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Good God, what is wrong with these people?

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Is there not something bizarre about their willingness to fire off accusation after accusation, each contradicting the last? The disaster was caused by the Bush administration's failure to protect the environment from global warming .... no, no, it was caused by the administration's refusal to manipulate the environment by funding more levees to control the Mississippi River .... it's Iraq, no it's budget cuts, no it's wetlands, and on and on and on.


Good God, what is wrong with these people? Will they ever learn to see somebody else's misfortune as something more than their political opportunity?





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I dislike the shrub administration (and  that's using nice family friendly terms) but you are 100% correct.


This particular mess "Ain't" his fault.


I agree. I was listening to both sides today on the radio. The Bushys are saying

the local government is Democratic,and they really dropped the ball.

The left is calling for the presidents head. Yea, if we had all those troops back from Iraq they could have stopped Katrina.

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its EVERYBODYS fault. period. this is what your tax money goes to. this is what is protecting you and I.


I already knew this in the back of my own mind, and that is why I armed myself substantially, and worked out arrangements with everyone I know where to meet up in case of something like this happening in our area after the 9/11 attacks.

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The events in new orleans seem to me to be just the beginning of a new trend in this country. Just a 2 days following a disaster, almost a whole city decays into total anarchy and chaos!!! The "shelter" provided wasnt even secure enough to prevent rapes and murders within in it!!! It's unbelievable, and then every jerk with a camera or mic in front of them concocts some rumor about the republicans intentionally breaching the levee to commit genocide on the mostly poor black communties, or Bush's Iraq not leaving us capable to properly deal with the situation. Or the ridiculous pollution bullshit.



Shits just getting crazy in this country.

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It's just media overkill. Talking heads trying to get you to tune in to their sensationalist stations. Geraldo anyone? Why don't they take a trip to Iraq and ask our troops on the ground what conditions are like for them and what they are experiencing?


I am not trying to minimize what is happening in NO or the gulf coast by any stretch. There is a costly lesson in this for this nation and the government. We need to demand accountability. What is FEMA and Homeland Security for but disaster preparedness.


I can tell you in the business world and in manufacturing in particular OSHA holds you accountable for assessing risk and having viable written disaster plans that can reasonably be excecuted. Some even require dry run drills.


What this has done is educated our enemy about how focking vulnerable we are and we better damn well do something about it before we and it is exploited. Even now as our focus is on Iraq and Katrina victim relief and clean up, and rapidly rising gasoline prices there is a great opportunity for the (terrorist) enemy to exploit the opportunity.


I plan on keeping no less than 1,000 rounds of every caliber of round I use. I am going to reseach and order some MRE's this weekend as well. I'm not paranoid just getting prepared, and if you are smart you will do likewise.


W. :smoke:

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It's the famous "let's pin the blame for our misfortunes on someone else" scenario. :rolleyes:


Can't blame the minorities or poorer classes, they learned it from the rich, liberal Justice system. :rolleyes:


It's the firearms/cigarettes/vehicles (not the drunk driving it)/etc. fault. :angry:

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I too, am looking to buy some more MRE's..I'm looking at Epicenter.com, brigade quartermasters, and safetycentral.com


A good source of water is the 20 gallon office type water cooler jugs with the blue tops..keep 10 of those in the basement, w/ your MRE's and weapons and ammo..and you would be good to go for a while...


Any forum members wanna sound off on good places to get MRE's? we should all start thinking about this, folks...this looks like the SOP for govt response when the shit hits the fan..looks like the goddamn muppet show out there. I'm makin sure me and mine are covered.

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The level of partisan acrimony is the measure of how bad we are being HOSED!

The leadership on the far left, and the leadership on the far right all are cousins, and merely represent different views of how we should be ruled by the uber rich. There in NO ONE in either party that gives a rats ass about anyone with an income of less than 6 figures. The common people just do not represent a signifigant portion of the lobbying and campaign money that controll the levers of power.

That is why the 2nd ammendment is so important. We get the attention of the government only to the extent that is necessary to keep us mad at the OTHER party, and Not mad enough to get "up in arms" about either party.

Don't defend 'shrub' to me, for 3 days he was praising the wonderfull relief effort-untill people got "up in arms", now the effort is "unacceptable". The blame is only partially his-but putting FEMA into the dysfunctional Department of Homeland Insecurity was a large part of the problem, and that IS his fault 100%. The only reason that department was formed was to give a thin veil of legitimacy to the systematic destruction of the unions that represented the employees of the varios government entities that were absorbed into it. The department has done NOTHING to make us safer, they have been in court trying to remove all the vestages of union protection for those employees and generally getting their asses handed to them in court.

