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Everything posted by Dad2142Dad

  1. Good on you to try and provide for the grandkids. I would not give them college. To many friends had to work beyond retirement age to foot the bill, only to have the kid not even use the degree. They need to earn their way in order to respect what they get and have. I will provide for my grandkids, but they'll have to wait until 30 something to get it...... Still stands what I said in my previous post
  2. But those are barbarians, we are much more civilized today and don't have to have stones or leaders anymore...........
  3. I wouldn't give up either one, let them have something else first. Keep the Saigas till you die, and will them to only the most deserving
  4. MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry says term 'hard worker' demeans slaves' experience http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2015/10/27/msnbc-host-melissa-harris-perry-says-term-hard-worker-connotes-slavery/ Demeans slaves? Ya dumb bitch come work with me and you'll run off crying after an hour. Please what ever being or deity in charge, clean the gene pool.........
  5. Just shoot the bitch and save us some tax dollars..... Oh wait we can't do that now...... OSU homecoming parade crash suspect's lawyer says she may have mental illness http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/10/25/woman-accused-causing-deadly-osu-homecoming-parade-wreck-not-alcoholic-father/ The ultimate out......
  6. 120k, Audi A4 Cab. Runs like a champ, good gas milage and gets out of its own way. And just fuckng fun to drive.......
  7. Old school, many things in history still make sense today. Many things have been lost or forgotten as well. For a mass produced gun, the 10/22 has to be right up there in accuracy. Deeps are Derps though
  8. Comedy is so under rated these days. Actually PC is killing it. But we should be PC here right?
  9. And then we got the big bummer who imported them all...... Dad2142Dad, 10/23/2015
  10. See what happens when liberals are in charge? Canada just turned that way.......
  11. A new poll shows The National Rifle Association is more popular than the Democratic party's two most prominent members, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Poll: NRA more popular than Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/10/22/poll-nra-more-popular-than-barack-obama-and-hillary-clinton/ Go figure
  12. Their baacck! http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-deploys-ground-attack-a-10-planes-to-turkey/ar-AAfFfxv?li=AAa0dzB Hopefully they plan on using depleted uranium rounds! Light them goat herders fuckers up
  13. Old email http://mic.com/articles/123049/19-years-after-passing-strict-gun-control-laws-here-s-what-happened-in-australia While it is possible, I doubt an outright ban in the US would fly. But we are creeping closer to critical mass
  14. If she takes her teeth out, maybe. Only if you pump her ass first, might improve her breath after......
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