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Everything posted by Juggernaut

  1. Sorry, Mike... (Gotta find the bottom as we have a couple 5 star..) You found the bottom, Juggs. Man! That absolutely sucks!!! I'm leaving it up - precisely because it IS so bad. Reminds me of a Chinese nightclub/whorehouse in Chengdu where the hookers dressed up like Banana Girls, and danced to "Ghost Riders". Seriously weird, and disturbing. Minus -5 stars (will not count toward or against total points as this was posted humorously). ETA, 05-03-15: Just watched it again, and this is a seriously fucked up video. I'm trying to wrap my mind around who thinks up s
  2. Is Shogun Assassin the name of the movie? That has a certain red letter media vibe to it that makes me want to watch it at 3 a.m. There are five shogun assassin films. all adapted/dubbed from the Original Lone Wolf & Cub series of films. the 1st was a combo of Lone wolf & Cub "Swords of Vengeance" & "Baby cart at the river Styx" If ya need a copy, let me know and I can send you one, I have and extra... (Trivia: it's also the movie the daughter in kill bill 2 wants to watch before she goes to bed....)
  3. Carlos Hathcock deserves an epic film as well...
  4. Wish I could find the video as well.. but the audio is still incredible...
  5. His Bride post regular on FB... Normal everyday family stuff..
  6. Look! another aftermarket company comes late to the party... Magpul makes decent stuff... but nothing "revolutionary" here...
  7. GUYS, I COULD UNDERSTAND THIS NEWSWENCH BEING THAT IGNUNT, BUT WHO THE HELL IS THIS "DELTA/SEAL DUDE"? CAN HE PRODUCE A DD214? JUS' SAYIN'........ JESS1344 It was gretchen carlson.. today mid day some time... didn't catch the "operator's" name.. ETA: Found it.. 1:45 http://video.latino.foxnews.com/v/3976218585001/ret-navy-seal-this-was-not-attackers-first-rodeo/
  8. Was watching Fox news.. Anchor Chick says that an AK-47 is NOT an easy weapon to operate.. and the "expert" Delta/SEAL dude she was interviewing, "agreed"... AAAAAAaahahahahahahahahaha!!! more proof that the news makes people stupider...
  9. Well, TJ has had all his scans. Tumor board meets tomorrow and he has his follow up with the Doctors on Monday.. He will also be kicking off his chemo Monday as well....

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      Our prayers are with him, Drew.

    2. 6500rpm


      +1 to Mike's comment. That kid's a fighter. I once had an instructor that instilled the belief in me that "It's no hill for a climber". Tell TJ I'm praying for him to remain strong.

  10. he has the ability to.... it's if he chooses to... it's under Mod preview is all (we have to "approve' prior to you being able to see it) and there are currently zero post awaiting to be approved....
  11. Pauly has the right/ability to post under Mod preview... FWIW... and we have not restricted any of his postings..
  12. Makes you wonder if Kalashnikov wasn't a southpaw himself judging by his design. Looks like he was a righty in soviet russia, everyone is right handed....
  13. Would be hilarious if the kid found his mom's dildo vs the airsoft.... "I just don't feel safe with this in the house"....
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