The handling of this entire tragedy is criminal. Absolutely nothing has been done since 9-11 to enable emergency communication for relief workers and information

of relief procedures to those who are victims.

There is still no coordinated command and controll,even those who are being evacuated are finding that no one knows who was sent where. Families are torn apart and scattered all over several states- with no way for anyone to find wether their wives/children/husbands/ parents are even alive. This is the information age. There is No excuse.

We need to do all we can to help those in need NOW.

Mid term elections are coming up.We need to throw 100% of those up for election out of office THEN.

In between buy guns and ammo. Disaster can strike anywhere at any time, and you yourself are the only one that you can count on to defend yourself and your loved ones.




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I must admit, that when I heard about the looting, murders, rapes, fights, and fires breaking out all over the place- there was a sick and twisted part of me that wanted to laugh. Not at the Tragedy, or it's victims, but at people who would consider me (and some of the rest of us) crazy, or paranoid for even thinking about stockpiling food, water, medical supplies, guns, ammunition, etc.... JUST IN CASE. Well, this is once again, proof that it can happen.


But aside from that...


Critisizing the president for his handling of the situation is just plain stupid. 9/11 was a cake-walk compared to this. Can you imagine the political reprecussions that would stem from the extreme measures needed to tackle this situation? I'd like to see a shoot-on-sight order for anyone caught looting. As far as man-power goes, we could institute an emergency draft. Supplies? Take now, buy later. The state of Illinois can do it with privately owned land, why not our government with other goods? The victims? How about concentration camps? We don't have to kill them, just put them someplace for a while.


Now, I hope it's clear to everyone that I don't really believe much of what I said in that last paragraph. I'm just trying to get people to think about exactly what would have to be done in order to really clean this mess up. Our president isn't about to do any of those things, regardless of how much you hate him.


If I end up being wrong about that, I'll give Smiley Guy my first day's rations when we're all "detained". ; )


Even if anyone would consider taking such drastic measures, and I think that's unlikely, no one will be willing to spend the money to do it. I'm willing to bet, that's the reason that there wasn't a PLAN for this kind of emergency.


The bottom line is this: There is no way to win this one. All that we can hope for now is damage control. In the end it doesn't matter "who is to blame", if blame can even be reasonably assigned. I'm not convinced that it can.

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IMHO the best thing to do is to live as far away from PEOPLE as possible. Or at least to get away from people when the SHTF.


If we ever get whacked by something catastrophic up here in the mountains, we have the water and food running all over the place. We dont need the fuel or electricity to survive. If our water and wildlife get FUBAR then we are dead anyway. I have no problems eating the non-survivors, its just not something that I want to live through.


Im so glad I wasen't caught up in that mess down there, but I might be in the next mess, or the one after that. The only thing I can do is to get my family away from people and hunt, fish, purify water and make shelter.

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For rations the best cheapest solution would be Banquet home style bakes. Some can be prepared on a stove top or fire pit. Meats are in a can in the box everything is sealed pretty good and they dont taste half bad. If you ration them properly a family of 4 could eat for about 4 $ per meal.

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Is there not something bizarre about their willingness to fire off accusation after accusation, each contradicting the last? The disaster was caused by the Bush administration's failure to protect the environment from global warming .... no, no, it was caused by the administration's refusal to manipulate the environment by funding more levees to control the Mississippi River .... it's Iraq, no it's budget cuts, no it's wetlands, and on and on and on.


Good God, what is wrong with these people? Will they ever learn to see somebody else's misfortune as something more than their political opportunity?






Oh but we all know that the only reason things are still so bad down there is because it happened to a predominately black group of people! If it was all white people then the whole mess would be all cleaned up by now and everyone would be happy and smiling. For the record their are thousands of white people suffering down there too!

I heard that crap yesterday and wanted to puke!! I knew it was coming soon. Lets give all the blacks in the country another reason to hate the evil white govt. and police so they can whine about that for the next hundred years or so! :ded:

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IMHO the best thing to do is to live as far away from PEOPLE as possible. Or at least to get away from people when the SHTF.




I couldnt agree with you more, I'm looking into moving xc to alaska or north into more rural parts of maine, where I live now is far from a city, but I want to be even more secluded.


For the record their are thousands of white people suffering down there too!

I knew it was coming soon. Lets give all the blacks in the country another reason to hate the evil white govt. and police so they can whine about that for the next hundred years or so! :ded:



The worst part of all is that the same people who despise this evil white govt., are mostly dependant on it!!!

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