat, imo.
  14. My new nightmare, while fully awake... Riot, loot, protest. Forces inside the Government demanding recounts or changes to the Electoral votes. We The People finally have had enough and take up arms... BOOM- Martial Law declared and Trump arrested or taken out.
  15. Just beware in the cities, Soros' rioters are still getting paid, apparently
  16. I think he's implying that a Jewish person about Hitler's size killed himself, to portray Hitler as a coward. DNA evidence checked later showed that the body of "Hitler" from the bunker was actually a woman.
  17. I don't realistically see #1-4 happening for about 20 years, when the documents are officially declassified and released. I don't expect to see #5 happen ever, but still have a glimmer of hope that it might...
  18. So, does anyone else find it "odd" that Hitlery didn't appear in public last night, and didn't make a concession speech last night, LIKE EVERY OTHER CANDIDATE HAS ALWAYS DONE?! I sure hope some hidden-camera video surfaces soon with what really happened to her last night!
  19. I kind of doubt he's even aware of this, but hopefully the R's can slip it in on some other bill next spring...
  20. Trump and Pence just need to be VERY careful that they don't suddenly decide to accidentally "commit suicide" now that they've won...
  21. A Like button is not enough, I want a HUZZAH button! We will have to be wary if Obama's parting shot EO's, though.
  22. I hope you're still enjoying it. I would have bought a .50 BMG a few years ago (just a bolt-action one), but I found there is no place to really shoot one within about 4 or 5 hours of SW OH. I didn't want to buy one just to be a safe-queen, but I'm not driving 4 hours to fire a dozen or so rounds, then go home again.
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