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ABC News says the operation was planned for months (to grab computer intelligence from Al Queda).


It sounds like they were waiting for us.


Based on what he did while leaving, I would not put it past Barry.


He started dropping land-mines as soon as it looked like Trump would win.


Anyone remember the helicopter that was shot down with two dozen highly trained US Soldiers on board under very strange circumstances?


Shortly after, we were dropping weapons to Al Queda and ISIS in Syria.


Something about this Yemen raid stinks bad.

Edited by Sim_Player
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Leaking intel that causes US casualties? ------  TREASON!  We NEED to execute a few to get through to them.Those who aid our enemies ARE are enemies.

Membership in or affiliation to  the FORMER CGI does not give them immunity from the laws of this Nation.

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I understand that most of the factual information will never be made public.  Good reasons for this.  Curious as to how this will play out.  What interests me is that perhaps there are factions inside our Government who do know the facts in the matter and will make arrangements?


Attach your seat belts firmly.  It is going to be an interesting ride.  Linux Mint 17 American English speelll chzk sucks totally.  How do you spell fastion your seat belts?   How come so many commonly spelt words are not in the horrible Linux spell check dictionary?  It sucks totally.  :(

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Well they started arresting the pedophiles, got a few hundred in CA with thousands more to come nation wide.

People will talk to save their worthless hides.


So maybe we will find out a lot of things before we stake them out on fire ant hills.

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Well, maybe not Obama himself, but he had umpteen Muzzie Bro's in his Cabinet, and now we know that Huma Abedien had Hillary's email on her laptop.


Can we verify all the Muzzies are now out of the White House?

Trump needs to immediately go through the dead wood like a buzzsaw.

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The secrets of a Nation belong to the people of that Nation. To expose them when it is NOT in the best interest of the People is TREASON. To leak Government business for partisan political purposes is especially abhorrent! American FIRST - if you put partisanship before Country, you are a traitor!

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Leakers are traitors.

Leaking to the enemy yes, to the citizens of this country no.


LIke our enemies wouldnt have access to information leaked to the public??

Are you in one of those recreational marijuana states? 


A  leak of classified info is a crime....PERIOD!!!




Anyone who EVER held a security clearance would agree.

When it comes to proper control of classified information, they don't play. Prison is the most likely outcome for the leaker. It's called espionage.

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Leakers are traitors.

Leaking to the enemy yes, to the citizens of this country no.

LIke our enemies wouldnt have access to information leaked to the public??

Are you in one of those recreational marijuana states?


A leak of classified info is a crime....PERIOD!!!



Nope no pot here. Never held a security clearance. Guess i just better listen to what the msm feeds me for propaganda and believe what my masters that know better for me and my family in the government.

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Secrets, it is what got us where we are today ...

Secrets, what also gets us jfk, and the other so called secret societies as well as distrust in the shadows of our own gov.


I get it, but we all know there are those that want to distroy what this country was built on.

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People who never served, never had a clearance, never had a clue about national security, never worked in a national laboratory ect...

May be inclined to think some moron passing classified materials is some kind of  do gooder .


In fact, lives are lost and our country is put at risk every time.



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People who never served, never had a clearance, never had a clue about national security, never worked in a national laboratory ect...

May be inclined to think some moron passing classified materials is some kind of do gooder .


In fact, lives are lost and our country is put at risk every time.



I didnt get a chance to serve, medical issues.

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Fact is, only a few people out of tens of thousands are privy to national secrets and with good reason.

The very few that betray this responsibility face the most dire of consequences again with good reason.


The general population is far too ignorant of the worlds realities and too irresponsible to be informed or trusted with state secrets.

The simplest of things can have huge repercussions, as in this thread a soldier gave his life and who knows what else was lost.

In the long run there is no measurement of what could have been.


Whomever leaked this op should face the death penalty.



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I do not think any one is supporting the idea of revealing lawful operational details.

The problem, as is always the case, occurs when policy and entire theater operations are marked secret to cover up the wrongness and corruption, which is both illegal in most cases and unlawful in principle. I doubt the American people would have supported the overthrow of various governments by the CIA had it not been able to keep such hidden.

From that we get the worst of HRC and company hiding corruption. 


As long as the "betters" at .gov have the excuse of treating the people that make up this nation like children this must continue, it can do nothing else.

If they are ignorant it is by design of those "betters" and thus the circular reasoning occurs that leads us where we find ourselves.

The entirety of it is not defensible.

If we must have either complete disclosure or total secrecy then disclosure is the only choice. And yes that would be foolish yet far better than the alternative.

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Fact is, only a few people out of tens of thousands are privy to national secrets and with good reason.

The very few that betray this responsibility face the most dire of consequences again with good reason.




Like running for President? Fortunately for some of us, she lost.

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