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It's like I told my friend. If you get someone playing the Blue side expect the 1st, 2nd, and 10th amendments to be raped beyond belief. Being the "blue side" they will control the people in the names of social well being.


And if we got the Red player expect the 4th, 5th, and 10th. They control the people in the name of national security.


So far with failbama I have been right.

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Liberalism is a form of mental illness, particularly in extreme cases. It involves the almost total denial of logic and reason and works strictly from an emotional level. That is why you can not have

Only the good ones...

What if you haven't liked the last 100 years? Or maybe the last 170 years since Lincoln started a war causing 600k Americans to die and create a firm grip on central government? You can't deny that i

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Here's a little history lesson... While the liberal elite would like to paint the NAZI's as heartless fascists, they were in fact dedicated socialists, opposed to a multi party system, and convinced that THEY knew better than ANYONE what was best for the world. They squashed free speech, eliminated opposing political parties, disarmed the population, and assumed the position of arbiters of who was worthy of life, and who needed to die.


Sound familiar?


Goddam right - it sounds EXACTLY like the last 8 years!


Not exactly - but close. How quickly some forget. I assume you voted for "Change". Hope you like it.



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I have a liberal friend that is unhappy with my now for almost the same reasons. They can't seem to understand that I believe in the constitution. I took umbrage with bush and some things he pulled. I can't stand what I am seeing now. They can't understand I want all things equal where the same rules apply to everyone. No special classes of people, no hate crimes no hand outs because of historical issues. That has gotten me called a fan of draconian justice system. Liberal have a few things that seem to apply to them. Ask them to explain something you often get something along the lines of I feel.... instead of I think this. Group think. Some are smarter than everyone else so they must lead and everyone must look to them for everything, clothing, food, health care etc. They don't trust people instead they trust the government. I don't understand that. Most of the government is made up of bureaucrats and they look for reasons not to do their job. They give little of their money to causes but oh that should be paid for by the government They view making a profit as evil unless you donate to something.


With all of this I have never seen this country more polarized and neither have my parents. The Chinese have a curse "May you live in interesting times" well I think we are in interesting times. Like one person posted, it is like politics have become a religion to them. So to question policy is to question canon.

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It's a shame to hear that your friend let their political beliefs get in the way of your friendship... c'est la vie!


It may be useful to point out that the supreme leader promised change, and boy are things changing! At least one political promise has been fulfilled thus far...


Incidentally, the annointed one didn't necessarily promise good change, he only promised CHANGE.


Change is what we are enduring currently.


Also incidentally, Hitler also promised change.


Still, I'm sorry to hear that you lost a friend... If they're a real friend, they'll be back.

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Here's a little history lesson... While the liberal elite would like to paint the NAZI's as heartless fascists, they were in fact dedicated socialists, opposed to a multi party system, and convinced that THEY knew better than ANYONE what was best for the world. They squashed free speech, eliminated opposing political parties, disarmed the population, and assumed the position of arbiters of who was worthy of life, and who needed to die.


Sound familiar?


Goddam right - it sounds EXACTLY like the last 8 years!


Can you give me one example where president Bush told a protester of any sort to shut up? I think you would be even hard pressed to find a fringe Republican who told protester to shut up. Can you name any republican regulations, policy, or legislation the was implemented or proposed in the last 8 years to limit free speech? How about Department of homeland security briefing labeling average Americans as terrorist for protesting and owning guns? Wops, that was president Obama, I forgot we where talking about the last 8 years and that everything that democrats do is as pure as the driven snow.


You may think that the above make me a Bush supporter. Let me assure you my support is limited for anyone who drive up the deficit, builds massive government programs, and is a democrat light. I just get tired of people accusing him of stuff he never did.


People keep tossing fascism and president Bush together hear is a definition.

fascism - A political regime, usually totalitarian, ideologically based on centralized government, government control of business, repression of criticism or opposition, a leader cult and exalting the state and/or religion above individual rights. :smoke:



Good post. Well said. In their extreme forms, socialism and fascism look an awful lot alike. More than anything else, what they share in common are the subordination and subjugation of the rights of the individual to the authority and sovereinty of the state.


Unless you just got off the boat, your forefathers came to this country for a better life, and to live in a place where the rights of the individual are equal to or greater than the rights of the state.


