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Everything posted by DonaldDuck

  1. Are you shittin' me? People actually believe the media all of a sudden? Not to mention this rhetoric is coming from supposed constitutionalists? Where does the constitution outline that we need to wage wars of aggression to advance the agenda of the owners of the world central banking system, of which our Federal Reserve is part? Yeah... It's not about bringing N. Korea into the fold of the Rothschild central banking system or anything. How the hell are you guys so gullible? I bet half of you call yourselves libertarians and think we should end the fed too, huh? We're beating the war drums t
  2. Actually, it is. Ever feel giddy and just want to poke the hornet's nest, then come back in a day or two to see how it developed. AR vs AK and a few other subjects are sure-fire wins in that regard.
  3. So... How do you like paying a buck per round??? 7.62x39 AKs WIN the endless AK vs AR debate!!!!!
  4. God Bless Ah-mer-kah... Cuz nothing says "Freedom & Liberty" like training to kill mothers on playgrounds, schoolgirls in crosswalks, and grandma while she's bakin' cookies! http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/02/dhs-supplier-sells-targets-of-american-gun-owners/

  5. why should he do that? his metal stock is 135 bucks, DPH stocks are 70 bucks plus shipping (CSS), they both are virtually the same, the DPH one is a lot more affordable . I could fuck a fat chick, or a hottie.Both pussies are wet, but one gets me off more. YMMV. Beauty is, after all, in the eye of the beholder.
  6. The problem can be fixed:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DonaldDuck


      .... middle man, ie-the privately owned federal reserve central bank.

    3. DonaldDuck



      That's what I said, tally sticks worked too. How are you going to convince the bankers to give up the system?



      Shoot them if needed.

      Their violation of our Sovereignty is treason, therefore it's called for.


      Let the elected watch, then they'll change their tune.