The shrill response regarding the last eight years misses the point. "The last eight years" is the battle (surrender) cry of everyone who voted in socialism, without giving due consideration to the consequences.


Personally, unless our current CIC manages to have himself installed as dictator - ala Hugo Chavez, I don't think he will be elected to a second term. That being said - If you didn't like the LAST eight years, hold on to your ass, because the next three and a half are likely to be even more unpleasant for those who cherish free speech, and individual rights.


By the way "Nationalsozialisten" or NAZI is a German nickname for the NDSAP or "National German Socialist Workers Party".


Cash for clunkers anyone?



Edited by WaffenSchmied
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That being said - If you didn't like the LAST eight years, hold on to your ass, because the next three and a half are likely to be even more unpleasant for those who cherish free speech, and individual rights.


By the way "Nationalsozialisten" or NAZI is a German nickname for the NDSAP or "National German Socialist Workers Party".


Cash for clunkers anyone?




What if you haven't liked the last 100 years? Or maybe the last 170 years since Lincoln started a war causing 600k Americans to die and create a firm grip on central government? You can't deny that in during Bush's term there was an abuse of federal power in the name of National Security. There were a lot of things that Bush and both the Republican and Liberal Congresses pushed through that violated the Constitution and 10th amendment. However, when you look at it the same can be said for just about every president dating all the way back to Wilson who stripped Congress from the power to regulate money and setup income tax on a permanent basis. Income taxation used to be used only during wartime, and only Congress declared wartime at that.


I am not saying that Bush is the only bad guy at all here. IMO the whole fucking system is corrupt and the American People are having their beliefs played while those you believe are Republicans and Democrats sit there and all pass the same right stealing legislation. You don't even have to look back into the 1900's to see that. Look at HW Bush, then Clinton, Then W Bush, and now Obama. The Red player comes in and passes unconstitutional laws that revoke your rights as if you were a threat, this makes people hate him, so a Blue player gets voted in who comes and keeps all the same laws the Red player had and then passes unconstitutional laws in the name of "the greater good" and the cycle just goes on and on.

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camon wrote: "IMO the whole fucking system is corrupt"


+1 Well said. Politicians of both hues have increasingly stripped the states of their sovereign rights in favor of a more totalitarian federal government. Some believe it started with Lincoln and the War Between the States, others say FDR and the New Deal and still others want to blame GW and The War on Terror. My opinion (worth exactly $0.02), is that it started the day the Articles of Confederation were voted down in favor of our current Constitution. Don't get me wrong, I've sworn to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, and I take this oath seriously. But just because it's the best system we've got doesn't make it perfect. You guys will probably laugh, but The Redneck Manifesto, by Jim Goad, is a great book about how politicians and the rest of the American aristocracy keep the poorer classes at each others' throats to enhance their own tenuous power base in our "democracy." I know it sounds Unabomberish (not a real word), but it is not. I learned that as poor white trash (the descendant of an indentured servant) I have as much to be angry about as other more publicized cases of oppression. Check it out: Redneck Manifesto (See Table of Contents. "Chapter One: White Niggers Have Feelings Too.")





Edited by Sapper
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Democrats seem to have gone slightly left of statist, as republicans are a fair bit right of statist. They both want big government, it's just that the democrats want REALLLLLLLY big government. They both suck ass and we need somebody that believes in the constitution and not their bank account.

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Democrats seem to have gone slightly left of statist, as republicans are a fair bit right of statist. They both want big government, it's just that the democrats want REALLLLLLLY big government. They both suck ass and we need somebody that believes in the constitution and not their bank account.


Hence the reason that I am an anarchist. Fuck leadership.


It is human nature to be a power grabber, nothing is ever going to change that. The fix is to impose strong penalties for those who wander from the path so that bending the system is no longer a tempting thought. We trust elected leaders to use their power responsibly and for the good of the people. The moment they use that power for self-gain: off with the head.

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Let's see, the Far Right Conservatives hate my Faith(Pre Christian North European), the Far Left Liberals hate my OBLIGATION to defend my Faith/Life/Property/etc. Both want me to kneel to their version of the Devine, Hel I don't even kneel to my own!


What the hel ever happened to Moderate America? Perhaps we should get extreme ourselves and set up Death Camps for the other two extremes. What's that saying, "Common Sence ain't so common and has little of nothing to do with poitics".


Lifa Rettur og Deyja Vel,



PS- sorry about the vent, thanks.

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Let's see, the Far Right Conservatives hate my Faith(Pre Christian North European), the Far Left Liberals hate my OBLIGATION to defend my Faith/Life/Property/etc. Both want me to kneel to their version of the Devine, Hel I don't even kneel to my own!


What the hel ever happened to Moderate America? Perhaps we should get extreme ourselves and set up Death Camps for the other two extremes. What's that saying, "Common Sence ain't so common and has little of nothing to do with poitics".


Lifa Rettur og Deyja Vel,



PS- sorry about the vent, thanks.


:D looks like the board has at least two of us practicing the faith. :)

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A lot of skinheads subscribe to some of those Norse religions, from what I understand.


Some of that Nordic black metal is pretty sweet. I took a Viking Lit class in college, I wanted to right a paper on the anti-Christian sentiment in black metal, and tie it back to the viking conversion to Christianity, and subsequent loss of their culture.

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Heilsa kinsman!


Me, I'm a Tyrsman with close ties to Volund and a few others. Odin and I have a sort of distant relationship, lol.


You gotta watch the "Skinhead/Nazi" thing, many of them(imho) are in fact NOT Polytheistic but Monotheists in disguise, honoring Odin(or some other) as the "one and only". As Polys, we can acknowledge other dieties, even honor them if the need is there, but we tend to honor our own ancestrial dieties. We can look at others faiths and say... "Hey, cool stories, but these are ours." We tend to look at ancestry beyond the last 1500 yrs. Keep in mind, I'm useing "we" meaning those that I know personally. I cannot speak for all Heathens, Polys, Etc. As Zen pointed out, there's alot of variety in all faiths.


Lifa Rettur og Deyja Vel,



PS- Did not mean to hijack your thread, If your Liberal friend is a tru friend, She'll be back. If not, You're better off.

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Do you guys worship Thor or some shit?




OK I wasn't gonna say anything, but this thread contains all kinds of WIN. We have conparisons of Obama's centrist politics to nazis, Thor worship, The occational anarchist, and last but not least skinhead religion! Fan-fucking-tastic! This is without a doubt the oddest thread of the year; all I need to achieve a full saiga-12 orgasim is a BobaDebt comment.






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The only thing more closed-minded than a liberal is a liberal woman. It's no secret that once a woman has made up her mind, that's the end of it. Combine that with closed-minded liberalism and it's pretty easy to see where that road leads.



Liberalism is a form of mental illness, particularly in extreme cases. It involves the almost total denial of logic and reason and works strictly from an emotional level. That is why you can not have a debate where logic and reason has any meaning with them. These types of people flock to anyone that claims that they can make everything alright, no matter how ridiculous the claim is! That is why the Democratic party is loaded with them, not that the Republicans do not have their share of loonies, they just tend to go in another direction.


I had a liberal girl friend and one time at a dinner at her parents' house she told me "my aunt is a super liberal, don't say these things in front of her". I answered her that if she is so liberal she should be liberal enough to her my side instead of living in a dream world. But liberalism is a mental illness where the power hungry want to impose their idiotic ideology on us. They are the biggest closed minded fascists around who try to shut you up when they don't agree with what you say. They will listen to the most extreme leftist and Islamic fascist but G-d forbid that they listen to conservatives unless they mock them.


One time someone at their house said "what kind of Jews would own guns?" and I said that I do and they tried to make excused for me and I vehemently stated that it's the Second Amendment which gives us the right to bear arms. They wouldn't hear of that and I finally told them they don't know WTF they are talking about.


They are the most pseudo intellectual elitist asshat idiots who march in goose steps with every leftist power grab unless it affects their livelihood. Her father was a doctor and did not want national socialist Hitlery care which would cut into his income. It felt good to get rid of her and her anti gun sentiment.


Jewish liberals are also idiots who don't see that Judaism and liberalism are diametrically opposed ideologies.