    4. Dad2142Dad


      Not gonna happen, people are too comfortable being batteries in the matrix

  7. My personal favorite is the Tromix with 1" limbsaver, and PUSH BUTTON folder. Practicality is up to your possible uses.... If there's any possible situation that can run through your mind where you may think it would be beneficial to conceal a shotgun, such as under a long coat or in a duffle bag, a folder would be advantageous. That pushbutton is very easy to operate and I find it a better design than the standard. I have found the Tromix with 1" limbsaver to be infinitely more comfortable than a standard Warsaw. Now if you're feeling rich and want to be the cool kid on the block, I
  8. A classy little Mexican guy with a big case of short man's syndrome, who feloniously disgraced his uniform by defrauding the police department that he at one time worked for with what a jury found was a phony workman's comp claim, then became an "oops I got caught," crying christian to be able to get back to making a profit telling people how much of a warrior he is & they can be too.... If they just pay him.Dude's as fake as a 3 dollar bill from my dealings with him. He used to be all about the S-12. Even had a section in his warrior world specifically dedicated to it... Wonder what
  9. So, which one of you Soup-Kitchen dependent "Swamp-People" pissed in Gabe Suarez's cheerios & when? http://www.warriorta...884#post1351884 Fuckin' hillary-ass.
  10. Hope not. But at the very least, with adding in all the other weird on-goings in the country & the world, I can imagine another ammo issue like when the Obama got elected in the first place... This story is just starting to circulate as of yesterday. Right now, ammo's about as cheap as it's going to get, accounting for inflation thanks to debt monetization & quantitative easing, so IMO, we can't go wrong. I got caught off-guard last time. Not gonna happen again. Call me paranoid. I suppose, that's why I own firearms.
  11. Don't wanna be a Chicken little... But.. Buy Ammo. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-18269837 http://uk.news.yahoo.com/world-ammunition-trade-tops-4-billion-aid-group-220032473.html http://disarmament.un.org/treaties/ Yeah, yeah... The Obama will never sign it... Just like he vetoed the indefinite US citizen detention without charge clauses of the NDAA... Uhhh... Nevermind.
  12. If you want the absolute bar-none best looking, that won't leave you looking foolish as the gun jams, get a mil-spec Russian 8. Yeah, they're pricey, but they're not just a range toy.
  13. Oh snap, a pop rivet? Shameless. Dammmnnnn u saying I got screwed again? They r small Alan screws. SOB I need Kevlar pants Nah... He was commenting on the Pop-rivet used to hold your old trigger guard on in this picture, not the Tromix DIY Tg you have now.. You're set up well with your current trigger guard. It's a good unit. I love the Kevlar Pants bit. I'll have to add that one to my repertoire..
  14. Yeah, Hitler only managed to kill under 20 million People. Stalin managed an estimated 40 million. Be gone now.....
  15. Until something as cool as a drum comes out for it, it'll never take off because it's just another semi-auto shotgun. The drums are what made the S-12 special.
  16. Pick your battles wisely. If you're Johnny-Clean-Hands & you're down for a meaningless crusade, go for it. If you enjoy flying under the radar & doing what you damn well please without being pulled over every time you drive after dark & you live in a small town, don't. Me, I'm not a rat. I don't rat on anybody, cop or citizen. It's just not the tradition I was raised under.
  17. Valid point. ETA; Oh yeah, & guys... Gunsmoke's daughter really isn't all that hot. I mean, I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers, but she looks a little goofy. YMMV
  18. Yeah, but you all forget, discovery is basic cable. You don't even need a box for it. The only reason half the people who don't pay to get indoctrinated by TV have it is because it's free with the internet. Discovery is barely a step above network TV. At least it's half way interesting, but they're still targeting the general public. I say more power to them. The more joe-idiot identifies with people in the gun industry & see that normal respectable people own pretty neat guns & it's not just whack job paranoid Dale Gribble types the more mainstream our bad-ass toys become. Th
  19. I really don't get it. What do you people expect to see in a firearms show on network TV? One side complains that Will looks like he just walked in after a 3 day bender & doesn't give enough attention to technical aspects but just ties guns together. The other side complains that this new guy is a slick salesman type & ignores the fact that they can make shit from raw steel. Both shops are very capable. Do you all really expect them to go in depth on how to program a CNC? How many of you watch CSPAN? That's about how much of a target audience that the purely technical s
  20. I agree whole heartily with you on the first half, but must disagree with the second half to an extent. The police serve a good purpose in an investigatory role & some truly do need them. I don't like their revanue collection activities, but you simply cannot convincingly argue that they're completely useless. Think of the weak. My girl for instance. She's so sweet & seriously, without some major traumatic event happening to change her personality first, she really could not hurt anybody. It's just not in her. I love that about her & would never want to see that change
  21. Yeah, the reason is that privacy is a right, and that electronic communication's increased capabilities are regularly abused by governments and private entities around the world. Anyone who teaches their child to use a web browser should very well teach their child that there are risks and consequences to what they can do on the internet and that there are things they can do to protect their god-given rights. Suggesting anything else to a child is promoting ignorance, handicapping them, and just about the same as telling them libraries are off limits because they might read about methamphetimi
  22. Nice OP... One thing though... Has it occurred to anybody that there's a reason the deep web is hidden? This thread is a road map to any member's kids to be able to order LSD or "whatever else" online. The deep web is nothing new. It's been around as long, or actually longer than the surface web. The phreaks from the 80's laid the foundation for it. It's not all bad. It's about privacy. There's many useful aspects of it & governments use it frequently. Spies can carry around browsers on flash-drives to communicate with their handlers. The objective was privacy &a
  23. The Twister puc is a perfect example of a decent idea being brought into fruition with a complete disregard for engineering. The helical grooves allow gas to blow right by & there's only 1 pressure ring, that's too big & cut incorrectly to work right. The rings in a puck allow high pressure gasses to vortex in them creating a high-pressure seal & centering the puck in the gas chamber. This cannot take place with the twister. Buy the twister if you're over-gassed if anything, but if you're having cycling issues, get rid of it. Unfortunately, it's reported to be made o
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