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I had a liberal girl friend and one time at a dinner at her parents' house she told me "my aunt is a super liberal, don't say these things in front of her". I answered her that if she is so liberal she should be liberal enough to her my side instead of living in a dream world. But liberalism is a mental illness where the power hungry want to impose their idiotic ideology on us. They are the biggest closed minded fascists around who try to shut you up when they don't agree with what you say. They will listen to the most extreme leftist and Islamic fascist but G-d forbid that they listen to conservatives unless they mock them.


One time someone at their house said "what kind of Jews would own guns?" and I said that I do and they tried to make excused for me and I vehemently stated that it's the Second Amendment which gives us the right to bear arms. They wouldn't hear of that and I finally told them they don't know WTF they are talking about.


They are the most pseudo intellectual elitist asshat idiots who march in goose steps with every leftist power grab unless it affects their livelihood. Her father was a doctor and did not want national socialist Hitlery care which would cut into his income. It felt good to get rid of her and her anti gun sentiment.


Jewish liberals are also idiots who don't see that Judaism and liberalism are diametrically opposed ideologies.


Actually, the Second Amendment does not give you the right to do a goddamned thing. When you were born, you possessed the right to bear arms. The right to self-defense is a right that all men share, regardless of their race or nationality. Foreign laws may prohibit the possession of arms, but the Constitution is a contract that states that the U.S. government will never infringe these rights.


And at great peril of being called an anti-semetic... I have noticed that most of the jewish folk we have in government ARE liberals, and they are usually the ones responsible for anti-gun legislation. Going by your above statement, this would also make them idiots. Well, we already know that liberals are idiots so I am not sure why you felt the need to specifically call out the jewish ones, but oh well.

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...And at great peril of being called an anti-semetic... I have noticed that most of the jewish folk we have in government ARE liberals, and they are usually the ones responsible for anti-gun legislation. Going by your above statement, this would also make them idiots. Well, we already know that liberals are idiots so I am not sure why you felt the need to specifically call out the jewish ones, but oh well.


It probably has something to do with the fact that the Holocaust didn't happen that long ago.. and one of the first things that the fascist government responsible did after coming to power was to ban private ownership of firearms.

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If she's really a liberal, then was she really a friend? So, did you really loose anything?


I have "acquaintances" that are extremely liberal/anti-gun and I would never consider them actual friends. It's not very "friendly" to want to shove your way of think down my throat. Nor is it "friendly" to want take away my guns/gun rights. Not only are guns my favorite hobby, but that would be infringing on the first right of nature, the right to self defense. I don't wholly agree with conservatives, either. Very few things are "black and white" and I think you have to be narrow minded to "pick a side." Just like organized religion, but I won't get started on that . . .

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The only thing more closed-minded than a liberal is a liberal woman. It's no secret that once a woman has made up her mind, that's the end of it. Combine that with closed-minded liberalism and it's pretty easy to see where that road leads.



Liberalism is a form of mental illness, particularly in extreme cases. It involves the almost total denial of logic and reason and works strictly from an emotional level. That is why you can not have a debate where logic and reason has any meaning with them. These types of people flock to anyone that claims that they can make everything alright, no matter how ridiculous the claim is! That is why the Democratic party is loaded with them, not that the Republicans do not have their share of loonies, they just tend to go in another direction.


I had a liberal girl friend and one time at a dinner at her parents' house she told me "my aunt is a super liberal, don't say these things in front of her". I answered her that if she is so liberal she should be liberal enough to her my side instead of living in a dream world. But liberalism is a mental illness where the power hungry want to impose their idiotic ideology on us. They are the biggest closed minded fascists around who try to shut you up when they don't agree with what you say. They will listen to the most extreme leftist and Islamic fascist but G-d forbid that they listen to conservatives unless they mock them.


One time someone at their house said "what kind of Jews would own guns?" and I said that I do and they tried to make excused for me and I vehemently stated that it's the Second Amendment which gives us the right to bear arms. They wouldn't hear of that and I finally told them they don't know WTF they are talking about.


They are the most pseudo intellectual elitist asshat idiots who march in goose steps with every leftist power grab unless it affects their livelihood. Her father was a doctor and did not want national socialist Hitlery care which would cut into his income. It felt good to get rid of her and her anti gun sentiment.


Jewish liberals are also idiots who don't see that Judaism and liberalism are diametrically opposed ideologies.


"One time someone at their house said "what kind of Jews would own guns?"


The next time someone is foolish enough to pose that question to you, be sure to direct them to the nearest Israeli, who will be happy to bitch slap them until common sense returns.


In Israel practically every household has a firearm at the ready, but then they've had a bit of experience with people who would take away their rights at gunpoint.


Not all jews are liberals - just wait a bit and watch what happens to Iran's nuclear program.


Got popcorn? :smoke:



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"One time someone at their house said "what kind of Jews would own guns?"


The next time someone is foolish enough to pose that question to you, be sure to direct them to the nearest Israeli, who will be happy to bitch slap them until common sense returns.


In Israel practically every household has a firearm at the ready, but then they've had a bit of experience with people who would take away their rights at gunpoint.


Not all jews are liberals - just wait a bit and watch what happens to Iran's nuclear program.


Got popcorn? :smoke:




I for one feel that the nuclear non-proliferation tactics employed by the U.S. are partly responsible for the anti-U.S. sentiment worldwide.


Nukes are bad, I agree. They are like the machineguns of the bomb world. The U.S., however, would never think about laying down her nukes completely. The U.S. is entitled to self defense, afterall.


Since many nations are "of the people" such as ours, a nation's right to defense is the people's right to defense. Our very own papers state that every man was created equal and thus has the right to bear arms for defense. In the case of nations, non-nuclear weapons might as well not exist... they are ineffective. Bringing a conventional warhead to a nuke fight is like defending yourself against the U.S. military with a Mosin Nagant.


This situation is exacerbated by the U.S. track record of letting her allies crank out nukes left and right, but she'll fucking throw a hissy fit the moment an opponent or potential opponent starts to develop nukes. So much for equality and "all men are created equal".


The proper stance, again in my opinion, is to allow other nations to pursue nuclear programs, both peaceful and otherwise. If the nation proves to be irresponsible, well, her people will pay the price.


Sure you can ban nukes altogether (just like a gun-ban in the U.S.), but then only outlaw nations will have nukes. This, of course, is made more complex if the U.S. herself agrees to a nuke ban because, well... how do you fight a renegade nation which has nukes if you yourself do not have them?


To be perfectly honest and blunt, I am sick of the hypocritical nature of U.S. foreign policy. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) just recently (this past Sunday) called upon Israel to open it's nuclear facilities to IAEA inspection and to adhere to the non-proliferation treaty. The chief Israeli delegate openly stated "Israel will not co-operate in any matter with this resolution."


This resolution was 18 years in the making. Because of resistance from Washington, Israel has gotten a stay far too many times. We shall see how the U.S. responds to the matter this time around now that the IAEA has grown a pair...

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This is my first post here. I have been looking around since I just purchased a .223 Saiga. But anyway, I am an RN and I do not know not one single RN or Physician at my hospital "which is the 2nd largest in Alabama" that is onboard with Healthcare Reform. I even started going to this website: http://allnurses.com/ lately for some advice on a few things and only found Libtard rhetoric. The Mods delete Conservative posts and just have a few UK and Canadian nurses putting there 2 cents in on hew good there healthcare system is. We "healthcare workers" are being stabbed in the back. I haven't figured out if these people are simply too dumb to understand or they are just too emotional to make rational decisions. My wife is from Europe and her sister lives in Italy. They both can tell you how f'ed up there healthcare system is. But back to this website http://allnurses.com/ I can't decide if it is an extention of the gubment misinformation campaigne or what. Anyway, I am too tired to type anymore b/c I have been providing TOP NOTCH critical cardiac care for illegal immigrants and indigent care patients all day. BTW, I am not BSing about that either.


jdub, CCRN

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Do you guys worship Thor or some shit?




OK I wasn't gonna say anything, but this thread contains all kinds of WIN. We have conparisons of Obama's centrist politics to nazis, Thor worship, The occational anarchist, and last but not least skinhead religion! Fan-fucking-tastic! This is without a doubt the oddest thread of the year; all I need to achieve a full saiga-12 orgasim is a BobaDebt comment.







I got a little kick out of it too. Then you chimed in and claimed that Obama is a centrist, that is also amusing. Obama is one of the most liberal presidents to date, care to prove me wrong?

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"One time someone at their house said "what kind of Jews would own guns?"


The next time someone is foolish enough to pose that question to you, be sure to direct them to the nearest Israeli, who will be happy to bitch slap them until common sense returns.


In Israel practically every household has a firearm at the ready, but then they've had a bit of experience with people who would take away their rights at gunpoint.


Not all jews are liberals - just wait a bit and watch what happens to Iran's nuclear program.


Got popcorn? :smoke:




I for one feel that the nuclear non-proliferation tactics employed by the U.S. are partly responsible for the anti-U.S. sentiment worldwide.


Nukes are bad, I agree. They are like the machineguns of the bomb world. The U.S., however, would never think about laying down her nukes completely. The U.S. is entitled to self defense, afterall.


Since many nations are "of the people" such as ours, a nation's right to defense is the people's right to defense. Our very own papers state that every man was created equal and thus has the right to bear arms for defense. In the case of nations, non-nuclear weapons might as well not exist... they are ineffective. Bringing a conventional warhead to a nuke fight is like defending yourself against the U.S. military with a Mosin Nagant.


This situation is exacerbated by the U.S. track record of letting her allies crank out nukes left and right, but she'll fucking throw a hissy fit the moment an opponent or potential opponent starts to develop nukes. So much for equality and "all men are created equal".


The proper stance, again in my opinion, is to allow other nations to pursue nuclear programs, both peaceful and otherwise. If the nation proves to be irresponsible, well, her people will pay the price.


Sure you can ban nukes altogether (just like a gun-ban in the U.S.), but then only outlaw nations will have nukes. This, of course, is made more complex if the U.S. herself agrees to a nuke ban because, well... how do you fight a renegade nation which has nukes if you yourself do not have them?


To be perfectly honest and blunt, I am sick of the hypocritical nature of U.S. foreign policy. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) just recently (this past Sunday) called upon Israel to open it's nuclear facilities to IAEA inspection and to adhere to the non-proliferation treaty. The chief Israeli delegate openly stated "Israel will not co-operate in any matter with this resolution."


This resolution was 18 years in the making. Because of resistance from Washington, Israel has gotten a stay far too many times. We shall see how the U.S. responds to the matter this time around now that the IAEA has grown a pair...


Good post, but I think you missed my point. Being born into the Jewish community does not mean that one is genetically liberal.


As far as Israel and the appropriateness of its nuclear behavior is concerned, we can discuss the issue ad nauseum but it won't change reality.


Whatever you may think of the Iraelis, they are not going to play diplomacy games whith a madman who points nuclear missiles at them with every intention of annihilating the entire nation of Isael.


Unless Ahmadinajad's regime is brought down from within (and Mossad appears to be doing a very good job), we are going to wake up one morning, and learn that Iran's nuclear program has been bombed into the stone age.


Got popcorn? :smoke:



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I was going to post this as a blog but it looks like that is a feature that has to be authorized. So I am going to post it in a forum instead.


I just lost a long term friendship over this heath care stuff. This is why I hate liberals. She think that the only way to take care of people who are in a bad state or down on their luck is to go to government only heath care. She says I am an uncaring ass. When I said that I am very concerned about the people who will fall into the “cheaper when dead” category or the $600 billion to be taken from medicare, she kicked me out of her friends list and told me to shut the f*** up.


She is very free with the F*** word. I am not sure but I think she feels it gives her some power when her arguments fall flat. That is the other thing I don't like about liberals. They argue everything from how it makes them feel. It does not matter what the facts are or how many people may get killed because of arguments based on feelings. If they feel better about it then they have done something good. The pile of dead bodies is of no importance. The wrecking ball taken to liberty and freedom does not matter. She may care when the death camps start to open and when they come to kill people like me. By then it will be too late, I fear, for all of us. :ded:


You gave everyone a -1 for not giving you advice on this. OK, here it is. Fuck her, and the horse she rode in on. Shame on her for letting politics interfere with your friendship, and thank your maker that she has revealed herself for the shallow piece of shit she is. Not because she is liberal, but because your friendship is strictly one sided, and she isn't worth the energy you have put into grieving the loss of the relationship.


Here's my advice. Find friends who love and accept you for who you are, and could give a flying fuck what your politics are.


Tough love disclaimer: As far as choosing to hang with professed liberal types goes, if you choose to lie down with dogs, you're going to get fleas.


Let this be a lesson to you!


Your friend,



Edited by WaffenSchmied
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